similar to: Simple summary question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Simple summary question"

2002 Feb 14
Advice on using barplot
Greetings- I'm venturing into a new (for me) area of using R: some presentation graphics based on R data. I'd like to compare two distributions of ordinal variables in relatively small (N=203 and 207) subsets of an R dataset. I can get a reasonably good picture of the distributions' differences with: x11() plot(table(hcd.df$auth.sum[hcd.df$datecat==1]),
2002 Feb 19
Smoothed lines over barplots
Greetings. I'd like to generate a graph that displays two distributions as side-by-side bar graphs, then plots a smoothed line of the distribution on top. The idea is to be able to visually compare the distributions. I've done the following, but the axes don't line up. Any suggestions? barplot(table(hcd.df$datecat, hcd.df$auth.sum), beside=TRUE,
2002 Jan 15
Getting started with R
I've got a background in computer science & have been using Linux for nearly a decade. I'm working on a Ph.D. in education and technology and I essentially live in emacs and do all of my writing in LaTeX. To me R seems like the perfect stats package. Unfortunately, the learning curve is killing me. I feel like that if I'd waded through pulling down menus in SPSS or SAS I could
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
Greetings- I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a LaTeX document of documentclass seminar. I'm using graphicx to include the file: \usepackage{graphicx} ... \resizebox{\textwidth}{\textheight}{\includegraphics{crime.eps}} When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated 180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens? The graph was created
2001 Nov 27
seek helppage. Possible clarification?
seek(zz,where=NewPosition) returns the OldPosition of connection zz (of the appropriate "pointer", i.e. read or write). Currently, the docs have: > Details: > > `seek' with `where = NA' returns the current byte offset of a > connection (from the beginning), and with a positive `where' > argument the connection is re-positioned (if possible) to
2002 Feb 05
Measures of agreement
Greetings. I've been experimenting with some algorithms for document classification (specifically, a Naive Bayes classifier and a kNN classifier) and I would now like to calculate some inter-rater reliability scores. I have the data in a PostgreSQL database, such that for each document, each measure (there are 9) has three variables: ap_(measure), nb_(measure), and knn_(measure). ap is me
2001 Dec 20
Jobs at the University of Auckland
We have two lectureship positions advertised at the moment. One (or both) of these is intended for a specialist in statistical computation. The salary doesn't look great by international standards but there are compensations: housing is cheap, the air is clean, and the worlds problems are far away. We also have a track record of getting tenure for computing people.
2001 Nov 15
help.start() works with Mozilla, but not with ESS
In a recent post, I reported that help.start worked with Mozilla, although it had not worked before. I now have discovered the difference. I'm using RH Linux 7.1 and Mozilla 0.9.5 and R 1.3.1. When I tried it before, I had use ESS to start R. If I run R without ESS, help.start() will start the browser (Mozilla), but help(apply), for example, will produce help in ESS but not in the browser.
2001 Dec 26
ESS 5.1.19 w/Xemacs 21.4.6
Probably wrong group for this, but a quick question. I've just switched from emacs to Xemacs. In reinstalling ESS 5.1.19 I keep getting the following error when loading Xemacs: "Error in init file: Symbol's function definition is void: w32-using-nt" I've debugged the ess-site.el file, which is where the error originates from. The line causing the difficulty is:
2001 Dec 13
emacs 21.1, R-1.3.1, and ESS
On RedHat linux 7.2, I upgraded (?) Emacs and R at the same time and now I'm getting some funny business with R and ESS. I reinstalled ESS from the tarball and re-byte-compiled. In particular, help.start() does work, and ESS works to send text regions to the R process, but ?function does not return anything, and the status line says "ESS process not ready. Finish your command
2002 Feb 08
Plotting multiple columns on same graph
I'd like to produce a series of simple line graphs for my methods class that show the three questions used on a repeated survey to make up a particular index. The data frame is: > efficacy.df year complicated havesay dontcare 1 1952 71 68 63 2 1954 NA NA NA 3 1956 64 71 71 4 1958 NA NA NA 5 1960
2001 Jun 06
HLM-like analysis in R
Greetings- I have some data on which I need to do something like a Hierarchical Linear Model (please bear with me, I'm only learning the technique so I don't know yet if my language is correct). Essentially I'm analyzing data at two levels simultaneously; data are about individuals an organizations of which they are members. Can someone point me toward an appropriate package in R?
2002 Mar 19
Selecting cases from a data frame
My apologies if this is obvious - I assume it is but still can't seem to make it work. I've got a data frame acps.df; I want to run an analysis on a subset of that data frame, defined as the subset for which the value of OGMCAT (a column in the data frame) is anything OTHER than 9, 11, or 12. So I'd like to define a new data frame that consists of the same variables as in acps.df,
2007 Mar 08
Memory error
Greetings- Running R 2.4.0 under Debian Linux, I am getting a memory error trying to read a very large file: > library(foreign) > oldgrades.df <- read.spss('Individual grades with AI (Nov 7 2006).sav', Error: cannot allocate vector of size 10826 Kb This file is, granted, quite large: aperrin at perrin:/data0/grading$ ls -l total 630304 -r-xr-xr-x 1 aperrin
2001 Jul 13
Hi All, I would like to use anonymous cvs, but it appears not to be working (again?). There was a discussion back in Jan-Feb about whether to continue supporting it, but it seemed that Tony Rossini got it working and the discussion left off there. Did someone decide to disable it, or is it just not working properly? Here's the details: $ cvs -d
2004 May 17
"ghost" image in .eps file
Greetings- An odd situation has developed. I use the following code to create .eps files of two very similar graphs: postscript(file='resources.bygt.eps', onefile=FALSE, horizontal=TRUE) barplot(resources.bygt.matrix, beside = TRUE, legend.text=c('narrative','doubt'),
2002 Aug 30
density() returns a density function that does not add up to 1
Dear R users, I ran into this curious problem: > d <- rnorm(100) > d.density <- density(d) > sum( d.density$x * d.density$y) [1] 2.517502 Admittedly the method of computing the mass under the density curve at line 3 is crude. But 2.5 is pretty far from 1, the value it should be. I tried a few other dataset and got similar result. Am I missing something obvious? Or is the return
2002 Jan 27
DBM databases for R?
Hello! Can I use DBM databases (as they are used in Perl) for the import of large datasets in R? Thanks in advance for your help, Petra Steiner - --------------------------------------------------- Petra Steiner Arbeitsbereich Linguistik Universitaet Muenster Huefferstrasse 27 48149 Muenster
2002 Jul 02
XEmacs vs. GNU Emacs?
As a user of only R, I don't use much of the potential of ESS and Emacs. Without entering a religious feud, is there any reason I should use XEmacs rather than my current GNU Emacs? (I looked on the XEmacs site, but I didn't understand the programming issues they were talking about (over my head).) Martin Henry H. Stevens, Assistant Professor 338 Pearson Hall Botany Department Miami
2002 Aug 09
error starting SJava: classpath
Dear R experts, Sorry, I am resending this, since I have not received this mail myself for the past 5 hours. I saw a similar question dated July 2. But there is no answer to it. Does anybody have a solution to it? I am using window NT, and the R version is 1.5.1, the SJava package is the binary version Here are the error message: > library(SJava) > .JavaInit()