similar to: Graphics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Graphics"

2001 May 02
rcode and latex
I have discovered the listings package for including code in your latex documents. The default languages do not include R or Splus, but the definition is pretty simple, this is what I did for R: \lst at definelanguage{R}% {morekeywords={TRUE,FALSE,T,F,NA,NULL,Inf,NaN,library,% attach,detach,source,while,for,in,% repeat,switch,break,next,return,stop,function,% if,else,warning,error},%
2000 Dec 21
statistical quality control
Hi all, could anybody tell me whether there exist any packages about statistical quality control. Thanks very much. Stefano Tonellato -- Stefano Tonellato Dipartimento di Statistica Universita' Ca' Foscari di Venezia Campiello S. Agostin, S. Polo 2347 30125 Venezia - ITALY Phone +39-041-2577422 Fax +39-041-710355 E-mail stone at -------------- next part -------------- An
2000 Oct 18
Help oo sink
---------------------- Forwarded by Pan Yuming/Extern/AAM on 18.10.2000 12:58 --------------------------- Pan Yuming 18.10.2000 11:41 To: Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at> cc: Subject: Help oo sink (Document link: Pan Yuming) Dear professor, continue with the example i used, i want to save the prediction results but when i run a R file containing the following code, it
2001 Apr 30
R mode for emacs
Hi all, I wonder if there is a R mode for emacs which highlights the R syntax. If there is one, I would be interested in downloading the latest version . regards, Olivier -- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Olivier MARTIN phone: (33) 04 76 61 53 55 Projet IS2 06 08 67 93 42 INRIA Rhone-Alpes fax : (33) 04 76
2001 Sep 27
cuts and breaks
Hi I'm using the "image" function to produce a plot and I want to define the breaks using "cut" and the colors using "heat.colors". > image(interp(mat2[,2],mat2[,1],mat2[,3]),breaks=cut(mat2[,3],30),col=heat.colors(29)) Error in image.default(interp(mat2[, 2], mat2[, 1], mat2[, 3]), breaks = cut(mat2[, : must have one more break than colour The
2001 Oct 31
Quick question!
Thanks very much to all who answered my question yesterday on loops. Just a further quick question: If I have this: for(i in 1:n) { subset <- data[which(data$id==i),] which returns the rows where I have the variable ID=1, how can I tell the same statement to return just column Y where ID=i? I have tried this for(i in 1:n) { subset <- data[which(data$id==i),data$Y] but it
2001 Aug 29
Matching Data & Results (Fuzzy-Cluster-Analysis)
Hello, i use i.e. the cluster-package and the fanny-object to construct some cluster's and get the membership'S for every "Person" & Cluster ! My finally problem is to match efficient the data and the results's togehter in one table! Until now i use the ODBC-Package and save both in a access-file and copy them together, but i can't be sure that the sorting is the
2001 May 23
Matrix manipulation
Hi, Suppose I have a matrix with, say 12 columns. I would like to extract out column 2 ~ 8 and 11 ~ 12 then combine them together. I tried with success to extract out the columns by doing: foo <- test[,2:8] goo <- test[,11:12] However then I am having trouble combining foo and goo. Helps are appreciated! Cheers, Kevin ----------------------------------- Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
2000 Aug 31
Multiv / hierclust / plclust
I use hierclust (hierarchical clustering) in multiv package. In the documentation it is said that plclust (plotting a dendrogram) is available in S-plus. Can I find it anywhere (I have searched through and found only quotations of plclust in multiv) or is it only part of the S package (which I don't have)? Thanks --------------- Charles RAUX, Laboratoire
2004 Mar 25
subsetting based on vector
Dear R users; I am trying to write a small program which reads in a data set, and selects observations from certain years before the analysis. I have a problem including the selection criteria in the header of the program. Here is the problem; dataFIT<-function(MODEL, MARGINS, yearConsidered){ library(foreign CovPaper<-read.spss("C:/Data/data.sav") NewData <-
2001 Nov 22
Editing R graphics
One of the few things that I miss from Splus is the ability of interactively add text and symbols to graphics that have been created by functions. I understand that the best solution in R is to create a graphic file and use external software for editing the graphic. I know what to use in the Win environment, but could anyone suggest what tools would be appropriate under Linux? Thanks Agus Dr.
2003 Jan 29
Scoping rule problem -- solved
Thanks to some comments from Brian D. Ripley, I found my error: I should not have given a data argument to lm() after creating a formula-object. This obviously confused things... Thanks again, I've really learnt again a bit more on R-programming... Cheers, Winfried --------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: Winfried Theis <theis at
2002 Jan 04
line up a matrix
Dear all, I try to rearrange my ref. database (now in Excel!! :( ) for importing it into a reference manager program (RIS format). My file basically look like this [3,4]-matrix: rbind(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), c("e", "f", "g", "h"), c("i", "j", "k", "l")) [,1] [,2] [,3]
2003 Jan 23
Exporting graphics window
Hi I'm working on a remote computer with R (SuSE 8.1) and I want to do some ploting. Does anyone knows if it is possible to export the graphics window in to my display and how I can do it ? Thanks EJ -- Ernesto Jardim <ernesto at> Marine Biologist Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Lisboa, Portugal Tel: +351 213 027 000 Fax: +351 213 015 948
2001 Feb 23
hclust question
Dear all, I have a question with regard to the use of hclust. I would like to be able to specify my own distance matrix instead of asking R to compute the distance matrix for me. It is computationally easier for me this way. My question is: How can I get hclust to accept this? Thanks, Ranjan -- *************************************************************************** Ranjan
2002 Aug 13
One more question... I need to use the Loess() function in the package modreg. What is the argument "formula" meant to be? A -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the
2002 Aug 15
sorry!~I have a question
I have a question. I can find a function about "Gaussian hypergeometric function" in sofeware Maple V. I need this function to calculate. Is there a similar function in R ? Or I have to design such a function. Thanks! Jimmy Cheng
2002 Oct 10
Dear Sir : I would ask if R contains some propreties to write the greeks(lambda, theta,xsi,......) en also if R can also the mathematics signs like integrals, indices....... Your sincerly: H.Zmarrou University of Amsterdam: -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2003 Jan 31
Varying texts in expression(paste())
Hi, I am using R a lot to make plots relating to radioactivity, I am often using expression() to label the plots with nuclide names written with superscripts, e.g. expression(paste("Releases of ", { }^{99},Tc," (TBq/year)"))->ywtext But, is there any simple way to change the number and name of the nuclide through a variable? I tried nuccode=expression({ }^{99},Tc)
2001 Feb 08
eps file not positioned properly in latex document
Dear People, I am trying to include a barplot (see code below), in a latex document. However, the plot appears in totally the wrong position. I know this is not an R question as such, but the eps file is produced by R and I thought that perhaps other people had had similar problems and could give me pointers. Am I doing anything obviously wrong? Sincerely, Faheem Mitha. PS.