similar to: Update HTML help index under Windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Update HTML help index under Windows"

1999 Dec 09
MS level position at U. Washington
I know it isn't done often, so apologies if this posting offends. But after posting the announcement of the open position to a number of other software lists, I was thinking, why not to R-help? (esp since knowing R is one option for meeting the requirements). best, -tony We are looking for an masters level statistician. If interested, feel free to apply. I am available to answer
2015 Apr 23
"hosts allow" not working?
Wwe are doing some testing in preparation for our migration from Samba 3.6 to Samba 4.x. Because we must share networks with other groups, we want to use the "hosts allow" parameter in smb.conf to restrict who can connect to our Samba domain. This works great in 3.6. I'm unable to get it to work with 4.1.16. That is, I'm unable to join a Windows 7 PC to the Samba 4
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: rbind
rbind() does something strange to dimnames R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.50 Beta (April 1, 1997) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type "license()" for details. > test1 <- data.frame(time= c(4, 3,1,1,2,2,3), + status=c(1,NA,1,0,1,1,0), + x= c(0,
2008 Jun 12
Rprintf and "C stack usage is too close to the limit"
Hi, I would appreciate if someone could comment on this problem I am experiencing. I am writing a C++ program to be called from R. In this program, there is a verbose switch that decides whether to print some debugging info using Rprintf. On windows, things work ok. On linux, things are fine in non-verbose mode, but in verbose mode, I get error saying "C stack usage is too close to the
2012 Feb 01
Samba logins disconnect?
I have been chasing down a problem where PC logins to our Samba server get disconnected from their printer and file shares. Here is the sequence of events: User logs in to PC File shares from NetApp file server are mapped and mounted Printer shares from Samba server go into "opening" state, may or may not become "Ready" Later, mapped network drives are
1997 Apr 28
R-alpha: R-beta:matrix & vector multiplication.
Both of these used to work and seem useful and harmless: R> matrix(1,ncol=1)%*%c(1,2) Error in matrix(1, ncol = 1) %*% c(1, 2) : non-conformable arguments R> matrix(1,ncol=1)*(1:2) Error: dim<- length of dims do not match the length of object Thomas Lumley -----------------------------------------------------+------ Biostatistics : "Never attribute to malice what : Uni of
1997 Apr 28
R-alpha: R-beta:matrix & vector multiplication.
Both of these used to work and seem useful and harmless: R> matrix(1,ncol=1)%*%c(1,2) Error in matrix(1, ncol = 1) %*% c(1, 2) : non-conformable arguments R> matrix(1,ncol=1)*(1:2) Error: dim<- length of dims do not match the length of object Thomas Lumley -----------------------------------------------------+------ Biostatistics : "Never attribute to malice what : Uni of
2005 Jan 14
empirical (sandwich) SE estimate in lme ()?
Is it possible to get the empirical (sandwich) S.E. estimates for the fixed effects in lme () (thus allowing possibly correlated errors within the group)? In SAS you can get it by the 'empirical' option to PROC MIXED. Cheers, Michael -- Na (Michael) Li, Ph.D. Division of Biostatistics A443 Mayo Building, MMC 303 School of Public Health 420 Delaware
2009 Feb 15
GLMM, ML, PQL, lmer
Dear R community, I have two questions regarding fitting GLMM using maximum likelihood method. The first one arises from trying repeat an analysis in the Breslow and Clayton 1993 JASA paper. Model 3 of the epileptic dataset has two random effects, one subject specific, and one observation specific. Thus if we count random effects, there are more parameters than observations. When I try to run the
1997 Apr 01
R-beta: Re: R-alpha: My two problems
On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Jim Lindsey wrote: > Neither setting environment nor command > line change memory size as given by gc(). However, if I give too small > or too large a value on the command line, it tells me that it is > invalid and is ignoring it!?? I repeat that when I recompiled changing > the default size, gc() changed its values. Am I misunderstanding > something? I
1997 Aug 21
R-beta: problem with gee() with singletons
A bug (misfeature) has been found in the S gee library (and thus in the R gee library). The problem, which is shared by nearly all gee implementations, involves the calculation of working correlations when some clusters have only one observation. For compatibility reasons nearly everyone uses the computing formula from the first SAS macro by Karim, rather than the formula from the original GEE
1997 Oct 08
R-beta: calling R from FORTRAN
There was a question earlier today, on either r-help or r-devel, about calling R code from FORTRAN (I deleted it accidentally, so I don't know which list it belonged to). Anyway, there is a workaround to call R functions from FORTRAN which is used in the "integrate" library. It was invented for S by Mike Meyer. The FORTRAN code needs to be written to call a fixed C function and
1997 Aug 31
R-alpha: ?bug in [.data.frame
If you subscript a data frame using the names of the columns and there is more than one column with the same name only the first one is found. eg mm<-data.frame(1:10,log(1:10)) names(mm)<-c("(offset)","(offset)") mm[,"(offset)"] # only returns first column mm[,"(offset)"]<-rep(1,10) # only sets first column This *is* compatible with S, but I
1997 Oct 01
R-alpha: R-beta: hat
The hat() function, returning the diagonal of the hat matrix, currently works only on matrices and doesn't work with weights. Could we make it return lm.influence(x)$hat when inherits(x,"lm")? Thomas Lumley ------------------------------------------------------+------ Biostatistics : "Never attribute to malice what : Uni of Washington : can be adequately explained by :
1998 Apr 09
0-extent matrices?
Is there a good reason not to allow matrix extents to be zero? I have been writing a function which fits glms under certain linear constraints. I fit the model with a reduced set of variables and then transform back to the original set. This involves operating on submatrices of the covariance matrix and subsets of the coefficients. Sometimes these subsets are empty. A zero-length subset of the
2003 Oct 14
Job notice at the University of Washington
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON FACULTY POSITION IN QUANTITATIVE PSYCHOLOGY The Department of Psychology seeks to fill a position in Quantitative Psychology at the tenure-track assistant professor level. In exceptional circumstances, appointment at the Associate Professor or Professor level may be considered for candidates who offer extraordinary opportunities to further the University's
2000 Sep 19
on-line help failed for ultra 10 (solaris 8)
New Sun workstation with Solaris 8. installed the gnu compilers and libraries off the Solaris CD and compiled R successfully. I don't have a tex installation or makeinfo (sp?) so the manuals failed to compile, but otherwise R appears to be working. Unfortunately the on-line help (text-only) isn't working. Is this related to the failed manuals? Example: >?help Error in
2005 Apr 14
documentation for 'open': some clarification?
I'm been doing more and more of file text parsing inside R instead of coping with Perl. For that, I need open a file and read it line-by-line. I found the documentation for 'open' isn't very clear. Right now it has ,----[ *help(R)[open]* ] | 'open' opens a connection. In general functions using connections | will open them if they are not open, but then close them
2004 Jul 01
\middle in Rd.sty conflicts with newer LaTeX?
Rd.sty defines \newlength{\middle} which seems to be in conflict with the my latex installation. Here is a minimal example: \documentclass{article} \newlength{\middle} \begin{document} \end{document} It runs fine on a Linux box: carp:136% latex test.tex This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (test.tex LaTeX2e <2000/06/01> Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american,
2004 Feb 13
Building r-devel on Panther
I did: ./configure --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack --with-aqua make sudo make install sudo make install-aqua Everything seems to be OK (some warnings about multiple definitions of some symbols). However: bass$ /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R Fatal error: unable to open the base package I got the same message when clicking on in /Applications This