Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Installing R"
2000 Feb 28
Rinst.exe question
Hi all,
I'm using R0.99a on WinNT4. I downloaded a bunch of packages and tried
using Rinst.exe to install them. For whatever reason, Rinst.exe does not
find all the packages I downloaded. I put all files in the same temp
directory, but Rinst only finds some of them. I have no problem installing
the rest with WinZip, but if Rinst works it would be much easier (don't have
to run WinZip
2000 Dec 18
Rwinst.exe problems
I've heard from several users who report no difficulties using the
Rwinst.exe installer for the released version of 1.2.0. I've blown away
all traces of 1.2.0 on my system and have re-downloaded all 10 zip files
and the installer on both my NT and Win2K boxes. The memory-overwrite
error persists on both systems, suggesting that there is some
incompatibility between the 1.2.0
1999 Nov 24
Re: R 0.90.0 for Windows rwinst fails (for me) and workaround
I downloaded r 0.90.0 for windows and ran rwinst.exe and the base package would not install for me. I had to unzip
rw0900b1.zip and r20900b2.zip manually and then do the rest of install with rwinst. Is this due to b being replaced
by b1 and b2?
Robert (Bob) L Sandefur
Principal Geostatistician
rls at pincock.com (primary)
rlsandefur at aol.com (secondary)
303 914 4467 v
393 987-8907 f
1999 Jul 21
R 0.64.2 for Windows 95/NT
I installed R 0.64.2 using "rwinst.exe" on a Windows 95 machine. The zip
files and rwinst.exe were stored in a directory "rtmp" and I wanted R to
be installed in "r0642" (by setting c:\rtmp for source directory and c:\
for install directory). After the installation was completed the main
program was in r0642 whereas all the documentation in c:\rtmp\r0642.
Is this
2000 Apr 24
Comments on Win95 R Distribution (PR#527)
Here are some comments generated by a new R user based on
initial experiences with the tool.
On-line help for tapply:
The following appears "for to each (non-empty) group of
values" It seems there's an extra preposition in this
On-line help for cut:
"break" should be "breaks"
morley.data not available with the distribution. Would be
helpful for
1999 May 24
Packages under windows
I just downloaded the NT version of R and cannot
find anything concrete on loading packages.
There is alot on how to do it under Unix.
The windows FAQ briefly mentions it but
does not explain it.
I have donwloaded windows binaries of the package
"clust.zip" and unzipped it into my
directory... So I have
Now what do I do ?
2001 May 22
MASS data sets
I'm running R 1.2.2 under windows 98 on a Pentium 133 laptop.
I can't seem to retrieve the package MASS data sets:
> library(MASS)
> data(wtloss)
Warning message:
Data set `wtloss' not found in: data(wtloss)
> data(abbey)
Warning message:
Data set `abbey' not found in: data(abbey)
And yet all the .rda files for the MASS datasets are in
2000 Jan 06
Help Files
I've just downloaded rwinst.exe and ran the installer. Afterwhich I double-clicked the Rgui icon. However, when I clicked on any of the help options, for example, I clicked 'Help' then 'R Language (html)', there's a message saying: Error in help.start() : I can't find the html help.
Please help. Thanks!
-------------- next part --------------
2001 Mar 07
Windows: updating to R 1.2.2
Forgive me, but while I find the documentation for initially installing R
to be clear, I'm not so happy about updating.
I want to update from R 1.2.1 to R 1.2.2 (mainly so I can get the debugged
version of pictex() ).
Now I have downloaded the base zip files, say to Z:\Program Files and my
existing installation of R 1.2.1 is sitting in
Z:\Program Files\rw1021.
Running rwinst.exe I need to
2001 Apr 05
No subject
Beginner in R language, I have a problem to install a package (multiv) in R
for Windows 98 (R-Gui)
First I have got the multiv.zip file from the CRAN precompiled contributed
packages for Windows and put this file in C:/Program Files/rw1022.
in R-Gui I tried to install it as following
> install.packages("C:/Program Files/rw1022/multiv.zip")
I received the following
2000 Jun 28
New version of chron
A new version of the chron add-on package is now available from CRAN.
The previous version introduced code to ensure that chron would work
correctly in the 21st century. Of course, the main issue is how to deal
with 2-digit dates. To this end, the original author of chron, David
James, indicated that the `y' format specifier was always meant to
specify the year without the century (i.e.,
2000 Jun 28
New version of chron
A new version of the chron add-on package is now available from CRAN.
The previous version introduced code to ensure that chron would work
correctly in the 21st century. Of course, the main issue is how to deal
with 2-digit dates. To this end, the original author of chron, David
James, indicated that the `y' format specifier was always meant to
specify the year without the century (i.e.,
2001 Jan 10
Rcmd ?
I tried running Rcmd.exe to no avail. It doesn't even start because it tries
to read some memory address that NT says it can't and terminate.
I tried downloading and reinstalling rw1020sp.zip with the installer twice
just in case it got corrupted somehow in transport but it resulted in the
same problem.
What should I do?
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch x86
os Win32
2001 May 01
How to use install.packages()
Dear R-friends,
As the binary windows version of R being distributed,
what is the correct way to install contributed packages without
using winst.exe as before?
The answer in "R for Windows FAQ" says:
"You can install pre-compiled packages either from CRAN
or from a local .zip file by using install.packages: see its help page."
But the information available in
2000 Oct 16
Crash while R111 install
I try to install the R111 version for few days on my PC (on Windows NT),
and every time the same problem :
I start the rwin.exe application and a couple of seconds later, the
install failed, and my PC is down. I must then swich it
down and restart a new session.
If someone has some help ...
Isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani Tel : 01 47 52 61 99
Institut Fran?ais du P?trole
2000 Sep 18
how to install packages
Dear All,
I am trying to fiugre out how install packages on the base system. The
"FAQ" tells me that more details can be obtained by typing
"help(install.packages)", but my R system gives me an error message when
I did that. I also tried "help(PACKAGES)", "help(install.packages())",
but none worked. Anybody can help? I am running R 1.1.1 on WinNT 4.
2001 Mar 22
Preview of an alternative R for Windows installer
I have built a version of the current 1.2.2 patched version of R using
Inno Setup2 (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.htm). (That toolkit is
open source (in Delphi) and was fairly easy to tame. Full details are
in the R-patched sources.) This gives a single ~10Mb file, at
The idea is that it should look very like a Windows 2000-style install,
1999 Jul 23
Among other computers, I am using rw0642 on an IBM 300GL with 32MB RAM and
1. If after opening rw0642 the first command is to help such as "? par",
when the help window is closed by clicking X in the upper right corner of
the help window the following message is shown
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
If the problem persists contact the
2001 Feb 08
I am new to R. I want to install "packages" from Package Sources in the
web. I follow the instruction and use the "install.packages" but no
Here is what I did:
> install.packages(gss,"C:/R/rw1021/library", CRAN = options("CRAN"),
contriburl =
2000 Dec 22
rw1020 Rcmd INSTALL path\ deletes rw1020\library\* (PR#789)
The trailing backslash seems to be the culprit.
After looking at rw1020\bin\INSTALL, I noticed
$pkg =~ s/\/$//;
which I assume is to strip the trailing slash from a package name
before obtaining the package name and cleaning out its directory
I added
$pkg =~ s/\\$//;
immediately after this line. Rerunning
Rcmd INSTALL C:\rw1011\src\library\bqtl\
with that change seemed to work OK