similar to: About function 'gnls'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "About function 'gnls'"

2007 Aug 11
tc and multiple ip on a device
Hi, i''m sort of testing a configuration and things are not working sa i planned. i have the following network diagram: PC1 to 7 cnneced on the same ethernet hub. PC1 PC2 PC 3 PC4 PC5 PC6 on network PC6 and PC7 on network so PC6 work as a router. in addition, PC6 is connected to both network on the same device eth0. now on PC6, put a tbf on dev eth0 root
2011 Oct 12
CVbinary - Help
Hey, I need some help. I want to obtain a cross validation for a regression model (binary response) but I got an error with CVbinary. Well I did this: fit <- lm(resp ~ PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + PC4 + PC5 + PC6 + PC7 + PC8 + PC9+PC10+PC11+PC12+PC13+PC14+PC15+PC16+PC17+PC18+PC19+PC20+PC21+PC22+PC23+PC24+PC25+PC26+PC27+PC28, data = dexp.cp, family=binomial()) CVbinary(fit) Error in sample(nfolds, m,
2007 Nov 19
print matrix content on plot
Hi, I saved as a matrix a summary of a PCA analysis and I've used barplot to plot the PCA variances. I would like to print on the same graphic the values of my matrix m1 - in other words the summary of my PCA analysis. I can do it very painstaking with text for each row and make sure that everything aligns and so on but i wonder if there is a better method than that. My summary follows:
2002 Dec 18
problem with 'gnls'
I'm working with data measured in a tunnel to estimate the emission factor of heavy & light vehicles. I tried to use 'gnls' and I get the following Error: >> Error in "coef<-.corARMA"(*tmp*, value = c(174.267493382104, 173.412740072763 : >> Coefficient matrix not invertible Here is my R-code: data <- d.plabutsch.neu # calculating the starting
2016 Mar 24
summary( prcomp(*, tol = .) ) -- and 'rank.'
Martin, I fully agree. This becomes an issue when you have big matrices. (Note that there are awesome methods for actually only computing a small number of PCs (unlike your code which uses svn which gets all of them); these are available in various CRAN packages). Best, Kasper On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Martin Maechler <maechler at > wrote: > Following from
2010 Oct 20
Hi I have a script which is designed to gather data from individual columns from a file, which is an output from an instrument. the file has multiple sections and each a section has data under each column (vars), I am using the name of the column as a variable to gather the column ID using vidx<-grep(vars[vi],gsub("[[:punct:]]","",strrl1[[datbeg-1]]), the
2011 Sep 28
PCA: prcomp rotations
Hi all, I think I may be confused by different people/programs using the word rotation differently. Does prcomp not perform rotations by default? If I understand it correctly retx=TRUE returns ordinated data, that I can plot for individual samples (prcomp()$x: which is the scaled and centered (rotated?) data multiplied by loadings). What does it mean that the data is rotated from the
2012 Jan 10
Error message in vegan ordistep
I am getting the following erro rmessage in ordistep. I have a number of similarly structured datasets using ordistep in a loop, and the message only occurs for some of the datasets. I cannot include a reproducible sample - the specific datasets where this is occur ing are fairly large and there are several pcnm's in the rhs of the formula. thanks for any pointers that may allow me to
2013 Jan 22
ordering in 'gnls' with 'corCompSymm' corStruct
Dear R-devel members, While writing a new correlation structure similar to 'corCompSymm' and intended to be used with 'gnls', I got puzzled with the 'Initialize' method. Using 'Initialize' before 'gnls' may be regarded as a mean to set an initial value for the corStruct parameter. However 'gnls' does not work properly with a
2004 Dec 01
gnls(0 error: invalid variable type
Dear R-helpers; While using gnls() to fit a function > Gbht0t.gnls <- gnls(h2 ~ Rht(b0, b1, b2, h1,t1, t2), data=gbht10, + params=list(b0 + b1 + b2 ~ Sisp -1), start=c(strssb0,strssb1,strssb2)) I encountered an error: "Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, extranames, : invalid variable type " Rht is a defined function to be
2005 Mar 02
Using varPower in gnls, an answer of sorts.
Back on January 16, a message on R-help from Ravi Varadhan described a problem with gnls using weights=varPower(). The problem was that the fit failed with error Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "." not found I can reliably get this error in version 2.0.1-patched 2004-12-09 on Windows XP and 2.0.1-Patched 2005-01-26 on Linux. The key feature of that example is that the
2003 Jul 24
nls.control in gnls
Hi, I've made a selfStart function for use with gnls and the following piece of code works nicely: check1 <- gnls(y ~ spot.shape.fct(xcord, ycord, background, spotintensity, rho, sigma, delta, mux, muy), start=getInitial(y ~ spot.shape.fct(xcord, ycord, background, spotintensity, rho,
2009 Oct 30
Interpreting gnls() output in comparison to nls()
Hi, I've been trying to work with the gnls() function in the "nlme" package. My decision to use gnls() was so that I could fit varPower and such to some of the data. However, in working with a small dataset, I've found that the results given by gnls() don't seem to make any sense and they differ substantially from those produced by nls(). I suspect that I am just
2012 Feb 13
Error from GNLS (undefined columns selected)
 Dear R-helpers, I'm a new R-user and I was trying to gain some experience with the GNLS function of the NLME package.  This is an extract from my dataset (it's a 432x6 data.frame) called "input", in the first column I have the values that I need to fit, while the remaining columns are input variables for the theoretical model, the function "mymodel" (which returns a
2008 Sep 27
seg.fault from nlme::gnls() {was "[R-sig-ME] GNLS Crash"}
>>>>> "VW" == Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT) <Wolfgang.Viechtbauer at> >>>>> on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:00:19 +0200 writes: VW> Hi all, I'm trying to fit a marginal (longitudinal) VW> model with an exponential serial correlation function to VW> the Orange tree data set. However, R crashes frequently VW>
2009 Jan 07
Extracting degrees of freedom from a gnls object
Dear all, How can I extract the total and residual d.f. from a gnls object? I have tried str(summary(gnls.model)) and str(gnls.model) as well as gnls(), but couldn?t find the entry in the resulting lists. Many thanks! Best wishes Christoph -- Dr. rer.nat. Christoph Scherber University of Goettingen DNPW, Agroecology Waldweg 26 D-37073 Goettingen Germany phone +49 (0)551 39 8807 fax +49
2009 Nov 09
prcomp - principal components in R
Hello, not understanding the output of prcomp, I reduce the number of components and the output continues to show cumulative 100% of the variance explained, which can't be the case dropping from 8 components to 3. How do i get the output in terms of the cumulative % of the total variance, so when i go from total solution of 8 (8 variables in the data set), to a reduced number of
2003 Aug 14
gnls - Step halving....
Hi all, I'm working with a dataset from 10 treatments, each treatment with 30 subjects, each subject measured 5 times. The plot of the dataset suggests that a 3-parameter logistic could be a reasonable function to describe the data. When I try to fit the model using gnls I got the message 'Step halving factor reduced below minimum in NLS step'. I´m using as the initial values of the
2012 Jan 11
Vegan(ordistep) error: Error in if (aod[1, 5] <= Pin) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I am getting the following erro rmessage in ordistep. I have a number of similarly structured datasets using ordistep in a loop, and the message only occurs for some of the datasets. I cannot include a reproducible sample - the specific datasets where this is occur ing are fairly large and there are several pcnm's in the rhs of the formula. thanks for any pointers that may allow me to
2009 Jun 24
gnls : Rho
Hello list: How to extract the value of "Rho" from a gnls() object. I am using gnls() function similar to res <- gnls(y~SSmicmen(),correlation=corCompSymm(form~1|b),data=dat) Thanks in advance, Mahbub. -- Mahbub Latif School of Mathematical Sciences Queen Mary, University of London United Kingdom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]