similar to: text-plotting math & regular mixed ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "text-plotting math & regular mixed ?"

2005 Sep 22
Automatic creation of file names
Dear R-Help members, I have a question about how to save to the hard drive the one thousand datasets I generated in a simulation. The datasets are created in a "for" loop that repeatedly creates normally distributed datasets, such as the example below: Library(MASS) for (number in 1:1000) { dataset = mvrnorm(n = 400, mu = c(0,0,0), Sigma =
2005 May 16
cisco 3620 setup (newbie cisco alert)
I'm experimenting (using for the first time) with using a cisco3620 to connect to the PSTN via a channelised E1 interface, with * handling all of the SIP calls. If anyone has any installation tips / help / documentation I would be most appreciative :) However, my first question is this: when I am in the setup, I see the following: Current interface summary Controller Timeslots
2005 Oct 08
add leading 0s to %d from png() {was Automatic creation of file names}
Dear useRs, Is there a way to 'properly' format %d when plotting more than one page on png()? 'Properly' means to me with leading 0s, so that the PNGs become easy to navigate in a file/image browser. Lacking a better solution I ended up using the code below, but would much prefer something like png("test_%d.png",bg="white",width=1000,height=700) where %d
2005 Nov 22
(PR#8337) formatC adds leading space -- on some Windoze
>>>>> "KevinW" == Kevin Wright <kwright68 at> >>>>> on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:13:36 +0100 (CET) writes: KevinW> Full_Name: Kevin Wright KevinW> Version: 2.2.0 KevinW> OS: Windows 2000 ^^^^^^^ this must be part of the problem KevinW> Submission from: (NULL) ( KevinW> Apologies if
2004 Aug 17
asterisk and qsig
Guys, I need to make asterisk connect to another device over a pri using QSIG signalling (master/slave). Is this feasible and has it been done before? Thank you! al. _________________________________________________________________ Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to School Guide!
2006 Jul 19
Stirling numbers
Hi anyone coded up Stirling numbers in R? [I need unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind] cheers Robin -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK tel 023-8059-7743
2012 May 03
Identifying case by groups in a data frame
Hi everyone, I would like to identify the case by groups that is just bigger that avg plus sd. For example, using species as group and petal.wid as my variable in the iris data. What's the better way to doit? creating a function? So,the question is to identify the single element of each species that is just larger than a cut-off point (i.e. larger than mean + sd) I made this, but I can not
2007 Nov 04
Help in error of mixed models
Hi R-masters I read the article: Bivariate analysis of sensitivity and specificity produces informative summary measures in diagnostic reviews. In this paper i proposed a bivariate mixed model and use SAS proc mixed to adjust the estimates. I thinks use R to make the same and try with this code: base<-read.csv("base.csv") adj<-.5 attach(base) sens<-(VP+adj)/(VP+FN+2*adj)
2010 Feb 16
error : unused argument(s) when boxplot
Dear all, I am a total beginner in R, so sorry if this is the wrong place. I am using R 2.10.1 on a Mac (Mac OS 10.6.2). I have this small dataset : growth sugar 75 C 72 C 73 C 61 F 67 F 64 F 62 S 63 S I have no problem reading the table, or getting the summary, but if I try boxplot(growth~sugar, ylab="growth", xlab="sugar", data=Dataset), I have the following error :
2011 Mar 18
Problem with Slope.test function
Hi all, I need to test the significnce of difference between slopes of two regression lines and regression line with theoretical line. I try to use Slope.test function from emu package, but an error occured... library(emu) d1<-data.frame(P1=c(1,2,3,5,7,8,9,13,14,15), P2=c(1,2,5,8,11,13,15,15,18,24), R=c(2,7,8,9,16,21,27,31,33,36)) # First data set m1<-lm(R~P1+P2+P1*P2,data=d1) # Regr.
2007 Sep 28
errorbar il lattice plot
Hi Everyone, I would like to add errorbars to a lattice plot. I already have a function that adds error bars to a plot (originally written by George Gilchrist) which takes as arguments the coordinates of the point and then the size of the error bar. I would like to integrate it in my lattice code but I seem to be stumped. I can put the error bar function inside my code as if it were a panel
1997 Apr 30
R-alpha: New Incomplete Beta Function
Here is a drop-in replacement for the R incomplete beta function. src/math/pbeta.c It is a slightly modified version of the cephes library one from Netlib. In the few cases I tried it seems to give at least 14 digit agreement with the one in S-PLUS (its hard to get more). I'm not sure what performance is like. I'd like to know if it helps with some of the problems which have been
2005 Oct 23
Coloring leaves, twigs and labels in plot.dendrogram()
Core developers, I couldn't find any simple way to send a vector of colors to apply to each terminal in plot.dendrogram() or plot.hclust()---I asked R-help about it a few weeks ago and didn't get any response---so I hacked that functionality into the plot.dendrgram code (see below for hacked function plus examples).... Is there any chance this functionality could be added to the
1999 Aug 16
axis ignores srt/crt (PR#249)
Rotated text for axis labels should be possible with one of par(srt=90) axis(1,at,labels) par(srt=0) or axis(1,at,labels,srt=90) (or similar with crt instead of srt) None of these works in pre0.65 or in 0.64.2 _ platform sparc-sun-solaris2.7 arch sparc os solaris2.7 system sparc,
2004 Sep 29
Cisco 3620 PRI and Asterisk
Hi All: I have a Cisco3620 with a proper T1/PRI card installed with asterisk running on the same LAN. Since I have lit up the line, I can dial out and make calls to regular lands lines. However when a call comes back in it rings the destination phone once and disconnects. Here is an error from my router 15:40:45: ISDN Se1/0:23 SERROR: L3_GetUser_NLCB: EVENT 0X45 No NLCB 2 15:40:45: ISDN
2012 Apr 03
Mixed italic and non-italic in text
Hi, I need to italicize the journal in a citation but have thus far failed. How can I make 'Journal of Something' below italic but leave the rest? mtext( "See Author1 and Author2 (2007) , \"Title\", Journal of Something , pp. 1-50.", side = 3, outer = T, line=-0.75, cex = 0.7, at= 0.04, adj = 0, font = 1, family = "Times") -- View this message in
2006 Nov 09
Plotting symbols with two positions?
Thanks a lot to Demitris for a prompt answer some minutes ago on another tread (see below). To avoid excess mails on the list, I move onto next question: I have another small plotting problem that confuses me. I want to plot results from a field trial series, using the numbers of the trials as symbols in the plot. pch = as.character(trial_no) works fine, but truncates the trial number to the
2013 Feb 13
sweave question
Hi Everyone: I was having trouble getting the plot size correct when putting a plot in an sweave document. So, I searched on the internet and I found a clever solution where the person uses the cat function to write latex code so he can include the cat code in the chunk and place the plot using width and height. The solution is here:
2010 May 12
Control what messages go into /var/spool/mail/root
Hi, I found some info messages below in /var/spool/mail/root. To reduce the size of that file, I'm wondering if there's a way to prevent those unimportant messages from entering /var/spool/mail/root. Thanks. 2010-05-10T10:32:27-05:00 <> se1 su: pam_unix(su-l:session): session closed for user root 2010-05-10T10:01:28-05:00 <> se1 Keepalived_vrrp:
2005 Dec 09
retrieving p-values in lm
Dear list, I want to retrieve the p-value of a two-polynomial regression. For a one-polynomial lm I can easily do this with: summary(lm(b~a, data=c)[[4]][[8]]. But how do I find the final p-value in the two-polynomial regression? Under $coefficients I don't find it Any suggestions? Patrick alt <-(2260,2183,2189,1930,2435, 2000,2100,2050,2020,2470, 1700,2310,2090,1560,2060,