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2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Esta pregunta la hice en stackoverflow
nadie pudo contestarla.
1. Quiero generar N escuelas, con G grados y C divisiones.
2. Quiero asignar cada uno de T maestros a 2 divisiones en un grado y
Si tengo C=4 divisiones, puedo lograr lo que quiero con
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
0. La falta de 'elegancia' hace que sea mas dificil hacer cambios al
codigo. Por ejemplo cambiar n.classrooms <- 4 a n.classrooms <- 20
1. Cuando tengo solo 4 puedo hacer esto:
schoolGrade$A <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1]
schoolGrade$B <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1]
schoolGrade$C <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[(cuttoff1+1):n.teachers]
schoolGrade$D <-
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Gracias Carlos,
Tu codigo es un gran paso en el sentido correcto pero no produce
exactamente lo que estoy buscando.
Mi "solucion" en stackoverflow
produce un data frame `schoolGrade` con 240 observaciones y 7 variables. Mi
objetivo es poder generar un data
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Perdon por no se lo suficientemente claro :(
Tu codigo produce `validPairs` que tiene 7 variables y 360 observaciones.
> validPairs[1,] V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 valid
60 e1 g1 c1 e1 g1 c2 Valid
indica que un maestro tiene asignado c1 y c2 en la escuela e1 y el grado
g1. Correcto? Si es asi, esto es casi lo que queira producir y creo que
puedo llegar a donde quiero usando tu codigo de base.
2006 May 12
How to declare several HABTM-relationships?
Is it possible to have several HABTM-relationships for the same object?
Example: Imagine I have 3 objects (classroom, student, teacher) and
define the associations for the student as:
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :classrooms
has_and_belongs_to_many :teachers
class Classroom < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :students
class Teacher <
2003 Jun 19
Fitting particular repeated measures model with lme()
I have a simulated data structure in which students are nested within
teachers, and with each student are associated two test scores. There
are 20 classrooms and 25 students per classroom, for a total of 500
students and two scores per student. Here are the first 10 lines of
my dataframe "d":
studid tchid Y time
1 1 1 -1.0833222 0
2 1 1
2005 Mar 14
School design question
My school district will be building a new elementary school in 2006. We
were about to go to bid with a traditional intercom system for the
campus but I would like implement Asterisk at the campus.
My question is, do we build in a traditional intercom/paging system and
tie that into the Asterisk PBX, the way such intercoms have been
connected to other PBX's in our district in the past, or
2002 Aug 07
No subject
I've got a table of 1 row per observation.
16 questions * n subjects * 4 classrooms (2 teachers * 2 conditions)
I'd like to run some simple regressions that look something like this:
lm(length ~ elapsed)
I'd like to do the regressions several times, split out by
questionkey, student, class. What I've been doing is using a series
of which's to create new data sets (e.g.
2006 Jul 31
Updating a belongs_to foreign key leaves the old association object available
Perhaps this is intentional, but it seems unlikely:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :school
p = Person.find(:first)
p.school # nil
p.school_id = School.find_by_name(''High School'').id
p.school.name # High School
p.school_id = School.find_by_name(''Primary School'').id
p.school.name # High School <= Shouldn''t this be Primary
2003 Oct 29
share permissions
I am trying to setup Samba in a classroom so that a student's samba folder can be accessed via Windows by the student and the teacher. I have Samba working, but can only get the student access to the folder. How can I add another user or group to Samba so the teacher and student have full control over the folder?
2006 Jun 13
R kicking us out
Dear R People:
I am using R for teaching purposes in a large classroom.
Each computer has its own copy of R.
However, every once in a while, about half of us will get
thrown out of R, for no apparent reason.
By the way, it has happened in other classrooms as well.
Has anyone else run into this, please?
If so, how have you solved this problem, please?
Thanks in advance!
R for Windows
2008 May 25
record will absolutely not save! so weird, please help.
I have a weird problem going on. All of sudden, records for a certain
model will not save with #save Please take a look at this:
>> p = Payment.new(:payment_reason_id => 1, :payment_method_id => 1, :date => Date.today, :amount => ''5.00'', :payable => Student.find(608))
=> #<Payment id: nil, school_id: nil, payment_reason_id: 1,
payment_method_id: 1,
2007 Jul 21
avoiding timconsuming for loop renaming identifiers
Hi All
I was wondering if I can avoid a time-consuming for loop on my 600000 obs dataset.
school_id y
8 9.87
8 8.89
8 7.89
8 8.88
20 6.78
20 9.99
20 8.79
31 10.1
31 11
There are, say, 143 different schools in this 600000 obs dataset.
I need to thave sequential identifiers, 1,2,3,4,5,...,143.
I was using an
2004 Oct 06
Dynamic changes while Shorewall running?
I am looking at using Shorewall in a local college. There will be a default
set of firewall rules, but for some lessons certain classrooms will be
granted full Internet access (this will be done by the lecturer via a web
interface). I am seeking suggestions for the best way to implement this
under Shorewall. I think it might make sense to make each classroom a
separate zone, but is there a dynamic
2006 Feb 11
Migrations and Unintialized Constants Error
I am running into a problem with two of my tables and the
"uninitialized constant" error when using migration.
I get the "uninitialized constant Note" when running the following
code in my migration file:
create_table :notes do |t|
t.column :id, :integer
t.column :noteshare_id, :integer
t.column :title, :string
t.column :covered, :string
2003 Aug 18
General Samba question
Greetings to all.
I am currently a bit of a newbie in regards using Linux and Samba. I have
worked for several years in the IT/digital divide sector of the nonprofit world
(particularly in regards to utilizing used and refurbished hardware). I am have
a couple of CompTIA certs. (A+ and N+) and some experience administering
Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
Anyway to my question....
I am
2006 Mar 25
Nuby: HABTM and drag-and-drop views
I have two tables that have a HABTM relationship: Teacher
has_and_belongs_to_many Groups, and Group has_and_belongs_to_many
This is what I want: select a Teacher, and then drag Groups from one box
to another to assign them to the teacher. Or, select a group, and drag
and drop Teachers to assign them to groups. All using AJAX, (off
Only problem is, I don''t know
2011 Aug 17
XCP GUI management
Xen List
After planning for a year to move my Xen 3.4 classrooms to XCP I''m now
making an effort. With the old system I wrote many lines of bash scripts
around the xm command to group and manage my VMs. I used sudo to grant
privileges for each student to start, stop, console into, reboot, and wipe
their VMs without any interaction from me. Now with XCP I had the hope of
moving to the
2008 Apr 07
Associations errors
undefined method `each'' for 0:Fixnum
at line
@school = School.find_by_title(params[:school_id].gsub(''-'', " "))
for team in @school.teams
@school does exist cause i tried with .find(:first) and it gave the
same error.
Also I''m getting
undefined method `reject'' for #<Game:0x24ca1c4>
From @home.game_ids = @game
2003 May 16
Problems with spaces prefixing usernames when using Samba as a PDC
Hi All,
Has anybody seen (Hopefully solved ;) this problem?
We're running samba 2.2.8a as a PDC for windows classrooms with an LDAP
What's happening is that users are waking up the windows machines by
pressing the
space bar and then logging in. They authenticate successfully (leading
spaces ignored)
but windows is miscreating the roaming profiles with leading spaces which