similar to: Which postgresql adapter to use for rails core? How about production?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Which postgresql adapter to use for rails core? How about production?"

2006 Mar 06
Executing SQL in rails, and the types of the data returned
Hi, Every once in while I have to run SQL by hand, in my models mostly. But I''m wondering if there is a better way of doing it than I do. And, I have a question concerning types of the fields in the result the query produces. First, about the types. In a certain model, to get and return the value of a boolean function, I have to do: result =
2006 Dec 04
I need help to connect Postgres and Ruby on Rails Please.
Hello to everyone, I have a problem that is giving me a headache, and trying to do a project in Ruby on Rails and I need to connect with a Data Base that is en Postgres, the truth is that I didn’t think that it was so hard to connect a DB with postgres because I was working with Msyql and everything was easy. This are the thinks that I have install in my computer. 1. Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
2006 Mar 17
Timestamps casted to nil?
Hi, for some reason, all timestamp fields with or without time zone in my Postgres tables seem to be casted to nil. From console: >> me = User.find(''PS12345'') => #<User:0x2379788 @attributes={"mtime"=>"01.03.2006 13:26:32.737166", "valid"=>"8", "valid_from"=>"01.03.1999 14:09:21 CET",
2006 Nov 24
Anyone know whats going on with PostgreSQL async_exec errors?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Anyone know what''s going on with ActiveRecord Edge and 1.2RC1 unit tests. I get 13 failures from the "async_exec" method call. ie: test_callback_rollback_in_save(ConcurrentTransactionTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: NoMethodError: undefined method `async_exec'' for #<PGconn:0xb75a8754>: SET
2006 May 11
Verifying Good Setup of RoR + PostgreSQL
I''ve been reading the RoR tutorials and wiki help stuff, but I''m stuck. :( I''ve got RoR installed properly and get the "Welcome aboard! You''re riding the rails." I have an "article" controller, "article" model, and both an "article" and "articles" views (one is a remnant, I think, and no longer needed) (the
2006 Jan 23
Undefined method error
Hi everybody, Small problem. I get this error: undefined method `all_categories'' for BlogCategory:Class Code of BlogCategory class is: class BlogCategory < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :blog_posts validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name # Return all categories ordered by name def all_categories find :all, :order =>
2006 May 19
AR transactions and isolation levels
I''m trying to create a sequence with no gaps in my db (contrived example, but should work out the same as my real one), and believe db-managed transactions are the way to go about this. It''s my first real ''go'' at transactions, so I may be mistaken about how things really work. Anyway.. Consider this example code: Class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base def
2006 Mar 07
Get rid of the "public"
Hello to all! First I want to appologize if this topic has been already discussed but the search does not work :) I have RoR installed on a shared server. I also have a RoR application installed in a subdomain. The structure is as follows: www //this is my home WWW folder +--- www //maps to | +--- webapp //maps to Here is my RoR application |
2006 Apr 25
rake test:units fails on Postgresql due to nil
Following the directions in: I get through the: rake db:migrate With the tables created properly but then when I run the: rake test:units I get a failure: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: RuntimeError: ERROR C23502 Mnull value in column "title" violates not-null constraint FexecMain.c L1750
2007 Feb 28
Specifying that code is called in a block
Not sure if this is possible currently. I have a section of code like this: ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do!!! end (Names changed to protect the innocent.) I''d like to specify that the saves run in a transaction. I can do ActiveRecord::Base.should_receive(:transaction).and_yield But is there any way to specify that the code is
2007 Mar 05
postgres barfage revisted
First of all, I''d like to do what I''ve seen several others here do: thank Ezra and any other contributors for producing a really great plugin. Even though I''m having some minor problems, this is all so approachable and easy to work with and dig into... I hate to think of the hoops you''d need to jump through (both as creator of such a system and as a user) to
2007 Apr 18
Postgres-pr interface not found
I''ve installed the postgres-pr gem, and it is found using gem list v0.4.0. In my active record source, inside the postgresql_adapter.rb file, I''ve changed line 7 from: require_library_or_gem ''postgres'' unless self.class.const_defined?(:PGconn) to: require_library_or_gem ''postgres-pr'' unless self.class.const_defined?(:PGconn) try and
2005 Dec 19
update_attrbutes without saving?
Hello all, Is there a method for updating all the attributes from a hash without saving to the database? (the counterpart of update_attributes but without saving). What I want to do is: person = Person.find(params[:id]) person.update_without_saving(params[:person]) #update the in-memory object. # Process person object ....... I know that when you are creating a new object, you can
2006 Jan 29
field sets and unicode
Hello gentlemen, I''ve forced to such unicode problem: I have: <%= text_field_tag ''search'', nil, :id => ''search'', :size => 10 %> <%= observe_field ''search'', :url => {:controller =>
2006 Mar 28
Rails 1.1: not-null constraint violations
Since upgrading to Rails 1.1, I now get these errors: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "added" violates not-null constraint : INSERT INTO authors ("added", ...) VALUES(NULL, ...) The ''added'' column has a default of current_timestamp, and this used to work fine with Rails 1.0. Are we supposed to put default values in models'' before_create or
2006 May 18
Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
Hello! I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* instead of physical deletes using ActiveRecord. Basically, in many applications that deal with E-Commerce, you really can''t physically delete almost anything, because records must be kept for auditing and customer service tracking purposes. In the past, I''ve implemented logical deletes as follows: 1.
2006 Jan 26
Problems with simple scaffold code
Hi all, I had scaffold generate some code on a brand new app the trace is here: Could you point me to what problem needs to be fixed please as i''ve been banging my head against this for some time now? The table is very simple and its called "user" with id, email, password fields. I''ve set pluralize_table_names to false
2008 Dec 28
2.2.2 simple_captcha upgrade error
So thanks to Craig, i got up and running on rails 2.2.2, though now i''m dealing with a whole new can of worms. I''ve done a good bit o searching and haven''t found any solid leads. I''m using the simple_captcha plugin on my site, and all is well until i call that plugin. ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method
2005 Aug 17
RODBC and sqlColumns
I have a Postgres database that I am connecting to with the Postgres ODBC driver on Windows XP in R 2.1.0. In the database is a database with two schemas (public and X). With RODBC (1.1-4) , I can connect to the database and get the tables with sqlTables(db). I can query tables in the schema with sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM X.test"). However, I can't get the columns in table X.test
2006 Mar 09
Building a model from a database view
Hi, I''m trying to use rails to build a model from a database view. I get this output C:\dev\v6\project>ruby script/generate scaffold Assignment ... error Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a tab le for your model (Assignment) Is this not possible in Rails? It would be *really* helpful for my application. -------------- next part -------------- An