Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "New version of glmmML"
2006 Jul 12
glmmML updated
I have uploaded a new version (0.30-2) of glmmML to CRAN today.
This is a rather extensive upgrade, mostly internal. Adaptive
Gauss-Hermite quadrature (GHQ) is now used for the evaluation of the
integrals in the log likelihood function. The user can choose the number
of points (default is 16), I _think_ that choosing 1 point will result
in a Laplace approximation. The integrals in the score and
2006 Jul 12
glmmML updated
I have uploaded a new version (0.30-2) of glmmML to CRAN today.
This is a rather extensive upgrade, mostly internal. Adaptive
Gauss-Hermite quadrature (GHQ) is now used for the evaluation of the
integrals in the log likelihood function. The user can choose the number
of points (default is 16), I _think_ that choosing 1 point will result
in a Laplace approximation. The integrals in the score and
2009 Aug 28
Help with glmer {lme4) function: how to return F or t statistics instead of z statistics.
I'm new to R and GLMMs, and I've been unable to find the answers to my
questions by trawling through the R help archives. I'm hoping someone
here can help me.
I'm running an analysis on Seedling survival (count data=Poisson
distribution) on restoration sites, and my main interest is in
determining whether the Nutrients (N) and water absorbing polymer Gel
(G) additions to the
2009 Aug 28
Help with glmer {lme4} function: how to return F or t statistics instead of z statistics?
I'm new to R and GLMMs, and I've been unable to find the answers to my
questions by trawling through the R help archives. I'm hoping someone
here can help me.
I'm running an analysis on Seedling survival (count data=Poisson
distribution) on restoration sites, and my main interest is in
determining whether the Nutrients (N) and water absorbing polymer Gel
(G) additions to the
2005 Dec 15
generalized linear mixed model by ML
Dear All,
I wonder if there is a way to fit a generalized linear mixed models (for repeated binomial data) via a direct Maximum Likelihood Approach. The "glmm" in the "repeated" package (Lindsey), the "glmmPQL" in the "MASS" package (Ripley) and "glmmGIBBS" (Myle and Calyton) are not using the full maximum likelihood as I understand. The
2006 Feb 27
gauss.hermite function
I am trying to find a function that returns simply the weights and
points of an n point gauss hermite integeration, so that I can use them
to fit a non-standard likelihood.
I have found some documentation for the function 'gauss.hermite' written
by jim lindley, but can't find the actual binary on CRAN
I'm aware there are lots of functions like glmm, glmmML etc to fit mixed
2010 Mar 16
New package: ordinal
This is to announce the new R-package ?ordinal? that implements
cumulative link (mixed) models for ordinal (ordered categorical) data
The main features are:
- scale (multiplicative) as well as location (additive) effects
- nominal effects for a subset of the predictors (denoted partial
proportional odds when the link is the logistic)
- structured
2010 Mar 16
New package: ordinal
This is to announce the new R-package ?ordinal? that implements
cumulative link (mixed) models for ordinal (ordered categorical) data
The main features are:
- scale (multiplicative) as well as location (additive) effects
- nominal effects for a subset of the predictors (denoted partial
proportional odds when the link is the logistic)
- structured
2006 Mar 08
Want to fit random intercept in logistic regression (testing lmer and glmmML)
Greetings. Here is sample code, with some comments. It shows how I
can simulate data and estimate glm with binomial family when there is
no individual level random error, but when I add random error into the
linear predictor, I have a difficult time getting reasonable estimates
of the model parameters or the variance component.
There are no clusters here, just individual level responses, so
2006 May 05
Spline integration & Gaussian quadrature (was: gauss.quad.prob)
Thanks for your thoughts on this. I did a bit of work and did end up
with a method (more a trick), but it did work. I am certain there are
better ways to do this, but here is how I resolved the issue.
The integral I need to evaluate is
\frac{\int_c^{\infty} p(x|\theta)f(\theta)d\theta}
{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(x|\theta)f(\theta)d\theta}
2004 Jun 14
glmmML package
I'm trying to use the glmmML package on a Windows machine. When I try to install the package, I get the message:
> {pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))
+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2005 Oct 13
Do Users of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Know Whether Their Software Really Works?
Do Users of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Know
Whether Their Software Really Works?
Lesaffre et. al. (Appl. Statist. (2001) 50, Part3, pp 325-335)
some simple clinical trials data using a logistic random effects
model. Several packages and methods MIXOR, SAS NLMIXED were employed.
They reported obtaining very different parameter estimates and
2011 Jun 22
error using glmmML()
Dear all,
This question is basic but I am stumped. After running the below, I receive
the message: "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!"
model1 <-
data = data, cluster= data$Patch, family=binomial(link="logit"))
My response variable is sex ratio, and I have learned quickly not
2008 Feb 20
New Package 'JM' for the Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
Dear R-users,
I'd like to announce the release of the new package JM (JM_0.1-0
available from CRAN) for the joint modelling of longitudinal and
time-to-event data.
The package has a single model-fitting function called jointModel(),
which accepts as main arguments a linear mixed effects object fit
returned by function lme() of package nlme, and a survival object fit
returned by either
2008 Feb 20
New Package 'JM' for the Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
Dear R-users,
I'd like to announce the release of the new package JM (JM_0.1-0
available from CRAN) for the joint modelling of longitudinal and
time-to-event data.
The package has a single model-fitting function called jointModel(),
which accepts as main arguments a linear mixed effects object fit
returned by function lme() of package nlme, and a survival object fit
returned by either
2007 Aug 07
help on glmmML
I am using glmmML for a logitic regression with random effect.
I use the posterior.mode as an estimate for the random effects.
These can be very different from the estimates obtained using SAS , NLMIXED
in the random with out= option. (all the fixed and standard error of random
effect estimators are almost identical)
Can someone explain to me why is that.
The codes I use:
2010 Jan 23
(nlme, lme, glmmML, or glmmPQL)mixed effect models with large spatial data sets
I have a spatial data set with many observations (~50,000) and would like to
keep as much data as possible. There is spatial dependence, so I am
attempting a mixed model in R with a spherical variogram defining the
correlation as a function of distance between points. I have tried nlme,
lme, glmmML, and glmmPQL. In all case the matrix needed (seems to be
(N^2)/2 - N) is too large for my
2005 Jul 28
New versions of Matrix and lme4 packages
Version 0.98-1 of the lme4 package and of the Matrix package are now
on CRAN. This version provides the adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature
(AGQ) method for fitting generalized linear mixed models.
A new generic function mcmcsamp has been added with a method for
objects in the "lmer" (linear mixed model fit or generalized linear
mixed-effects model fit) class. This function provides a
2005 Jul 28
New versions of Matrix and lme4 packages
Version 0.98-1 of the lme4 package and of the Matrix package are now
on CRAN. This version provides the adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature
(AGQ) method for fitting generalized linear mixed models.
A new generic function mcmcsamp has been added with a method for
objects in the "lmer" (linear mixed model fit or generalized linear
mixed-effects model fit) class. This function provides a
2010 Apr 14
Gaussian Quadrature Numerical Integration In R
Hi All,
I am trying to use A Gaussian quadrature over the interval (-infty,infty) with weighting function W(x)=exp(-(x-mu)^2/sigma) to estimate an integral.
Is there a way to do it in R? Is there a function already implemented which uses such weighting function.
I have been searching in the statmode package and I found the function "gauss.quad(100, kind="hermite")" which uses