similar to: PostgreSQL on Mac?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "PostgreSQL on Mac?"

2008 Sep 19
Using Rails on MAMP via Passenger?
I''m new Ruby as well as the Rails Framework. I want to install Passenger so that I can develop in MAMP (Leopard), but I can''t find any instructions specific to installing Passenger on MAMP. Can anyone provide with me instructions on how to do so? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2012 Dec 09
Where is located the rscript in mac osx??
Dear all, I have a very simple question. I am trying to find where islocated the rscript in mac os x. The r is installed in the applications folderbut I can not find the rscript. Thank you.Dimitris [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 29
Locomotive: Can not install mysql gem
I''m using Locomotive on MacOSX 10.4, and I have installed mysql 5.0.45. To my surprise, the Ruby version included in Locomotive does not come with the mysql gem installed, so I tried to install it manually. According to the instructions in database.yml, this should be done using the --include switch, like this: gem install mysql -- --include=/usr/local/lib I selected the mysql 2.7
2009 Sep 24
Rails Authentication Tutorial
Does anyone know a good authentication tutorial they can suggest? I''ve tried several restful authentication ones and an authlogic one on RailsCast. But with each one I try, something seems to be missing in the tutorial and I can''t get it to work. I''m new to Rails so it''s possible user error on my part. I''m on Mac OS X 10.5 and I generate all my apps in
2011 Jan 17
Accessing MySQL Database in R
I have a local installation of MySQL on my computer. I enter the following to access MySQL from the command line: /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -h localhost -u root -p I am then prompted for a password, and I use: root This connects me to MySQL in the command line. I now want to access MySQL databases in R. I enter the following: mysql <- dbDriver("MySQL") conn <-
2006 Jun 15
[Very OT] MacBook defects: should I buy a MacBook?
Hello, First and foremost sorry for off topic message, but I thought maybe you smart guys can help me to decide about purchasing a MacBook or not. I was going to buy a MacBook but I found a story on about case discoloring and after googling the subject I found MacBook defects: I''m totally confused, should I buy it?
2009 Oct 21
"conventional cluster management software"
I saw this in the openfiler thread, and realised it is another major hole in my knowledge What do you all use for clustering, and does it run out-of-the-box with CentOS? My main areas of interest are : - DB clustering (PostgreSQL) - yeah, we're looking at commercial stuff and skytools - web server clustering - Apache on CentOS - storage clustering thanks, -Alan -- ?Don't eat anything
2011 Jan 17
R vs. C
A question, please about development of R packages: Are there any guidelines or best practices for deciding when and why to implement an operation in R, vs. implementing it in C? The "Writing R Extensions" recommends "working in interpreted R code . . . this is normally the best option." But we do write C-functions and access them in R - the question is, when/why is this
2006 Feb 24
sqlite3 error: uninitialized constant API
I''m just starting my first rails app and I can''t figure out this error. It''s got something to do with connecting to sqlite3...Here''s the application trace: <code> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:200:in `const_missing''
2007 Feb 28
Export/save csv-file to desktop of user?
Hi, looking for something that simple, but can''t find it. I got: outfile =''teams.txt'', ''wb'') CSV::Writer.generate(outfile) do |csv| for team in @teams csv << [,] end end outfile.close send_file "teams.txt", :filename => "teams.txt",:disposition =>
2011 Jan 19
CrossOver Linux Vs. Wine
Sorry to bother, but I can?t understand a lot of your double standards ... On the one hand develop a proprietary product "CrossOver Linux", but at the same time cooperating with the project "Wine" that's free. Wine could be today better than CrossOver Linux, but who knows, perhaps you are sabotaging and delaying the Wine project. I Don?t understand why you don?t develop
2006 Jan 21
RoR - Mac OS 10.4.4 on Intel
I got a new 20 inch iMac dual core today and am busy getting it all setup. A couple of issues though: 1. Is the Ruby 1.8.2 install by Apple still botched or has that been fixed? I recall someone had fixed the rbconfig.rb to get it working. Is this something I still have to do? 2. Does anyone know if Locomotive is using the uniersal binaries, or is it targetting PPC yet? I couldn''t
2006 Jun 09
Installation on OSX...
Hi, Just got my first Mac. I''m trying to install rails on it, using the instructions in the rails wiki: I go to install mysql, and the version of mysql supported by DarwinPorts appears to be 4.1.18. But all the sites appear to only have 4.1.19 or 4.1.20. So it looks like DarwinPorts is over a month out
2006 Mar 28
Sql error using MAMP with rails 1.1
Hi, I am newbie and i am using MAMP with rails for trying out few things in web development. I just upgraded to rails 1.1 and created a new rails depot project and when i just gone to change my database.yml, I get this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- development: adapter: mysql database: depot_development username: root password: root
2011 Mar 08
[PR] #PgEast schedule up!
The PostgreSQL Conference East is in NYC this year and the schedule has just been published. As a note there is a full day RoR class happening at the conference. March 08, 2011: Celebrating 15 years of PostgreSQL, early. Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Developers, End Users and Decision Makers, is being held at the Hotel
2013 Oct 07
GlusterFS as underlying Replicated Disk for App Server
Hi All, We have a requirement for a common replicated filesystem between our two datacentres, mostly for DR and patching purposes when running Weblogic clusters. For those that are not acquainted, Weblogic has a persistent store that it uses for global transaction logs amongst other things. This store can be hosted on shared disk (usually NFS), or in recent versions within an Oracle DB.
2017 Oct 01
Error copying files with extended attributes to Windows clients
When copying files to a Windows 10 client, an error is thrown if the file has extended attributes. In this case, the files were all created by an OS X client with netatalk. I'm using Samba from the Ubuntu 16.04 repository, which is currently 4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.11. In my smb.conf: # Netatalk configuration vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr fruit:encoding = native
2008 Oct 07
Rails Deployment Using Passenger (Problems)
Hello, I have been trying to deploy my Rails application using Passenger on my local machine that runs Mac OS X Tiger. I saw the screencast by Ryan Bates and also referred to benr75[ 2008/04/12/setup-mod_rails-phusion-mac-os-x-leopard] for specific instructions for Mac (but they are for leopard). Right now if I go to http://localhost all I get is "It Works!".
2010 Oct 07
hfsutils package
Has anyone used the hfsutils package? I tried the following and get an error: hfs mount ../vlc-1.1.3-intel.dmg hfsutils version 3.2.6 - Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Robert Leslie This is free software but comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Type `license' for details. expected integer but got "../vlc-1.1.3-intel.dmg" while executing "hfs mount $path $partno"
2006 May 16
svn-1.3.1 errors on intel mac on checkout
I just installed svn-1.3.1 from .dmg on an intel mac. I am getting ... subversion/libsvn_wc/log.c:338: (apr_err=155009) svn: In directory ''sr'' subversion/libsvn_subr/io.c:565: (apr_err=2) svn: Can''t copy ''sr/.svn/tmp/text-base/README.svn-base'' to ''sr/README.tmp'': No such file or directory Any one getting this? TIA for any help.