similar to: Shelling out from an action with ``?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Shelling out from an action with ``?"

2006 Jun 27
find_by_id vs. find in postback action
I''m playing around with the Postback action recipe listed in the recipes book. Here is the default code given: def edit @recipe = Recipe.find_by_id(params[:id]) || if @recipe.attributes = params[:recipe] redirect_to :main_url and return if end end Here is what my code sort of ended up looking like, altho i''ve ripped it apart
2005 Jul 12
Tip Sheet for AJAX
Hi all, I''m making an Amy Hoy style tip sheet PDF for the Prototype and Scriptaculous AJAX stuff, to be used with Rails. Are there other resources you would suggest besides the websites themselves (the previous thread about Highlight reminded me of this)? Is there a particular focus that would be helpful for such a document? Preferred fonts or colors? I must say, once you get
2006 May 19
psitsNOT ("Photoshop it''s NOT") is an over-the-web image editing application made with Rails, RMagick, and AJAX. It provides everything you need to make a raw digital image look good on the web. You''ll need an OpenID URL to log in. Feedback is welcomed! --Al Evans -- Posted via
2006 Apr 11
Google Base... in Rails?
Ok, so this is kinda out of the blue... but I''ve been looking at Google Base and thinking that it''s got some really good ideas in it. Especially the way you can create your own "type" of item with its own custom attributes, like date range, location, number, text, etc. Kind of like defining a database with a GUI, but not exactly. It seems really interesting to me, from
2006 Aug 14
Postback Action Problem
I was trying to use postbacks, but its not working. def edit @xxxx= xxxx.find_by_id(params[:id]) || if @xxxx.attributes = params[:xxxx] redirect_to :list and return if end end I get the following error: SystemStackError in xxxxxController#edit stack level too deep. The code of list is same as the code generated by the scaffold
2006 Jul 30
Bug? find_by_id(nil) returns object just created
Tried to submit a ticket in Trac, but it reported an error... Doing a Model.find_by_id(nil) after creating an object of type Model returns that object -- and the next time, returns nil. It should always return nil. For example, Step 1. Create an object: >> Foo.create(:name => "bar") => #<Foo:0x2aaaac3ade20 @new_record=false,
2006 Jul 04
Help with first AJAX action
I''ve used Rails for a while, but haven''t really done any AJAX until now. Now I''ve been fighting for days with my first AJAX action and after reliably crashing Safari and throwing errors in IE, I''m finally coming to the list for help. :) I have a "controls" div in my layout. This div displays a list of page-specific actions. When some of these
2006 Jul 13
find_by_id(nil) does not always return nil
I have a model named User. When running this application from the console I can call User.find_by_id(nil) and it returns nil. When running this application during testing or through WEBrick or Mongrel calling User.find_by_id(nil) returns the newest record in the database. But it only does this the first time you call it with nil. The second time you call User.find_by_id(nil) it returns nil.
2007 Mar 07
Strange Problem With Unwanted, Transient Caching
Hello, I hope somebody can explain to me what''s going on here because I''m baffled! In a controller''s action I want to create a new order for a customer. Because I post back to the same action (not RESTful I know, but that''s for another day) I use code like this: def edit @order = Order.find_by_id(params[:id]) || ... end I
2007 Dec 04
spec''ing shared controller methods
I want to isolate and spec methods that are shared by controllers, and live in application.rb. Whereas I usually also provide examples in individual controllers that use these methods, not necessarily all the edge cases and I''d like to isolate the examples. This is the approach I''m taking (thanks to bryanl for suggestions and WDYT? This
2005 Dec 07
Addressing a class, rather than an id?
Good day, I''m trying to use the slider control to resize a pile of images on a web page. Clever, huh. Bet cha didn''t think of that one!!! :) But seriously. It seems I want to address a class, rather than the individual id''s of the images. At this point, I''m getting some results with something like this:
2005 May 26
No response from Apache 2 / fcgi / rails...
Hello! I''m struggling here with getting Typo running on a Red Hat server under Apache 2 / fcgi... Every time I try to load the public home page, I get this in my error log: [Thu May 26 00:20:52 2005] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/home/httpd/vhosts/ public/dispatch.fcgi" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
2006 Apr 01
Okay, what gives? find_by_id is failing.
This has the look of a "just don''t quite get it yet" problem. I am using the ActiveRecord.find_by_id method to identify the parent object (Quiz) to tie to the child object (Question) at create time. Here is the stdout log: - - [31/Mar/2006:22:43:22 CST] "GET /question/new? parent_quiz=ff2d7022-be0a-11da-9f01-00400506faf5 HTTP/1.1" 200 806
2005 Jul 31
Central list of Rails gems?
Is there a centralized list of Rails gems somewhere? Or even just a database of some kind of gems that can be useful to Rails apps, not just specific to Rails? -raymond -- Raymond Brigleb, Creative Director Needmore Designs -- The beautiful, usable web. Website Email
2007 Nov 05
Authentication: is a guest a user or an "exception"?
Hi all I''m currently implementing authentication/authorization in my app. Now I''m wondering what''s the common way to handle a guest... In fact, many of the visitors of my app will be anonymous users that just want to read articles etc., but one can register as a member to have some further possibilities. So far one can login as a member and from this point on one has
2006 May 30
Single table lookups
I''m struggling with a single table type (self) lookup. my ''personnel'' model has a supervisor_id and is_supervisor column. The supervisor''s select list is created by @supv = Personnel.find(:all, :conditions => ["is_supervisor = true"], :order => ''last_name'') in my personnel model, I have the following... def
2010 Mar 10
Rails ActiveRecord associations autosave option
I have the following associations. class Document < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :document_sections, :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => true has_many :document_items, :through => :document_sections end class DocumentSection < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :document has_many :document_items, :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => true end class DocumentItem <
2005 Jul 12
Meta-question about the list
Question about the list in general: by default, it''s set up so that replies go to the sender, rather than the list. However, on other lists I usually chat on, replies by default generally go to the list. This seems to encourage more discussion. Would it be a good idea to change that default? Or am I just crazy. Best, Raymond -- Raymond Brigleb, Needmore Designs Website
2012 Aug 01
'redirect_to' taking infinite loop.
Hi, The following controller method taking me into infinite loop. Once the update action completes I want to reload the ''index'' page. May I know why it is going into infinite loop? def update Device.find_by_id( params[:device_id] ).driver = ( params[:driver_id] == 0 ) ? nil : Driver.find_by_id( params[:driver_id] ) redirect_to :action => :index, :tab =>
2006 Mar 01
Validating that a foreign key is present and ok
How do I validate that a model object''s attribute is a valid foreign key? The problem is, I can''t check if the attribute is a valid foreign key if the attribute doesn''t even exist. For example, every employee must be in a department. In the following code, if an employee''s department_id is not present then Department.find_by_id(department_id) might cause