similar to: Compatibility Issues?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Compatibility Issues?"

2008 Nov 11
Build problem with ruby-1.9.1-preview1
Hi all, I wanted to have a look at wxRuby on a recent version of ruby 1.9 (ruby-1.9.1-preview1) on Ubuntu 8.10 x86. Here is the result : chauk-mean at MyUbuntu:~/wxruby2$ ruby19 -v ruby 1.9.1 (2008-10-28 revision 19983) [i686-linux] chauk-mean at MyUbuntu:~/wxruby2$ rake19 WXRUBY_VERSION=1.9.9 gem (in /home/chauk-mean/wxruby2) Enabling DYNAMIC build Enabling RELEASE build Enabling UNICODE build
2009 Jan 13
set the background to a bitmap
Hi, any ideas whether you can set the background of a dialog to use an image? -- Posted via
2009 Feb 05
wxRuby - Segmentation fault
# Windows XP Professional + SP3 # ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] # wxruby (1.9.9) If you can tell me how to update to 1.9.10, I''d be happy to run this and a few other tests. Also, if I should be posting bugs somewhere else, please let me know. Here''s a bit of code to reproduce a seg fault: -----------------------------------------------------------
2009 Oct 25
2 [BUG] Segmentation fault on require 'wx'
Hi -- I am trying to get ruby 1.9 to run on my Windows Vista Ultimate computer with and Intel 32 bit processor and all OS updates applied. I installed ruby 1.9 on October 23, 2009 using the zip file ( and the instructions located at: I was able to run several simple scripts. So far
2009 Aug 05
Re: mingw32 library compatibility
Hi Fabio Fabio Petrucci wrote: > is the mingw32 wxruby distribution > > compatible with > mingw32 ruby 1.9.1 installer provided by Luis Lavena > ? I think it is - I believe that''s the MingW-ruby19 distribution that''s used to build wxruby-2.0.0
2009 May 26
Unable to use wxruby-ruby19 in Ruby 1.9.1-p129 on Windows
Hello, I''m using wxRuby as my favourite GUI toolkit with Ruby 1.9. But after I updated my Ruby installation from Ruby 1.9.1-p0 to Ruby 1.9.1-p129, I cannot do a require "wx" anymore. Every time I try I get an error that says that Windows isn''t able to find some procedure. I have a German Windows XP installation, so I don''t know the English equivalent of this
2004 Apr 24
wxruby-swig 0.0.7
I just pushed a new wxruby-swig, which includes the known MSWin rakefile changes. It also has some significant internal improvements that will make it easier to add classes, and it includes support for one new class (wxEvent). wxruby-swig is now licensed under the "MIT license". wxRuby will remain under the wxWindows license as long as we are releasing the old code base. When we
2004 Apr 22
Rake and VC++ 6
Has anybody tried the new wxruby-swig from the msvc++ command line compiler using ''rake''? The rakefile seems to depend on the wx_config method, which doesn''t exist for msw because it doesn''t have BASH to execute the shell script. Has anyone hacked the rakefile to fix this? Nick
2007 Oct 13
Newbie can''t get sample/etc/wizard.rb to work
Hello, I''ve downloaded wxruby onto windows (ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]). All samples are working fine, except for wizard.rb, which gets: C:/Program Files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/keyword_ctors.rb:201:in `initialize'': Error initializing #<Wx::Wizard:0x2f3fed8> (ArgumentError) Sent parameters:
2008 Jan 01
Compiling wxruby-1.9.2
Hi, I''m trying to compile wxruby-1.9.2. This is my first time using rake. All I get is the following: (in /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2) rake aborted! can''t convert nil into String /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2/rakefile:48 (See full trace by running task with --trace) And with --trace: (in /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2) rake aborted! can''t convert nil into
2007 Oct 18
Bug in minimal.rb
Hi! I discovered WxRuby2 and WxSugar a short while ago (1.9.1) and I really like its professional look and the platform independance. But especially the simplification and ''rubyfication'' that you already achieved and are planning for 1.9.2 (event handlers) is funstuff! Thanks a lot! And with Ruby 1.9/2 the keyword constructors will be even nicer with the new hash syntax:
2010 Feb 27
Oniguruma and Ultraviolet on Windows 7
Hi I have been tying to install the followings gems in order to add code syntax highlighting to my application: -Oniguruma -Ultraviolet -Harsh Unfortunately I have been running into the the following errors when running "gem install oniguruma ultraviolet" Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing oniguruma: ERROR: Failed to build gem
2007 Nov 06
gem problems on Windows
$ gem list wxruby *** LOCAL GEMS *** wxruby (1.9.1, 1.9.0) Ruby interface to the wxWidgets GUI library $ gem install wxruby Need to update 39 gems from ....................................... complete Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32) 1. wxruby 1.9.2 (x86_64-linux) 2. wxruby 1.9.1 (x86_64-linux) 3. Skip this gem 4. Cancel installation
2006 Oct 05
0.36 release problem?
I tried sending this a day or two ago but I didn''t see it appear. I''ve just tried the wxRuby 0.36 release but appear to get the following error (I got it from bigdemo.rb too). C:\opt\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i386-mswin32\samples\minimal>minimal Our Initialize was called Their Initialize returned 1
2007 May 07
0.0.40 tagged
I''ve tagged 0.0.40 in subversion and created the release on rubyforge. Roy, Sean, please could you compile and upload the binary gems when you have a moment - thanks in advance. Drop me a line off list so I know when to make an announcement. cheers alex
2007 Oct 16
Question about GUI processing order
I am developing a GUI with WxRuby (wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32, ruby-1.8.6). In one of my button event handlers I do the following in this order: set the value of a TextCtrl, show a button (which was hidden), hide the button that was caused this event play some sounds (using What I observe is that all these things happen, but not in the order I specified. Hiding the button occurs
2007 May 01
Bitmap memory leaks (Bug 251)?
I see that this problem was noted a while ago ( tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=251&group_id=35&atid=218) but it seems not to have received much attention. Any chance that it will be looked at anytime soon? So far, I prefer wxRuby to Ruby/Tk because of that closer coupling with the native window manager. However, the memory leak is just murdering me.
2008 May 20
Suggestion for Installation Instructions Please forgive and redirect me if this is the wrong forum for this very minor posting. I suspect most people know the answer to this question from some other experience, but for those of us who don''t it would be helpful to give a hint on which Windows gem package to install. c:\ruby>gem install wxruby Select which gem
2007 Apr 13
who can give me an EvtHandler#connect example?
I read the api document online: but still don''t know how to use it. EvtHandler#connect connect(Integer id, Integer lastId, EventType eventType, ObjectEventFunction function, Object userData = nil, EvtHandler eventSink = nil) the online doc''s example is write in C++: frame->Connect( ID_EXIT,
2008 Jul 28
Segfault with GridCellChoiceEditor
I have a problem. In my application I have a few Grid objects in a Notebook. The Grid objects are populated via GridTableBase. Certain Grid cells need to have a choice interface (I''m artificially enforcing foreign key constraints). All this works to the point where you try to edit the value for that cell. The choice box renders (i.e. the drop down arrow appears) then the application