similar to: Using "validates" in Model Question on Control Flow

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Using "validates" in Model Question on Control Flow"

2006 Jul 04
LoginGenerator Problem
I am trying to make a barebones login system based on this example (which in turn is just standard RoR login) but when I enter a user name and password, it says the login is unsuccessful every time. I am not sure where I am going wrong. Here is all relevent information CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(6) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `login` varchar(20) NOT NULL default
2006 Apr 13
Model is not a class
I''m trying to specify a model in a controller, but rails gives me "Account is not a class", where Account is my model name ... This is my model: class Account < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :email, :email_confirmation, :username, :password, :password_confirmation validates_format_of :email, :with =>
2006 Jan 20
Is there a way to validate a model w/o saving it?
I have some code in my controller which looks like this: if and and ... end and in my Account and User models I have many :validates, like so account.rb validates_presence_of :subdomain, :on => :create validates_uniqueness_of :subdomain, :on => :create, :message => "is already being used" validates_exclusion_of
2008 Aug 01
Help with Access Control
Hi, I am following the excellent tutorial (post 5) on how to implement an access control feature i.e. only a friend is allowed to view a profile of a particular member. I am not using the restful authentication plugin as the author is using to implement the authentication feature (post 1) in the tutorial. All I am interested in is the post 5
2006 Jul 24
error_messages_for not working
I have the following code and I am not able to get it working. The error message is not coming on the top, it is just getting displayed on a different page if I dont have the rescue block commented at the bottom. Model: user.rb require "digest/sha1" class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :eaddress, :fname, :passwd, :pcode, :country, :day, :year, :month, :gender,
2006 Apr 26
Possible acts_as_authenticated bug (or rails)
The code that comes with the plugin uses a method that looks like this: def password_required? crypted_password.blank? or not password.blank? end with validations that look like this: validates_presence_of :password, :if => :password_required? validates_presence_of :password_confirmation, :if => :password_required? validates_length_of
2006 Dec 16
Validate some fields only on object creation, not update
I''m having a problem with my User model. Originally I had alot of validation, including this: validates_presence_of :password_confirmation, :password validates_length_of :password, :within => 4..50 validates_confirmation_of :password However, this made it impossible to edit a user without setting his password, which I don''t want. So I tried to isolate the above validations
2006 Jul 16
Problems with validates_lenght_of
I''m building a login system, and I want users to be able to update their password, first name and last name after signing up. So, when signing up password can''t be nil, and it must be between 6..20 characters long. However, on update, the user can choose to leave the password field empty (but fill in other stuff, like first name) and then I want the User model to not update
2007 Oct 23
validates_confirmation_of not working?
I just can''t get validates_confirmation_of working for the life of me!... It''s not the first time I''m having problems with it but I just never understand why!... This time I pretty much followed *exactly* the example in Agile Rails Development and just won''t work! I put 2 different passwords in the form and it doesn''t trigger an error,
2006 Jul 17
updating model
hello, i am writing a simple user login system. when registering a user account, i have two field: password password_confirmation which are validated using validates_presence_of validates_confirmation_of and these are then used to generate a password hash which is stored in my database when i want to update the record (without changing the password and entering new values for password and
2008 Jan 16
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in LoginController
Hi, I''m having a problem trying to get a login controller working. When I try and post to my login controller I get the following error: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in LoginController#login login_controller: class LoginController < ApplicationController def login case request.method when :post if @session[''user''] =
2006 Apr 04
model validates twice in tests, produces duplicate errors
In my unit tests for my User model, I''m testing some validation cases. What is really strange, and driving me crazy, is that in the unit tests, it seems like the save method is causing my validations to execute twice, and produce duplicate error messages. This is making my tests fail (because I''m checking for the number of errors that I expect). In the web browser, only one error
2006 Apr 14
Validating Existing Models
I''ve got a user object which has quite a few attributes mapped to the database. As of right now I''ve got some validations in the model like: validates_presence_of :password, :message => "You must specify a valid password." validates_confirmation_of :password, :message => "Password doesn''t match the confirmation." validates_presence_of
2006 May 18
Newbie:problem when using validates*
Hi, I have performed the cookbook tutorial. Before tailoring the views and controllers, when I put in the model recipe.rb: validates_uniqueness_of :title validates_length_of :title, :within => 1...20 And I tried to introduce some new recipe without the above conditions I got the message: --------------------------------------------------- New recipe 1 error prohibited this category from
2006 May 18
[newbie]problem when using validates*
Hi, I have performed the cookbook tutorial. Before tailoring the views and controllers, when I put in the model recipe.rb: validates_uniqueness_of :title validates_length_of :title, :within => 1...20 And I tried to introduce some new recipe without the above conditions I got the message: --------------------------------------------------- New recipe 1 error prohibited this category from
2006 Nov 06
Confirmation fields on forms
I am unsure how to use a confirmation only field in my forms. The perfect example is when registering a user, you want them to type their password twice but you only want to have one record for it. The form fields; user[password] user[password_confirmation] form posted; user = @params[:user] Error is thrown because there is no method for password_confirmation. -- Posted via
2005 Dec 29
belongs_to causing NoMethodError exceptions ... ?
I''ve got a really strange problem using belongs_to. I apologize in advance for the length... this is going to take a while to explain. Basic idea: Creating a User requires that the user enter an email address and activation key that matches an existing PendingUser. After creating the user successfully, that pending user should be marked as "used". The problem: When I
2005 Oct 14
validates_confirmation_of not working
Hello, I''m having a weird problem in my user model. For the change_password method I have the following: def change_password(oldpass, newpass, confirmation) oldpass = self.class.myhash(oldpass) reload passhash = self.password self.password = newpass self.password_confirmation = confirmation if valid? and oldpass == passhash save! else # valid?
2006 Mar 29
How to skip password validation when updating other fields?
Besides the hashed password, which is saved to db, I have two password-attributes in my User model: attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation I have validations on these attributes, and I need them to work both on create and update, since I have pages for changing and resetting the password. Now when I want to update just the user''s login name, I guess I have the next
2006 Jan 20
validates_confirmation_of not working
is there any special requirement for validates_confirmation_of ? I am trying to make sure 2 passwords are equal (cleanly the rails way).. In my view i have two fields with id user[password] and user[password_confirmation]. in the model i have validates_confirmation_of :password, :message =>"Passwords do not match " Am i missing something here ? thanks adam