similar to: Don''t Shout at your JBODs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Don''t Shout at your JBODs"

2000 Sep 28
Interesting coding problem ..
Hi, I have a track which when encoded with Mode_C or even Mode_E does not encode well at all ... It's a jazz flute track with a lot of plate echo. The flute (centred in the mix) almost disappears ... I am away for a few days, but if someone would like to look at this I would be grateful ... A small clip can be grabbed from my ftp server ... in:
2004 Aug 06
my icecast problem
On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Kelly Lee Myers wrote: > In addition is there a way to set the size of the outgoing packets or is > that completely handled by the stack and not icecast itself. Forgive me if > that sounds stupid, but I didn't really get that deep into icecast > configuration. You can... but... Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to look at the MTU for your
2004 Aug 06
[ [vorbis] mp3pro and the mp3 streaming license]
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not charging anything. As > mentioned, the royalties to record labels still stand if you don't follow > the rules, but this will be true regardless of the format > (mp3/vorbis/whatever.) Do you have any ads on your site? That's probably streaming related revenue. Do you list on There's definately
2008 Nov 19
Sorry again for the only marginal relation to asterisk, but the issue does affect the voice performance I am experiencing, so I am soothing my guilt with that. Bet you don't see this every day: ast% uptime 13:48:08 up 981 days, 18:29, 1 user, load average: 1.08, 1.02, 1.01 ast% I *REALLY* want this machine to see 1000 days uptime, if for nothing other than bragging rights. Its been
2003 Jul 20
new stuff
New stuff from In piano/Hokanson/Live the Schubert Gmaj and Bb maj sonatas (latest version July 20) In voice: Dawn2 These recordings were taken from lps and are of lower quality than the usual stuff at pan. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
2004 Aug 06
MTU was: Re: my icecast problem
It is going to depend on a number of factors. Linux sets (along with a few other OS's I'm sure) its MTU to 1500. The problem is, if you set it longer then it will most likely be frag'd by your router. If that router does not, then another will. I think MTU for ppp interfaces are smaller. Likewise, if your backbone is FDDI, it has a large frame (somewhere in the 8000 range I
2005 Mar 08
Pluralization rules?
Is there documentation somewhere on how RoR handles pluralization? I''m finding it head-scratching/table-thumping. I''m playing with converting an old PHP app to RoR. I used to have a table called "status_code" which was referenced by column "status". I converted the "status" column to "status_id" and the table to "statuses",
2004 Aug 06
what I'd like to do
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, John Griffiths wrote: > i've set up an old 486 running debian 2.2r2 using the debian icecast packages (shout doing the streaming). As my sig points out, yes, it is possible. RiR is linux and icecast stripped to the bare necessities. > so far so good, with a bit of fiddling i had a stream that worked fine over the local network As I too have seen in practice :/
2006 Sep 14
ov_open_callbacks() performance & memory requirements
Hi guys, I'm writing a sample playback engine using vorbisfile, but I've hit a performance problem - hoping someone here can help! I'm using ov_open_callbacks() to decode memory-based ogg files. It works OK, but when I call ov_open_callbacks() approximately 300k of memory is used (presumably to initialise the decoder). It also takes some time to execute ov_open_callbacks() - the read
2004 Aug 06
icecast 2.0 update
REMOVE yourself for mthe list!!!!!!!!!!!! Hint: what text is repeated twice in the following message (three times if you got it from the mailing list)? PS the filtering is apparently not working. (and neither is the ignoring). :) On Sunday, 25 February 2001 at 18:46, Albi Rebmann wrote: > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' > >
2006 Jun 13
levelplot and source() problems
I have been using levelplot but have had trouble calling it inside functions - something seems to go wrong when it's not called directly from the R command prompt. Simplest reproducible example: $ R --vanilla > library(lattice) > levelplot(matrix(1:4,2,2)) - This gives a nice plot in soothing pastel colors. Now, with a file lptest.r containing 2 lines: library(lattice)
2004 Aug 06
A few Newbie Questions
You're going to need root access. Presumably you have it if you have control over icecast. You could do a simple adduser. Then use your favorite editor and open up the /etc/passwd file (again as root). You'll need to read up on what each of the fields are, but in short you'll want to * the password field for that new user. You'll also want to change the shell to /bin/false.
2006 Jul 28
3510 JBOD ZFS vs 3510 HW RAID
Hi there Is it fair to compare the 2 solutions using Solaris 10 U2 and a commercial database (SAP SD scenario). The cache on the HW raid helps, and the CPU load is less... but the solution costs more and you _might_ not need the performance of the HW RAID. Has anybody with access to these units done a benchmark comparing the performance (and with the pricelist in hand) came to a conclusion.
2015 Apr 30
rid and ad backends differences
Hello Can someone please explain what is the difference between the rid and ad backends in smb.conf? Many thanks -------- Original Message -------- Subject: samba Digest, Vol 148, Issue 27 Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:00:05 -0600 From: samba-request at Reply-To: samba at To: samba at Send samba mailing list submissions to samba at
2015 May 06
rid and ad backends differences
> so I think ADS is not the best option in my case. > From your explanation I'm in favour of RID backend as it seems more >stable because of the static setup. Your best options is : Use ADS, with backend RID. If you have 1 DC and (or 1 extra member server ) than RID is you best option, no hassle uid/gid and RFC2307 things.. but beware if you do things on linux.. than you can
2017 Mar 03
Opus hiding lower volume instrument
When experimenting with Opus encoder, I took a random FLAC file, encoded it, heard it, and heard the original file. When hearing the opus encoded file, I thought it was a flute solo, but when I heard the original, I nearly fell off my chain when I noticed the piano I couldn't hear from the Opus in the first time. Now I know there is a piano, I can hear it in the Opus file, but it is much
2015 Jun 17
(SOLVED ) you have been logged on with a temporary profile_win7, client+samba 4+WinServ2012
Hi I got help from someone in the #Samba channel. It turned out that my Samba Server (JIMMY) was not resolving. DNS was not aware of him. So the suggestion was to use the "netbios name = JIMMY" in my smb.conf and in the user's "profile tab" enter the path using jimmy's IP. \\IP\disk1\profs That did the trick. Thank you everyone for your time and help. Many thanks
2004 Aug 06
my icecast problem
Hi, I've managed to capture some output from the log tail using debug level 4. I couldn't capture it from the beginning, and it seems the debug info isn't sent to the log file (is there a way to do that ?) Here's a snippet of the log being repeated a lot of times during the few seconds that I notice the stutter : -> [28/Feb/2001:12:43:13] DEBUG: sock_write_bytes_or_kick: -1
2004 Aug 06
A few Newbie Questions
In article <> you wrote: : 1) With regards to the recent buffer-overflow exploit and the : recommendation of running icecast as a non-root user, how exactly does : one do that? I do it via "su". I use a pseudo user named "ice" and have this in a shell program that starts icecast: exec su --login -c
2004 Aug 06
Too many &quot;too many errors&quot;
> > Hmm. I tried a windows laptop box (kinda slow) and indeed after about > > 30-40 minutes playback starts stuttering and eventually disconnects > > from the icecast server. > > > > Nothing else is running on this box. What gives? Why am I losing about > > 25% of the connections to this error? > > Are you using shout? Let me clarify here with the