similar to: 1.0.1 release candidate 3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "1.0.1 release candidate 3"

2017 May 24
System Time Source
Warren, one slight correction on an other wise nicely written bit of info: The time transmitted from WWV is not Mountain Time. Even though the WWV transmitter farm is located in the Mountain time zone, the signals are transmitted as "Coordinated Universal time", UTC, or 'Zulu' time. Here, you can listen to a recording made at the transmitter site for the 5Mhz signal:
2017 Jul 19
CentOS SDR Support
Software Defined Radio On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 8:40 AM, "m.roth at" <m.roth at> wrote: Chris Olson wrote: > > Several weeks ago, we posted a message seeking information about > time sources.? There were many helpful and educational responses. > An excerpt from one of the responses is included below.? We have > been following up with
2007 Sep 25
deliver w/quotas - MDN after accept mail?
I'm testing deliver with sendmail and fs quotas. On an over quota condition, deliver accepts the mail, deletes it, then issues a MDN immediately. Is there a way to get deliver to soft fail like procmail does with a 400 error and queue the mail, then let sendmail handle the MDN, following it's "confTO_QUEUEWARN" and "confTO_QUEUERETURN" ? Thanks, Ken -- Ken
2007 Jun 15
v1.0.1 released Lots of small fixes. * deliver: If Return-Path doesn't contain user and domain, don't try to bounce the mail (this is how it was supposed to work earlier too) * deliver: %variables in mail setting coming from userdb aren't expanded anymore (again how it should have worked).
2007 Jun 15
v1.0.1 released Lots of small fixes. * deliver: If Return-Path doesn't contain user and domain, don't try to bounce the mail (this is how it was supposed to work earlier too) * deliver: %variables in mail setting coming from userdb aren't expanded anymore (again how it should have worked).
2017 May 24
System Time Source
One of our STEM interns recently observed that there are inexpensive clocks that sync via radio to standard time services.? This begged a question about why every computer would not have a radio module to receive time.? Our senior staff did not have a good answer or if time from such a radio module would be supported by the operating system. When I was a student, such questions would have earned
2007 May 09
PATCH: sendmail-like DSNs in Dovecot deliver (EX_TEMPFAIL always)
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello, I've put together an always tempfail & sendmail-like DSN report back patch. Because I don't know how to transform the rejection reason into sysexit.h codes, it always tempfails. The hooks are so that: a) config file setting: lda_mode = mode b) command line: deliver --mode mode where mode is default or sendmail. When no
2020 Mar 08
System Time
A few years ago, one of our interns was curious about system time keeping features in computer systems.? This intern was also the proud owner of an inexpensive Radio-Controlled Clock. The intern wondered why computer motherboards were not just equipped with a chip like the ones in the RCC so that their system time would always be correct. I posted a question about this on the CentOS email list
2009 Jan 18
deliver rejection bounces
Is there any reason not to make (for v1.2) 1) deliver -e behavior the defaut? 2) not even provide the option for the current default (have deliver send bounces itself)? The only reason it even works like it does currently is because I just mostly copied what Cyrus did.
2007 May 23
Quota handling - v2 - updated FR
This revised proposal for a Feature Request is the result of my desire to implement quotas, but not have the attendant headaches that inevitably accompany its implementation. Ralf Hildebrandt wrote: > I have to face it, my users are retards: Is there any other kind of user? ;) <snip> > Thus I need a feature in dovecot that will tell them via email: > > Level1: "You
2013 Dec 09
[PATCH] rework master-to-worker signaling to use a pipe
Signaling using normal kill(2) is preserved, but the master now prefers to signal workers using a pipe rather than kill(2). Non-graceful signals (:TERM/:KILL) are still sent using kill(2), as they ask for immediate shutdown. This change is necessary to avoid triggering the ubf (unblocking function) for rb_thread_call_without_gvl (and similar) functions extensions. Most notably, this fixes
2006 Feb 24
Call quality problems
I'm having difficulty with an Asterisk system. The external party has very good call quality, but the internal party hears clipping and drop outs. The WAN comes in from the Cisco IAD and into a LAN switch (DLink DGS-1005D w/ 802.1p) where the two public IPs are switched to different devices. One device is a FireBox device controlling a separate LAN with VPNs. The other device is eth0
2017 Jul 19
CentOS SDR Support
On 7/19/2017 11:41 AM, Chris Olson wrote: > Software Defined Radio > I wouldn't want to use SDR as a simple time source.... SDR uses a /lot/ of CPU to make up for the lack of radio hardware. It would make far more sense to get a dedicated WWV or GPS reciever to use as a time reference, unless you're going to dedicate a server just to be a software radio. -- john r
2006 May 17
[tftp-hpa] [patch] building on hpux and add CPPFLAGS
Hi, We just build tftp-hpa on out supported platforms, and I have a very small patch. On hpux, we have a sysexits.h that does not define EX_CONFIG. Also, we like to use CPPFLAGS to point to our include dirs, tftp-hpa doesn't use CPPFLAGS. This can be a little confusing, as the configure checks use CPPFLAGS, but the build itself does not. Peter -------------- next part -------------- Index:
2009 May 24
Some questions about deliver
While investigating Dovecot's deliver with Postfix, I encountered some behaviors making me wonder whether I really understand the purpose of that binary. So, if you allow... This is from Postfix' mailbox_command = /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/deliver -e -n This is my quick setup for Dovecot: # 1.2.rc4: /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf # OS: Darwin 9.7.0
2005 Apr 30
How do I get pass this libvorbis-1.0.1-1, libvorbis-devl-1.0.1-1 dependency failure?
I need libvorbis-devel to build another app. I have been trying to resolve this dependency failure for several days with no luck. I hope someone here can help me. uname -a Linux 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc3.ccrma #1 Thu Dec 30 03:08:13 EST 2004 i686 i686i386 GNU/Linux rpm -q libvorbis libvorbis-1.0.1-1 rpm -ivh libvorbis-devel-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libvorbis = 1.0.1 is
2007 Nov 06
ANN: Swiftiply (Mongrel > 1.0.1 compatibility)
Just a quick announcement that an update to swiftiplied_mongrel and evented_mongrel which fixes the incompatibility with Mongrels > 1.0.1 has been released. Let me know if you have any problems. Kirk Haines
2007 Apr 04
Monit / mongel_cluster 0.2.2 / mongrel 1.0.1
Paul Did you ever get to the bottom of this. I''m having a similar (though possibly different) problem with a Rails app failing occasionally and on just one mongrel instance, which from the trace and behaviour seems to be ImageSceince/RubyInline related. See my post on Rails deployment group:
2007 Jan 23
[1.0.1] rubygems is a bug
heres a summary of the hassles i ran into when upgrading to 1.0.1, in case they occur to anyone else: (first try) gem update mongrel (1) Y (2) y y y (or thereabouts) ..everything appears to go fine. but mongy is giving _weird_ errors like this: Mon Jan 22 21:45:36 -0500 2007: ERROR: undefined method `request_uri'' for #<URI::Generic:0x157000da1da0 URL:/> Mon Jan 22 21:50:11 -0500
2008 Jan 09
BackgrounDRb 1.0.1 release available now
Hi Folks, I am glad to announce a 1.0.1 release of BackgrounDRb library. It has numerous fixes and some nice feature updates, so please upgrade. Code: Updates and Fixes: * Fixed issue with Mysql Lost connections * Message debugging can be disabled now with ''debug_log'' option in configuration file( :debug_log: false)