similar to: Never exporting .__global__ and .__suppressForeign__?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "Never exporting .__global__ and .__suppressForeign__?"

2012 Mar 09
.conflicts.OK no longer working regardless of export(.conflicts.OK) due to "stoplist"
Hi, in (at least) R v2.14.2 and R v2.15.0 alpha, '.conflicts.OK' is not exported and hence to seen by library(). DETAILS: In R-devel thread '[Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces' on Mar 17-22, 2010 [] it was discussed that one had to export '.conflicts.OK' in the namespace,
2007 Jun 28
TermGenerator and SimpleStopper
Hi, I'm using SimpleStopper with TermGenerator in a Python indexing script, in an attempt to keep my index size down (currently 30K per doc, and I have 200 million docs to index, which I think implies 6TB.) However, unprefixed (positional?) terms are not affected by the stopper, though Z-prefixed terms are. I assume this is intentional for phrase queries, but I need to reduce my
2013 Apr 09
Question on Stopword Removal from a Cyrillic (Bulgarian)Text
Hi, I bumped into a serious issue while trying to analyse some texts in Bulgarian language (with the tm package). I import a tab-separated csv file, which holds a total of 22 variables, most of which are text cells (not factors), using the read.delim function: data<-read.delim("bigcompanies_ascii.csv", header=TRUE, quote="'",
2013 Apr 09
Question on Stopword Removal from a Cyrillic (Bulgarian)Text
Hi, I bumped into a serious issue while trying to analyse some texts in Bulgarian language (with the tm package). I import a tab-separated csv file, which holds a total of 22 variables, most of which are text cells (not factors), using the read.delim function: data<-read.delim("bigcompanies_ascii.csv", header=TRUE, quote="'",
2010 Mar 17
Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Currently library() and attach() fail to locate an existing '.conflicts.OK' in a package wit name space, unless it is exported. Since there should be little interest in exporting '.conflicts.OK' otherwise, one may argue that those methods should look for '.conflicts.OK' even if it is not exported. If so, a patch for library() is: >svn diff library.R Index: library.R
2007 Dec 08
NAMESPACE choices for exporting S4 methods
We are building a package, and want to create S4 methods for both head and mean for our own BigMatrix class. Following the recommendation in "Writing R Extensions" we use exportMethods instead of export in NAMESPACE (this is described as being "clearer"). This works for head, but not for mean. Obviously we importFrom(utils, head), but don't need to do this for mean,
2007 Jan 19
Double-quoted query with "and" fails.
Hi, We''re using Ferret 0.9.4 and we''ve observed the following behavior. Searching for ''fieldname: foo and bar'' works fine while ''fieldname: "foo and bar"'' doesn''t return any results. Is there a way to make ferret recognize the ''and'' inside the query as a search term and not an operator? (I hope I got the
2007 Apr 21
QueryParser::stoplist_begin() behaviour
I'm wondering what the intended semantics for the contents of the list returned by QueryParser::stoplist_begin() is. Currently, if a query parser is created, and then used multiple times, the list returned by stoplist_begin() is the list of all terms that have been excluded from any query due to being considered a stoplist. I would have expected it to only return items from the previous
2011 Dec 22
adding packages R 2.14.0
Well, I was able to build R 2.14.0 on my Solaris x86 machine, with a lot of work and some help. Thanks! At first the update.packages() would not work because some of the .so files that came with R were 32 - not 64 bit. I was able to install them and so now the update.packages() works. I still have a couple of issues: 1) a lot of packages are not available for R 2.14.0. 2) When compiling I
2005 Aug 31
Advice about system for installing & updating all R packa ge in a Linux Lab?
If you have several different versions of R installed, you might want to use a script like this one, which should work on (at least) 1.9.1 and newer. <script> #!/bin/sh echo "##############" echo "## This script will attempt to install all available R packages" echo "## from the package repositories:" echo "##" echo "## - CRAN:
2005 Aug 19
Advice about system for installing & updating all R package in a Linux Lab?
Good day: I'm administering 6 linux systems (FC4) in a student lab and worry that users may want packages that are not installed. I get tired of adding them one by one. Then I happened upon this page about installing all R packages from CRAN. That did not run as it was, but after some fiddling I arrived at the following script, which
2012 Apr 30
R CMD check . segfault on re-building vignettes
(Warning: There is some potential that this message is redundant.) I think that i have spotted an issue with R CMD check that does not trace back to a rare case, so it must have been reported already or i am doing something stupid. However, to be sure and because I did not find any comments on this while searching the R mailing lists, here is what i did: R CMD check . from within a package
2020 Jan 13
as-cran issue
On 13/01/2020 11:02 a.m., Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel wrote: > Where can I find out (and replicate) what options as-cran turns on? > > The issue: the following lines generate an error in R CMD check --as-cran? for coxme.? But > there is no error without as-cran nor is there one when I run the code in a terminal window. > > ismat <- function(x)? inherits(x,
2017 Feb 06
Fwd: issue
Dear all, i contact you for an issue I encountered after a little time I didn't developed/checked packages at work. The issue I have is from R CMD check: > tools:::.check_packages() * using log directory ?/home/l/src/rpkg/lbmisc.Rcheck? * using R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) * using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) * using session charset: UTF-8 * using options ?--no-build-vignettes
2012 Apr 20
R CMD check: Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD") cannot contain full pathname (contrary to docs)
Hi, in help("R_GSCMD") it says "R_GSCMD: Optional. The path to Ghostscript, used by dev2bitmap, bitmap and embedFonts. Consulted when those functions are invoked.". However, if 'R_GSCMD' contains a full pathname to the Ghostscript executable (as above "path" indicates), e.g. > Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD") [1] "C:\\Program
2012 Apr 30
file.copy(src, src, recursive=TRUE) causes a segfault (Was: Re: R CMD check . segfault on re-building vignettes)
It appears that file.copy() does not protect against the case when one copies one directory to a subdirectory of itself resulting in it trying to create and endless recursive copy of itself. REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE: src <- "foo" dir.create(src); file.copy(src, src, recursive=FALSE) # ok file.copy(src, src, recursive=TRUE) # PROBLEM
2020 Jan 13
as-cran issue
Where can I find out (and replicate) what options as-cran turns on? The issue: the following lines generate an error in R CMD check --as-cran? for coxme.? But there is no error without as-cran nor is there one when I run the code in a terminal window. ismat <- function(x)? inherits(x, "matrix") || inherits(x, "bdsmatrix") || inherits(x, "Matrix") if
2012 Nov 27
R CMD check fails when run in a directory with parentheses in the pathname
For what it's worth: running R CMD check on a package when the outdir has parentheses in the pathname fails with the following error: * checking PDF version of manual Syntax error: "(" unexpected WARNING LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. This typically indicates Rd problems. * checking PDF version of manual without hyperrefs or index Syntax error: "("
2010 Dec 17
diagnosing a CMD check failure
I have created a quite minimal package with a simple R program in the tests subfolder. When I run CMD check, I get * checking examples ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in tests ... OK * checking tests : No such file or directory ERROR I don't see a way of diagnosing this. The content of tests is the program t1.R rex-bash-3.2$ cat t1.R date() On other machines I can
2017 Jul 06
make check-recommended hanging on up-to-date Rdevel from SVN
Hi all, I'm getting an issue with Rdevel where make check-recommended hangs consistently for me on Mac El Capitan when checking the Matrix package. I did svn update and tools/rsync_recommended earlier today and it didn't fix the issue. Specifically, it is hanging on the * checking dependencies in R code ... stage (while checking Matrix, it passes fine for MASS and lattice). Currently