similar to: Blocked traffic

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Blocked traffic"

2004 Oct 25
Strange problem
Hello, My workstation should synchronize its clock on my server but from some reason this is not allowed This is what I get in the log when the client tries to sync with NTP Oct 25 08:25:47 server kernel: Shorewall:all2all:REJECT:IN= OUT=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=76 TOS=0x10 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=123 DPT=1031 LEN=56 My internal network is eth1 , external is
2004 Sep 13
Problem with openvpn tunnel
Hello, I have the following situation : Server with 2 nics 1 nics connected to the internet, 1 connected to the LAN I have OpenVPN running on the system and the following setting in the tunnels file : =================================== openvpn:2000 net openvpn:2001 net openvpn:2002 net =================================== All tunnels ran for weeks
2005 Jan 02
connect msn ?
Hello, My server is on Mandrake 10.1 off. eth0 is WAN with static IP connected 512 DSL eth1 is LAN. I am using shorewall. I have NAT on eth0. I have squid running. I am not able to connect to MSN. What are the rules to allow MSN ? Thanks Varun
2004 Oct 06
remote admin
Hello, I recently setup Shorewall 2.0.9 on a RedHat 9 machine using the two interface quick start guide. ip addr show: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet brd scope host lo 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100 link/ether 00:20:ed:76:dc:82 brd
2003 Nov 06
ip_conntrack_ftp & ip_nat_ftp not loading automatically
For some reason, ip_conntrack_ftp & ip_nat_ftp aren''t loading automatically. If I load them manually with modprobe FTP works. Both ip_conntrack_ftp & ip_nat_ftp are listed in the modules file - I haven''t mucked with the order at all, so I assume it''s right. I''m using Mandrake 9.2 but, as recommended, I uninstalled the Mandrake version of shorewall and
2003 Jan 04
DNS problem
Hello, Today I restarted the firewall machine during an outage of the ADSL line overhere. At the boot Shorewall did not start but stopped during start. The problem was that the ADSL line was down so no DNS server available to resolve hostnames. I have a hostname in "blacklist" file and therefore shorewall did not start. Is this problem solvable without putting an IP address in the
2004 Dec 19
Shorewall 2.2.0 RC1 Problems Corrected: 1. The syntax of the add and delete command has been clarified in the help summary produced by /sbin/shorewall. New Features: 1. TCP OpenVPN tunnels are now supported using the ''openvpn'' tunnel type. OpenVPN
2004 Aug 06
how to define a dozens of interface as one zone
hi, we use openvpn as for our vpn endpoints and we''ve got about 70-80 vpn connections which means we have tun0 - tun80 interface. i''d like to define one zone for all of our vpn connections how can I do that? actualy our local zone is (not 16) and all of the vpn''s are in our should i define somehow the local zone as but in
2004 Dec 22
OpenVPN and DNAT
Hello Tom and all, Quick question: Is it possible to operate an OpenVPN server from behind a firewall? Is it as simple as setting it up and placing: DNAT net loc: udp 5000 - ipaddress -- Paul Slinski -o) Network Administrator /\ Global IQX, Inc. _\_v Global IQX is the leader in integrated e-business automation solutions for the group life and health insurance
2003 Feb 25
X-WIN32 local network
I have shorewall running on a seperate linux box i would like to be able to export my display to my windoze pc, but have not been able to do so unless I stop shorewall. Any input would be appreciated, looked throughout website and others. Could not find anything. Thanks in advance. Toronto, CANADA Philippe
2004 Oct 09
fxp initiated behind shorewall
Okay, no one had any idea concerning my Radmin question, which I still haven''t figured out. However, I am now trying to figure out an FXP problem. All of the needed details are listed below the description problem. Problem: I have a local windows XP pro computer running FlashFXP behind shorewall 2.0.9 (unpatched) with only two interfaces (ppp0 and eth1) as loc: The server
2003 Jul 01
Shell Requirements for Shorewall 1.4.6
The 1.4.6 version of Shorewall makes additional demands on the shell. I have found that both the RH9.0 version of ash and the version of ash that has long been available from the Shorewall download sites are *not* suitable for use with Shorewall 1.4.6. The LEAF Bering version of ash on the other hand works fine. Attached is a small shell program that will allow you to test your shell for
2003 Dec 06
Diploma zonder studie op basis van EVC
[image001.gif] Diploma's en titels zonder studie op basis van eerder verworven competenties Geachte heer of mevrouw, Graag willen wij u attenderen op onze unieke dienstverlening. Wellicht dat er voor u mogelijkheden zijn om zonder studie op basis van eerder verworven competenties via een External Programme in het bezit te komen van een academische Bachelor, Master
2007 Jan 20
simple q: returning a logical vector of substring matches
I'm a relative R novice, and sometimes the simple things trip me up. Suppose I have a <- c("apple", "pear") and I want a logical vector of whether each of these strings contains "ear" (in this case, F T). What is the idiom? Quizzically, Mark Lindeman
2018 Sep 09
Autoreply ( Autoreply (Re: getting invites to rtp ports ??))
Bedankt voor uw bericht. Online4You is sinds 1 augustus niet meer operationeel. Per e-mail hebben wij u geinformeerd over de omstandigheden en uw opties. Helaas kunnen wij u niet meer helpen, uw mail wordt niet doorgestuurd en/of beantwoord. Indien uw abonnement is overgenomen door KovoKs, kijk dan voor contactgegevens op Dank voor uw vertrouwen de afgelopen jaren! Met
2005 Oct 28
samba probleme
bonjour, je tente de faire fonctionner samba sur une dreambox. Voici les erreurs dans le log: Got device type ????? 2005/10/27 22:25:41 Denied connection from THIERRY_SIDONIE ( to hdd 2005/10/27 22:25:41 error packet at line 165 cmd=117 (SMBtconX) eclass=2 ecode=4 voici le fichier smb.conf: [global] log file = /media/hdd/log/samba/log.%m socket options =
2001 Dec 13
rmdir bug?
Samba Developers-- I have a share called pub. In that share, there is a folder that I want to block access to. So, I chmoded it 0700 and chowned it root. In my smb.conf file, I set the "guest account" parameter to "netshare", an unprivialized user. I also set the "guest only" parameter to "yes" No remote computer can "cd" into the directory,
2012 Sep 27
load global variable so I can access in spec files
In my spec_helper, I want to load yaml file to a variable, and then be able to use that in my tests. spec_helper.rb: RSpec.configure do |config| end config = YAML::Load(......) some_spec.rb describe ''blah'' do it "should be...." do config[''test''] ) end end How can I do this? -------------- next part -------------- An
2011 Aug 25
VPN routing on a 1 NIC router
Hello, I have a linux system running with 1 nic. (just local LAN) A Fritzbox is the DSL router, because of services of the Fritzbox (voip etc) I have to use the Fritzbox as the DSL router. Now I want to use the linux system as a VPN router so other devices on the local lan can use that VPN connection. I have setup shorewall but I cannot get it to work. I have monitored the traffic with
2012 Oct 09
unexpected should_receive behaviour
Hi, surely I''m missing something... but what!? in my spec I''ve User.should_receive(:find).with("1").and_return(@user) and in my controller User.find(params[:id]) green light... correct... but if I change my controller using another method, for example first: User.first or even User.all I get green light too... I was expecting an error like expected: 1 time