similar to: clarification: Port Forward

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "clarification: Port Forward"

2005 Feb 25
(no subject)
I am attempting to forward http requests to my external interface, from internal machines to a machine that is located on the internal interface, via the firewall rules. Externally, I am able to forward the port to the webserver located behind the firewall, and I want to use the same hostname/ip for clients if they are on both sides of the firewall. Note, that I only want to do just the one port,
2006 Aug 18
DNAT Security Hole?
# shorewall version 3.2.1 SNAT is enabled. Setting up DNAT to do port forwarding -- this example looked exactly like what I wanted: (FAQ 1c) From the internet, I want to connect to port 1022 on my firewall and have the firewall forward the connection to port 22 on local system How do I do that? In /etc/shorewall/rules: #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST PORT
2004 Nov 20
how do I forward a range of port to a machine behine shorewall
I read faq(1c) which can forward one port to another port like #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST PORT DNAT net loc: tcp 1022 how about if I want to forward a range of port to a mchine ? my scenairo is there is a ftp server behind firewall and I use publish 8021 to public but the ftp is actually running port 21, so I added this rule DNAT
2005 Mar 02
Gui Interface
Hello, I''ve checked the FAQ, and it tells that there is a GUI interface , does that applis to version 1.4 as well as version 2.0 Sorry if it is a silly question, but just wanted to be sure Kind Regards Samer _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it''s FREE!
2005 Mar 10
rules - access by mac address
Hi, At the moment I am controlling my LAN client access to the Inet by their MAC address. Currently I am putting their MAC address in the rules file - now the number of the PC that I want to manage is getting more and more and it is not practicle to do this way anymore. My question is, how can I have their MAC address in other separate file? Regards
2002 May 17
Shorewall 1.3 Beta 1
The 3.1 Beta is now available -- check the Shorewall home page. -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy AIM: tmeastep \ ICQ: #60745924 \
2005 May 21
BitTorrent uploads enabled?
I''m seeing what may be sort of strange behavior - My machine is behind a Shorewall firewall, which, in the rules section, includes: AllowBitTorrent, any source, any dest I''m wondering - how is my machine behind the firewall able to upload, since no port forwarding related to bittorrent is taking place? (Just to clarify - it IS uploading) I looked at the AllowBitTorrent
2004 Aug 03
Question with DNAT
Hi All I have had a look through the documentation but I can''t see how to do this. I want to setup DNAT for an incoming connection. The connection must be forwarded to a server on a masqueraded server behind the firewall. The tricky part is I need to forward to a different port to the one that the request arrived on. I can do this: firewall.public.ip:5800 ->
2003 Jan 08
prerouting newbie question/mistake :)
Hola and thanks for any help in advance I installed mandrake 9 a few days ago and wanted to set up some additional rules to shorewall, bu i failed :) What i want to do is basicly route any incomming udp and tcp packets on port 4665 to a workstation behind the router. router with mandrake 9, eth0 ( internal net, eth1( connected to dsl modem and gets a dynamic ip
2013 Oct 10
Remapping port below 1024 on the firewall
I give up and need help! I won''t add to the confusion by showing all the combinations I have tried unsuccessfully... and yes, I''ve read FAQ2 and FAQ2a many times! When googling the subject of this post there are many answers that boil down to using the same three iptables rules, two of which use nat. I won''t repeat them here. I don''t want to risk mixing
2006 Nov 30
My macro is flawed?
Hi all, I have a VPN setup but it only works once in a while. It seems my firewall (shorewall 3.0.8) is blocking protocol 47. Here is what I have: eth0: internet eth2: dmz - my pptp server My entry In the rules file: pptp/ACCEPT fw dmz: My pptp macro ############################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE
2002 Nov 13
IP Forwarding
Hi, I''m trying to get RAdmin [uses tcp 4889] access to my Windows machine which is behind my firewall. I have zones: gbl : the world loc : my lan fw : firewall I placed the following in my rules file DNAT gbl loc: tcp 4889 - When trying to RAdmin I get a cannot conect to server error. is my Windows Machines IP address. Can anyone help me? Shorewall 1.3.9b
2006 Apr 26
How can set ORIGINAL DEST in rules?
I want smtp requests from the internet to address are to be forwarded to, so I set ORIGINAL DEST is but when I restart it show error: iptables v1.2.11: invalid TCP port/service `'' specified Try `iptables -h'' or ''iptables --help'' for more information. ERROR: Command "/sbin/iptables -A net2loc -p tcp
2005 Feb 15
dnat problem
Hi, im running shorewall 2.0.16 with centos 3 (iptables v1.2.8), everything is working fine for several days, i have configured a masq lan and all the outgoing traffic is ok, but now i want to redirect (port forward) the external web traffic to an internal machine, somethig like this INTERNET ---------> SHOREWALL -------------------> INTERNAL_MACHINE [public
2004 Sep 15
re: start error
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 The original post was over 300,000kb so I didn''t spam the list with it -TE. | | | Thank you for your quick and helpful response. | | I didn''t understand that the virtual interface eth0:1 doesn''t count as a separate instance from eth0. | I am sorry to ask for further assistance and would appreciate any help. The error
2004 Nov 19
FAQ 32
What changes would I need to make if there is a 4th interface that is going to a DMZ Thanks Gene
2003 Sep 05
Confused about approach
Greetings all, I''m a bit of a linux rookie, but a friend and I have built a firewall running Shorewall 1.4.6c over a minimal install of Redhat 9. Out network setup looks something like this: Cable Modem : eth0 (Zone is named INSIGHT) Campus Lan : eth1 : (Zone is named MULAN) DMZ : eth2 : (Zone is named DMZ) Currently, I
2005 Jun 08
DNAT Issue
I have a lan with shorewall running as firewall and two local machines, where and are two internal mail servers and where and are the external IPs for the mail servers. The two mail servers need to communicate with each other via smtp (for sending mail from domains hosted on one to the other) but its giving issues. Specificaly when one server
2005 Jan 05
hosts and interfaces
interfaces: local eth0 dhcp golive eth1 wiredc eth2 dhcp wave eth3 hosts: ipsec eth2: rules: DNAT wiredc local: tcp 80 - DNAT wave local: tcp 80 - The rules here
2004 Oct 26
problems on port forwarding
hi all, my linux internet gateway has one fixed public ip and there are several servers on the local net. how to config shorewall such that it can forward a port on the external int. to another port on to a server in local net. Simply speaking, external port http 8000 forward to internal port http 80 I used the DNAT to specify the source port as 8000 and dest port to 80 but it