similar to: Problems with Shorewall 2.2 on Fedora FC3

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2004 Nov 27
New User on FC3
I am a new user of shorewall, and am having some difficulty getting it set up on a new Fedora Core 3 system. When I run the shorewall script in the /etc/init.d the following errror message is received. tarting shorewall: ./shorewall: line 26: 10555 Terminated $exec start >/dev/null 2>&1 [FAILED]
2004 Nov 08
Shorewall on FC3?
What version of shorewall do you suggest I try on a FC3 system? TIA, /ChJ
2005 Apr 03
Problem with fresh two nic installation on FC3
Hi, I''m having problems with new Shorewall installation on Fedora Core 3 (had same problem with Core 2 and upgrade did not help even iptables was upgraded from 1.2.9 to 1.2.11). I''ve followed two nic example, but starting Shorewall drops all connections and don''t permit any outgoing requests, even with "all allowed" policy. Policy file is below. Current setup
2004 Nov 13
13 is back
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 The server rebuild was a complete failure. For some reason, neither FC3 nor SuSE 9.2 like the graphics card in the box. I have reinstalled the old hard drive and the server is back on line. - -Tom - -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2004 Dec 16
[OT] New (old) Firewall at
I''ve rebuilt my old P-II/233 with Debian Sarge and it is now serving as my main firewall. It is running a home-built 2.6.9 kernel with the ipsec-netfilter and policy match patches. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2005 Feb 13
Fedora Core 3 / 2.6.9-1.667
I just installed Fedora Core 3 uname -r 2.6.9-1.667 I got the latest shorewall''s rpm: .noarch.rpm Made my changes Attempted to run shorewall and got: [root@demo shorewall]# shorewall start ERROR: Can''t find iptables executable I haven''t seen this before. I tried to go through all the
2004 Aug 24
iptables-1.2.9 RPM
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I''ve built a 1.2.9 iptables RPM that corrects the two iptables-save problems that I know about. It is available at: I''m using this on SuSe 9.1 -- for other distros, YYMV... This RPM works
2004 Nov 27
bridge and dynamically adding hosts to zones
Hi, I''ve set up a bridge which connects two parts of the same subnet with each other. I''ve set up everything as described in the Documentation and it works very nicely. However: I have a problem with adding hosts to zones dynamically. The zone I want to add hosts to is called ''work''. Since only the bridge br0 is defined in /etc/shorewall/interfaces
2004 Nov 22
Shorewall 2.0.11
No need to upgrade to this release if you already have the new bogons file or don''t use that file. The primary change is a fix to the script which previously gave an error on a new install. Problems corrected in 2.0.11 1) The INSTALL file now include special
2005 Jan 30
Poor ipsec performance with policy match
Hello ! I have a performance issue with Kernel 2.6.X and policy match support as suggested in My IPSEC performance doesn''t exeed about 30kbyte/sec even if my downlink is 1024kbit/sec and should reach more than 100kbyte/sec. No, its not the cpu''s performance (AMD Barton 2500+) and no it''s not the gateway (CELERON 600 Mhz) on the
2005 Dec 14
Shorewall stops after about 36 hours
I don''t know what is happening, but every 36 hours or so I''ll go to ssh into my server and find that I can''t connect on any of the outside services. I then can connect into the box using a serial connection and find that shorewall reports that it is not running and the iptables are in some kind of default state which looks nothing like what I set it up with shorewall
2005 Mar 24
MAC address verification limitation
hi there. There are approx. 400-500 users in our network and we plan to insert all their MAC addresses into maclist and bind them together with IP address. My question is whether shorewall is able to process that much of MAC addresses without slowing the the network speed performance? thanks for your time. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new
2004 Nov 24
traffic shaping on ftp server don''t work
Having study a number of documents on linux traffic shaper, I started to setup my shaping rules in my network. My linux box is running RH AS3 U3, shorewall 2.0.9. It is using PPPoE connected to the Internet firewall: eth0: connect to the adsl modem eth1: private net ppp0: virtual dial up interface for pppoe There is a ftp server on the private net It is listen for port 21 and configured
2004 Dec 18
SuSe 9.1 startup issue
Tom, I am NOT subscribed (yet). I dropped SuSeFirewall2 in favor of shorewall to get past the configuration hurdles I as experiencing. At the moment, when my SuSe 9.1 starts up, I can see shorewall processing the rules, policies, etc. and I see no errors and then moves on with the rest of the SuSe boot process . However, no traffic passes through using the rules. I run an iptables -L and I
2005 Jan 11
Problem starting Shorewall using Bridge configuration
Hi I have recently reconfigured my system to a Bridge based architecture on the basis that I have an ADSL Modem/Router with a Public address on the Wan side and a Private address on the Lan side. I am running a Debian based system kernel 2.6.7 and the Bridging software is installed and working correctly, including startup etc. The problem that I have is in "shorewall start" The
2004 Dec 08
Kernel/iptables question
As suggested here: I''ve run: adam@shrike:~$ /sbin/iptables -m policy --help iptables v1.2.11 Usage: iptables -[AD] chain rule-specification [options] iptables -[RI] chain rulenum rule-specification [options] iptables -D chain rulenum [options] --snip-- And: adam@shrike:~$ sudo
2004 Mar 06
Bridging Update
The bridging documentation ( has been expanded and there is a refresh of the bridging code ( and -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2004 Oct 01
Re: Error: Your kernel and/or iptables does not not support policy match: ipsec
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 wrote: > Hello, > > > I am trying to get ipsec with kernel and shorewall 2.1.9 running, > but I still have a problem: > > Validating hosts file... > Error: Your kernel and/or iptables does not not support policy match: ipsec > > I had a look for netfilter patch-o-matic, but I did not find the
2004 Dec 14
Dynamic blacklisting
Does anyone know of a script that can act as a "helper" for Shorewall''s dynamic blacklist capabilities? Briefly said, I''d like to know if someone already wrote a script/program that, e.g., parses log files (/var/log/messages, etc) and picks up for example all IP addresses that failed SSH login more than X times and then executes a command such as shorewall drop
2004 Feb 28
Looking for a Volunteer
The 2.6 kernel series includes Netfilter ''physdev'' match support. That support makes it feasible for Shorewall to support bridge/firewall configurations. I''m looking for early testers of such support. Requirements: a) Willing to run Shorewall 2.0.0-RC1 or later (RC1 will be released in a day or so) plus private updates. b) Running a 2.6 kernel or a 2.4 kernel with