similar to: CPU loading+icecast 2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "CPU loading+icecast 2"

2004 Aug 06
Relay & authentification
i've got some troubles with the configuration of a relay for Icecast 2.0... In fact,in master server log files, i can see that the slave server try to relay master server...but it can't because of the "content-type" of the stream it tries to relay. looking at the slave log file, authentification is not realized: "misssing or bad password" however in conf files my tag
2004 Aug 06
Hy, I've some questions about the topology of networks between icecast server and relays... At first i asked myself if is it possible, when a client attempts to connect to the master server, that this server redirects client to another icecast server (relay) and that the client is automatically connecting to the relay.... I've also seen that this function has two responses: -first is
2011 Aug 17
An example of very slow computation
This message is about a curious difference in timing between two ways of computing the same function. One uses expm, so is expected to be a bit slower, but "a bit" turned out to be a factor of >1000. The code is below. We would be grateful if anyone can point out any egregious bad practice in our code, or enlighten us on why one approach is so much slower than the other. The problem
2004 Aug 06
Re: troubles with ices
Hi Max, Thanx for your response. I changed the passwords, they are all "test" now, but still I have the same problem: [2003-08-11 13:42:09] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/test.ogg" [2003-08-11 13:42:09] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source (/test.ogg) attempted to login with invalid or missing password <p>ICECAST:
2005 May 13
Aiii cpu is toast
Hy!     I''ve been trying to make Xen 2.0 work on a compac evo N800C laptop. But I am getting an error that say, that there is no more memory for the kernel and then the message Aiii cpu is toast, then re reboots in 5 sec. I looked into the archives and didn''t found a clue that helped me much on this one. >From what I can see from the output is that he dont see the
2009 Feb 09
dynamic constant assignment
I have a constant set up like that : ALL_LOCALES => {"it"=>"Italian", "fr"=>"Français", "de"=>"Deutsch", "en- GB"=>"English (UK)", "es"=>"Español (España)", "pt-PT"=>"Português", "pl"=>"Polski", "en-US"=>"English
2002 Jul 06
Aide sur samba
A monsieur Andrew Je suis ?tudiant en fin de cycle de formation en infomatique ? l'institut Africain d'informatique de Libreville.J'?tais sur vos sites et je suis persuad?s que vous ?tes la personne la bien plac?e pour m'orienter et m'aider sur un sujet concernant "l'authentification linux des sessions windows".Ainsi on me demande de concevoir et de mettre en
2003 Jul 07
Limiting bandwidth usage - where to begin
Hi, I am very new in this list.. I want each of my internet users to be limited in his/her usage of bandwidth. The limitation will be done in my squid (linux) box, as they all have to be authenticated by squid before going to the internet jungle.. Then anybody here could tell me where to begin to do such thing ? Any idea/solution would be very appreciated TIA regards, aqil
2007 Nov 11
Recent French communications
Hello All, (Salut) Sebastien is a French user among us, and doesn''t speak English, so I''ve been talking with him in French the best way I know how (Google is god.) So, I will also translate the conversation going on, so that everyone will be able to understand, and keep up with what has been going on: (Sebastien est un utilisateur français parmi nous, et ne parle pas
2004 Aug 06
High CPU load
I am running Icecast2 and Ices2 on Redhat Linux 9. I have two ices running with two different config. sending to Icecast and the cpu load for each is around 7.0. The playlist contains 64kbps ogg files and output is set to 32kpps. How can I reduce the cpu load? -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at
2002 Dec 26
ext3 problem
Hello Does anybody know that Linux kernel 2.4.4 supports ext3 fs (module or embedded). I looked at the config menus, but I couldn't see ext3 support. I don't know whether the other ext3 modules work under a kernel which does not support ext3. I will try to insmod ext3 modules. I'm searching and trying newly built kernels. Any help or comments are welcome. Best regards Ardaulas
2002 Jun 08
pacth question
hello is there any one who lnow what is the signification of ''@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@'' in the patch file htb2-2.4.17.diff thanks ___________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français ! Yahoo! Mail :
2005 Aug 30
No subject
Hi! I'm working on a rewrite of the winaspi module, using Joerg Schilling's libscg. (libscg is a scsi transport library, with support of many platforms, cdrecord, cdrdao uses it). I'm nearly finished, but I could test only winaspi32 (with nero and isobuster), I need a software that uses the 16 bit aspi interface to test it. Anyone knows such a software that uses wnaspi.dll?
2003 May 12
AW: wbinfo doesnt work...
Have you looked, if winbindd is still running after you started it? I think, if the settings for winbind in smb.conf are not correct or if nmbd isn't running, winbindd terminates immediatly after you started it. Greetings, Dominik -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: chris Bouchet [] Bereitgestellt: Montag, 12. Mai 2003 08:26 Bereitgestellt in: Samba
2002 Jan 31
filled.contour+graphics output
Hello, I really happy to see how fast R is going : another new release !!!!!. I'm currently using daily this software and really like it. Thanks for this nice work. I don't know how to proceed for my question and if I had to write to you about that. I got some trouble with postscript output mainly but other like png, jpeg and even screen especially with the function filled.contour
2015 Feb 10
rodc and KRB_TGS_REQ forwarding to RWDC to access hub ressources
Hi everyone, I would like to have some input on ressources access from a workstation logged on a RODC server that has to connect on hub site servers. After login in the remote windows workstation, I have LOGONSERVER environment variable set to the local RODC server (workstation and user credentials have been preloaded). Everything works fine on local server. However if I want to connect to
2008 Aug 15
SpamAssassin and Maildir with Dovecot
A patch has been proposed for SpamAssassin to process Maildir folders of spam: <> Is this patch compatible with Dovecot's implementation of Maildir? For example, is anything needed to avoid stepping on Dovecot's metadata?
2003 Jul 18
rh8.0 and xp home
I have two networked pcs. pc 1- RH8.0 which came with Samba-backend 1.0.8 and Samba 2.2.5 pc 2- XP Home I am able to access the shared folders from pc2 on pc1. However from pc2 I can not even see the ressources of pc1. In My Network Places/Entire Network/Microsoft Windows Network/"My Workgroup" I can see "pc1" but when I click on it I get an error message: \\"pc1"
2024 Feb 23
Samba share and groups permissions
Hello, I have a Fedora server, part of a domain, on which various shares are configured. For one share, I want to set up permissions according to the groups to which the users belong. But it doesn't work. For example, I want the share to be accessible by group A in read-write mode, and group B in read-only mode. I use setfacl for this. But neither group A nor group B have access to the
2016 Aug 08
Mounting VM filesystem on host while VM running
Hello, All my VMs are using LVs created on the host side. I'm using collectd to monitor some of the ressources of my host as well as the libvirt pluging to monitor my VMs. Collectd has an interesting plugin ( df ) which can monitor the filesystem usage. I would like to use it to monitor the VMs filesytsem usage. As it is obvious that if I mount the VM filesystem on the host while the