Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Fwd: [networkupstools/nut] Riello IDG400 wrong values & not powering off (#530)"
2018 Feb 26
R: [networkupstools/nut] Riello IDG400 wrong values & not powering off (#530)
Hi Charles,
attached there is a patch for a new version of riello drivers:
- small changes in riello_usb.c and riello_ser that solved problem with UPS that not support realtime autonomy calculation (and also internal temperature);
- the second problem I think is related to the first because the shutdown command that I sent to UPS by NUT monitor works without problems;
2018 Feb 26
[networkupstools/nut] Riello IDG400 wrong values & not powering off (#530)
On Feb 26, 2018, at 4:58 AM, Elio Parisi <e.parisi at riello-ups.com> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> this type of UPS doesn't support realtime autonomy calculation, instead a fixed countdown must be used.
> How we can fix non supported values?
If a value is not supported, the driver should not publish it with the dstate API. Dhould the driver be modified to not return
2018 Mar 15
R: Nut-upsdev Digest, Vol 152, Issue 5
Hi all,
we should have been found the problem.
Attach the patch inclusive of this problem and the previous (Riello IDG400 wrong values & not powering off).
Best regards,
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Nut-upsdev [mailto:nut-upsdev-bounces+e.parisi=riello-ups.com at lists.alioth.debian.org] Per conto di nut-upsdev-request at lists.alioth.debian.org
Inviato: mercoled? 7 marzo 2018 13:03
2014 Oct 28
New version of riello driver
>I'm afraid I am just the messenger - @bigon (Laurent Bigonville, on GitHub) is a Debian maintainer of NUT, and he was pointing out the
>bug report filed with Debian:
>With other drivers, we sometimes see the "did not claim interface 0 before use" error if a driver gets out of sync with its PID file,
2012 Nov 27
Riello patch and examples
Hi Arnaud,
attached there are a new patch (fixed ups.upspower.nominal in GPSER protocol and device.mfr)
and three devdumps.
Let me know if this time all is correct,
Elio Parisi.
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com
2013 Jul 09
R: Small fixes needed for Riello driver
Hi Charles,
I fixed (and tested) the source file according to your tips.
The patch are attached.
Let me know if there still something that do not reflect your guidelines.
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi at riello-ups.com
Web: www.riello-ups.com
2012 Nov 25
Riello patch and examples (was: Nut-upsdev post from e.parisi@riello-ups.com requires approval)
Hi Elio,
once more, your email was blocked due to the 40 Kb limits...
note that here, NUT Monitor screenshots were not needed. upsc output is
From: Elio Parisi <E.Parisi at riello-ups.com>
> To: "nut-upsdev at lists.alioth.debian.org" <
> nut-upsdev at lists.alioth.debian.org>
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 15:05:49 +0100
> Subject: Riello patch
2014 Oct 22
R: New version of riello driver
Hi Charles,
I see the issue but I don't be able to reproduce it on the Debian SID.
The steps I followed are:
- start from debian wheezy;
- upgrade to debian testing;
- upgrade to debian sid;
- in debian sid test nut with riello_usb driver;
In this situation there are no trace of error (claim interface) in /var/log/syslog at the
moment of attach of cypress usb or at the moment of
2013 Jul 05
R: Small fixes needed for Riello driver
But the diff file that I'll now produce is related to the 3857 revision, so is also
inclusive of previous changes (i.e. BYTE to uint8_t). Is it Ok for you?
In alternatively could you modify the row (166 of riello_ser.c) of the file deleting the only cast that exist?
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id:
2014 Oct 17
New version of riello driver
Hi all,
attached there is a patch for a new version of riello drivers:
- small changes in riello_usb.c that solved some problem with managing transmission errors between the raspberry pi and Riello ups (thanks to Fredrik ?berg): introducing timeout in reading ups data in cypress_command; enhanced handling error codes;
- small changes in Riello_ser.c: enhanced handling error
2012 Nov 19
Riello patch
Hi Arnaud, hi developers,
attach there is the patch for riello drivers.
Can you tell me if there is other to change in order to accomplish your rules and
if the steps I have followed to create the patch are all rights?
Elio Parisi.
Elio Parisi
Centro Ricerche
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago VR
Tel. +39 0442 635811 Fax. +39 0442 635934
Skype Id: - Voip:
E-mail: E.Parisi
2013 Apr 09
Small fixes needed for Riello driver
1) The comment block in drivers/riello.h points to the Megatec protocol documentation. Are the links in drivers/riello.c correct? If so, we can change the .h file to match the .c file.
2) clang caught this bug:
drivers/riello.c:984:28: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'memset' call is the same expression as the destination; did you mean to provide an explicit length?
2014 Oct 21
New version of riello driver
On Oct 17, 2014, at 6:24 AM, Elio Parisi <e.parisi at riello-ups.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> attached there is a patch for a new version of riello drivers:
Merged, thanks.
Also, have you seen this issue? https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/124
from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=738122
Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail
2012 May 07
Riello UPS support for NUT
Dear developers we are glad to participate to the NUT development. Me and my colleague Elio Parisi e.parisi at riello-ups.com<mailto:e.parisi at riello-ups.com> we will work to support the Riello UPS protocols.
For any question please don't hesitate to contact me.
Best Regards
Massimo Zampieri
Technical Marketing - UPS Software Product Manager
Viale Europa, 7
37045 Legnago
2013 Jul 31
nut package with Riello UPS support
On Jul 31, 2013, at 3:36 AM, Pavel Potcheptsov (EKTOS) wrote:
> Does it looks good?
I think so - 40.8 volts with a nominal of 36 volts is 13.6 V/cell, which agrees with the 100% charge value. Hopefully the line voltages and frequency make sense for your region.
> Another question what does riello experimental driver warning mean?
We add that to all new drivers. This driver was written by
2013 Jul 05
Small fixes needed for Riello driver
On Jul 5, 2013, at 8:45 AM, Elio Parisi wrote:
> But the diff file that I'll now produce is related to the 3857 revision, so is also
> inclusive of previous changes (i.e. BYTE to uint8_t). Is it Ok for you?
I can probably make that work, but in the long term, I would recommend either switching to Git, or if you prefer to stay with SVN, creating a new checkout from the GitHub SVN URL:
2016 Mar 24
riello idialog 600
Thanx for your answer. It work !
Riello Idialog present in list as IDL 600
But I have 2 bugs
battery.charge: 255
ups.temperature: 255
battery.capacity: 7
battery.charge: 255
battery.runtime: 3932100
battery.voltage: 13.7
battery.voltage.nominal: 12
device.mfr: RPS S.p.a.
device.model: UNV1
device.type: ups
driver.name: riello_usb
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
2012 May 09
Authorization to publish the Riello UPS protocols
(forwarding msg because of attachments too big)
@Massimo: prefer to send references instead of actual documents,
whenever you mail to the list.
We have a 40Kb limit, to not overload our readers.
Please also avoid Microsoft OpenXML (Ie, .xlsx, .docx, ...) and prefer
PDF or anything else that is actually inter-operable .
Thus I've converted the XLSX spreadsheet to PDF.
To all: I've added
2013 Jul 31
nut package with Riello UPS support
I'll test it.
I'm a bit confused with cgi-bin. I have made a lot of hosts.conf copies and
didn't understand
where does upsstats trying to find hosts.conf
# ps -aux | grep ups
_ups 13934 0.0 0.0 484 920 ?? Ss 5:41PM 0:01.53
/usr/local/bin/riello_ser -a senpro
_ups 9171 0.0 0.1 532 1168 ?? Ss 5:41PM 0:00.13
_ups 16906 0.0 0.1
2017 Nov 16
[HCL] Riello IPG 600 supported by riello_usb / incorrect battery.charge and ups.temperature values
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a Riello IPG 600 UPS (
http://www.riello-ups.com/products/1-ups/39-iplug) to prevent hardware
damage to my server in case of power outages (already lost two hard drives
because of this) and I managed to successfully configure it with NUT
version 2.7.4 available for Ubuntu 17.04:
nut/zesty-updates,zesty-updates,now 2.7.4-5ubuntu2.1 all [installed]