similar to: foverlaps data.table error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "foverlaps data.table error"

2016 Apr 29
selecting columns from a data frame or data table by type, ie, numeric, integer
Good morning RGuru's I have a data frame of 575 columns.? I want to extract only those columns that are numeric(double) or integer to do some machine learning with.? I have searched the web for a couple of days (off and on) and have not found anything that shows how to do this.?? Lots of ways to extract rows, but not columns.? I have attempted to use "(x == y)" indices extraction
2007 Jun 06
fixed effects anova in lme lmer
Can lme or lmer fit a plain regular fixed effects anova? Ie a model without a random effect, or have there be at least one random effect in order for these functions to work? Trying to run such, (1) without specifying a random effect produces an error, (2) specifying that there is no random effect does not produce the same output as an anova run in lm(); (2b) specifying that there is no
2016 Apr 29
selecting columns from a data frame or data table by type, ie, numeric, integer
> dt1[ vapply(dt1, FUN=is.numeric, FUN.VALUE=NA) ] a c 1 1 1.1 2 2 1.0 ... 10 10 0.2 Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Carl Sutton via R-help < r-help at> wrote: > Good morning RGuru's > I have a data frame of 575 columns. I want to extract only those columns > that are numeric(double) or integer to do
2023 Nov 03
Sum data according to date in sequence
Hi, I tried this: # extract date from the time stamp dt1 <- cbind(as.Date(dt$EndDate, format="%m/%d/%Y"), dt$EnergykWh) head(dt1) colnames(dt1) <- c("date", "EnergykWh") and my dt1 becomes these, the dates are replace by numbers. dt1 <- cbind(as.Date(dt$EndDate, format="%m/%d/%Y"), dt$EnergykWh) dput(head(dt1)) colnames(dt1) <-
2023 Nov 03
Sum data according to date in sequence
Is this what you are after? library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) input <- structure(list(StationName = c("PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE
2006 Sep 20
seq.Date not accepting NULL length.out (PR#9239)
There seems to be a bug in seq.Date such that it will not allow the user to pass in length.out =3D NULL, despite the fact that this is the = default argument. For example: > dt1 <- as.Date("2004-12-31") > dt2 <- as.Date("2005-12-31") > seq.Date(dt1, dt2, length.out =3D NULL, by =3D "month") Error in seq.Date(dt1, dt2, length.out =3D NULL, by =3D
2011 May 10
Saving multiple 3x3 TIFF graphics inside a loop
Dear Friends, I have been trying to save multiple 3x3 (mfrow=c(3,3) graphics inside a loop using tiff figure format (not using PDF or savePlot functions) with no success. Could you please help? Here is a simplified example code: dat=data.frame (ID=rep(1:10,each=10),IDV=rep(seq(1:10),times=10)) dat$DV <- with(dat, 50+15*IDV) dat=dat[order(dat$ID,dat$IDV),] for(i in 1:10){ dt1 =
2013 Aug 16
as.Date.character speed improvement suggestion
R-Devel, I store and retrieve a large amount of financial data (millions of rows) in a PostgreSQL database keyed by date (and represented in R by class Date). Unfortunately, I frequently find that a great deal of processing time is spent converting dates from character representations to Date class representations in R, presumably because strptime is not fast for large vectors (>10,000
2008 May 08
Microseconds for a zoo object?
Hello I have a string which contains microseconds, can anyone help on constructing this in to a time object, with the microseconds, that I can take to a ZOO file? Thanks Sean > UK[1,3] [1] "17:09:53.824" > UK[1,1] [1] "2007-12-11 00:00:00" > mydates <- paste( substr(UK[,1], 1, 10), UK[,3]) > mydates[1] [1] "2007-12-11 17:09:53.824" >
2012 Jun 13
histogram fill lattice
Dear all, I would like to change the "fill" pattern of a histogram using histogram() in the lattice package. I know how to do so using hist(), but would prefer to stay within lattice. dt1 <- rnorm(100,0,1) hist(dt1, density=3, angle=45) library(lattice) histogram(dt1, xlab = "Histogram of rnorm(0,1)", type = "count",
2003 Sep 29
CP for rpart
Hi All, I have some questions on using library rpart. Given my data below, the plotcp gives me increasing 'xerrors' across different cp's with huge xstd (plot attached). What causes the problem or it's not a problem at all? I am thinking 'xerror's should be decreasing when 'cp' gets smaller. Also what the 'xstd' really tells us? If the error bars for
2012 Mar 05
index instead of loop?
Hello, Does anyone know of a way I can speed this up? Basically I'm attempting to get the data item on the same row as the report date for each report date available. In reality, I have over 11k of columns, not just A, B, C, D and I have to do that over 100 times. My solution is slow, but it works. The loop is slow because of merge. # create sample data z.dates =
2003 Jan 18
SAS transport files and the foreign package
Even though the FDA has no policies at all that limit our choices of statistical software, there is one defacto standard in place: reliance of the SAS transport file format for data submission (even though this format is deficient for this purpose, e.g., it does not even document value labels or units of measurement in a self-contained way). Because of the widespread use of SAS transport files in
2012 Oct 06
arrange data
Dear r-users, I have dailly rainfall data from year 1971 to 2000. I use aggregate to form monthly rainfall data.  What I don't understand is that the data for the year 2000 become on the top, instead of year 1971.  Here are some codes and output: agg_dt1     <- aggregate(x=dt1[,4],by=dt1[,c(1,2)],FUN=sum) > head(agg_dt1,20); tail(agg_dt1,20)    Tahun Bulan     x 1      0     1 398.6
2023 Jan 26
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 167, Envío 10
Hola esta es una solución library(data.table) library(stringr) dt <- data.table( V1a = sample(c("1","0"), 10, TRUE) , V1b = sample(c("1","0"), 10, TRUE) , V2a = sample(c("1","0"), 10, TRUE) , V2b = sample(c("1","0"), 10, TRUE) , V3a =
2009 Nov 02
question about difference in date objects
Hi R Community: I want to take the difference in two dates: dt2 - dt1. But, I want the answer in months between those 2 dates. Can you advise me? Please respond to: pzs6 at Thank you! Phil Smith Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2023 Nov 02
Sum data according to date in sequence
Dear all, I have this set of data. I would like to sum the EnergykWh according date sequences. > head(dt1,20) StationName date time EnergykWh 1 PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1 1/14/2016 12:09 4.680496 2 PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1 1/14/2016 19:50 6.272414 3 PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1 1/14/2016 20:22 1.032782 4 PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1 1/15/2016 8:25 11.004884 5
2008 Jun 14
restricted coefficient and factor in linear regression.
Hi, my data set is data.frame(id, yr, y, l, e, k). I would like to estimate Lee and Schmidts (1993, OUP) model in R. My colleague wrote SAS code as follows: ** procedures for creating dummy variables are omitted ** ** di# and dt# are dummy variables for industry and time ** data a2; merge a1 a2 a; by id yr; proc sysnlin maxit=100 outest=beta2; endogenous y; exogenous l e k
2023 Nov 04
Sum data according to date in sequence
?s 01:49 de 03/11/2023, roslinazairimah zakaria escreveu: > Hi all, > > This is the data: > >> dput(head(dt1,20))structure(list(StationName = c("PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", > "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", > "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", "PALO ALTO CA / CAMBRIDGE #1", > "PALO ALTO
2004 Mar 24
debugging a code
Hello just learned HowTo but R, reminded me with the way Perl does it but with much less on-line commands, R "AFAIK" has n, c, Q and where and cann't debug outside the {}. 1) is there a more versatile/flexable debugging method for R? I have saved 2 functions in an ASCII file "digfun". "getdata" function calls "squash" function and both use loops. In