Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R makepredictcall"
2014 Mar 06
An issue came up with the rms package today that makepredictcall would solve, and I was
going to suggest it to the author. But looking in the help documents I couldn't find any
reference to it. There is a manual page, but it does not give much aid in creating code
for a new transformation function. Did I miss something?
If not, I'd be willing to draft a paragraph about that which
2008 Nov 25
how to check linearity in Cox regression
On examining non-linearity of Cox coefficients with penalized splines - I
have not been able to dig up a completely clear description of the test
performed in R or S-plus.
>From the Therneau and Grambsch book (2000 - page 126) I gather that the test
reported for "linear" has as its null hypothesis that the spline coefficient
is the same at the center of basis. Thus, in the example
2013 May 21
making makepredictcall() work
Dear All,
I'm interested in creating a function similar to ns() from package
splines that can be passed in a model formula. The idea is to produce
"safe" predictions from a model using this function. As I have seen, to
do this I need to use makepredictcall(). Consider the following toy example:
myns <- function (x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, intercept = FALSE,
Boundary.knots =
2012 Jul 18
Building a web risk calculator based on Cox, PH--definitive method for calculating probability?
Here is an example of how to do it.
> library(survival)
> vfit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ celltype + trt, data=veteran)
> userinput <- data.frame(celltype="smallcell", trt = 1)
> usercurve <- survfit(vfit, newdata=userinput) #the entire predicted
survival curve
> user2 <- summary(usercurve, time= 2*365.25) # 2 year time point
> user2$surv
2008 Sep 30
Hazard curves
-- begin included message -----
I am looking at a continuous variable, age. I am looking at time to
12-month remission and can calculate the HR and 95% confidence interval are
coxfita = coxph(Surv(rem.Remtime,rem.Rcens)~nearma$all.age,data=nearma)
However, because I am looking at age as a continuous variable I cannot draw
a Kaplan-Meier
2010 Dec 07
coxph failure
You found a data set that kills coxph. I'll have to think about what
to do since on the one hand it's your own fault for trying to fit a very
bad model, and on the other I'd like the routine to give a nice error
message before it dies.
In the data set you sent me the predictor variable is very skewed:
> quantile(anomaly1$CREAT, c(0, .5, .9, .999, 1))
0% 50%
2013 Jul 11
[R-pkgs] Major Update to rms package
The rms ("Regression Modeling Strategies") package has undergone a
massive update. The entire list of updates is at the bottom of this
note. CRAN has the update for linux and will soon have it for Windows
and Mac - check http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rms/ for
availability. This rms update relies on a major update of the Hmisc
The most user-visible changes are:
2011 Apr 06
help on pspline in coxph
Hi there,
I have a question on how to extract the linear term in the penalized
spline in coxph. Here is a sample code:
f1 = cos(2*pi*x)
hazard = exp(f1)
T = 0
for (i in 1:100) {
T[i] = rexp(1,hazard[i])
C = runif(n)*4
cen = T<=C
y = T*(cen) + C*(1-cen)
2015 Jun 15
Different behavior of model.matrix between R 3.2 and R3.1.1
Terry - your example didn't demonstrate the problem because the variable
that interacted with strata (zed) was not a factor variable.
But I had stated the problem incorrectly. It's not that there are too
many strata terms; there are too many non-strata terms when the variable
interacting with the stratification factor is a factor variable. Here
is a simple example, where I have
2015 Jun 15
Different behavior of model.matrix between R 3.2 and R3.1.1
Terry - your example didn't demonstrate the problem because the variable
that interacted with strata (zed) was not a factor variable.
But I had stated the problem incorrectly. It's not that there are too
many strata terms; there are too many non-strata terms when the variable
interacting with the stratification factor is a factor variable. Here
is a simple example, where I have
2011 Sep 23
Using method = "aic" with pspline & survreg
--- begin inclusion --
Hi everybody. I'm trying to fit a weibull survival model with a spline
basis for the predictor, using the survival library. I've noticed that
doesn't seem to be possible to use the aic method to choose the degrees
freedom for the spline basis in a parametric regression (although it's
fine with the cox model, or if the degrees of freedom are specified
2012 Oct 19
Addition of plot=F argument to termplot
I have a suggested addition to termplot.
We have a local mod that is used whenever none of the termplot options is quite right. It
is used here almost daily for Cox models in order to put the y axis on a risk scale:
fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog + pspline(age), data=lung)
zz <- termplot(fit, se=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
yy <- zz$age$y + outer(zz$age$se, c(0, -2, 2),
2008 May 09
predicting from coxph with pspline
I get a bit confused by the output from the predict function when used
on an object from coxph in combination with p-spline, e.g.
fit <- coxph(Surv(time1, time2, status)~pspline(x), Data)
predict(fit, newdata=data.frame(x=1:2))
It seems like the output is somewhat independent of the x-values to
predict at. For example x=1:2 gives the same result as x=21:22. Does the
result span the
2024 Sep 15
Possible update to survival
I got good feedback from the list about a scope issue, so I am coming back for more.
Prior issue: users who type survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ x1 + x2 + surv ival::strata(group), data=mydata)
This messes up the character string matching for strata, done via tt <- terms(formula, specials= ?strata?). The code runs, and gives the wrong answer (group is treated as an ordinary
2010 Nov 17
where are my pspline knots?
Hi All,
I am trying to figure out how to get the position of the knots in a pspline used in a cox model.
my.model = coxph(Surv(agein, ageout, status) ~ pspline(x), mydata) # x being continuous
How do I find out where the knot of the spline are? I would like to know to figure out how many cases are there between each knot.
Federico C. F. Calboli
Department of Epidemiology
2024 Dec 16
Changes in the survival package (long)
The latest version of the survival package has two important additions. In prior code the call
coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + strata(inst), data=lung)
could fail if a version of either Surv() or strata() existed elsewhere on the search path; the wrong function could be picked up. Second, a model with survival::strata(inst) in the formula would not do what users expect. These
2020 Sep 25
Extra "Note" in CRAN submission
When I run R CMD check on the survival package I invariably get a note:
* checking for file ?survival/DESCRIPTION? ... OK
* this is package ?survival? version ?3.2-6?
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ?Terry M Therneau <therneau.terry at mayo.edu>?
This is sufficient for the auto-check process to return the following failure message:
Dear maintainer,
2002 May 20
suggestion for example for base:naresid
Dear list:
since it took me a little while to figure out how to make use of naresid, I thought that
the below R code might be useful as an example on the help page.
# generate some data
x1 <- runif(20)
y <- 10 + 5*x1 + rnorm(20)
summary(lm.0 <- lm(y ~ x1))
# append some NA's to y
y <- c(y, rep(NA, 5))
# generate some further x1s
x1 <- c(x1, runif(5))
2011 Sep 24
Mathew Brown
Institute of Bioclimatology
University of G?ttingen
B?sgenweg 2
37077 G?ttingen, Germany
t: +49 551 39 9359
mathew.brown at forst.uni-goettingen.de
On 9/24/2011 6:00 PM, r-help-request at r-project.org wrote:
> Send R-help mailing list submissions to
> r-help at r-project.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
2001 Aug 29
suggestion for example for base:naresid
Dear list:
since it took me a little while to figure out how to make use of naresid, I thought that
the below R code might be useful as an example on the help page.
# generate some data
x1 <- runif(20)
y <- 10 + 5*x1 + rnorm(20)
summary(lm.0 <- lm(y ~ x1))
# append some NA's to y
y <- c(y, rep(NA, 5))
# generate some further x1s
x1 <- c(x1, runif(5))