similar to: Problem with Appear Visual Effect (script.aculo)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Problem with Appear Visual Effect (script.aculo)"

2005 Aug 11
7 V1.5_pre1 released
Heya, I''ve just released V1.5_pre1. Please give it a try! Important new stuff (since V1.1b1): * Added a main scriptaculous.js file to load in the other libraries transparently. * Fixed a condition where standard a href=xxx links wouldn''t work in autocomplete results. These do now, the onclick event is not cancelled. [thx to Jasper Slits] * Added
2006 Jan 07
3 autocomplete does not work
I copied an exact copy of "" to my harddisc inclusive all .js and .css. Then I changed "new Ajax.Autocompleter(''contact_name'', ''contact_name_auto_complete'', ''/ajax/auto_complete_for_contact_name'', {})" to "new Ajax.Autocompleter(''contact_name'',
2007 Jun 07
Effect.Fade and innerHTML?
Hi there, I''m now having an odd problem with Effect.Fade not working based on the innerHTML of a div. Take the following for example... <div id="blah"> Nothing here yet. </div> If I then update "blah", hide it and then fade it in, like so: <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("blah").innerHTML =
2006 Dec 19
Effect.Pulsate on last scriptaculous
Somone have tested the last scriptaculous version that ships with last prototype? I you make an Effect.Pulsate, the element stays hidden after the effect finish if the element don''t have opacity stablished. This is for the changes on the setStyle method on prototype. The original code is:
2006 Dec 13
Effect.Opacity on Firefox Mac Dims text
Hey everyone, I have a series of thumbnails that have a loading overlay placed over them when they''re clicked on. The overlay is set to an opacity of .7.. .The onclick code looks basically does this: var loading = document.createElement(''div''); = ''loading_image''; $(loading).addClassName(''thumb_loading'');
2006 Jul 17
RE: scriptaculous appear effect and tiny_mce bug onopera 9
I seem to recall the Effect.Appear setting the final opacity to 0.99 to avoid some bug on some browser; anyone remember the specifics? Seems like we should probably just conditionally check for the broken browser and set to 0.99 for only that one, otherwise leave it at 1.0, but I know I don''t have the full picture of why it was necessary or whether it still is. Greg
2005 Aug 05
11 Wiki update
Hi list, So, some hard work today, but the Wiki is quickly taking shape. I''ve now moved all the documentation I could find into it. The URL again: There are also some new features in there, like: FAQ: Wishlist (moved from Rails wiki): scriptaculous/show/TheWishlist And the
2005 Sep 05
Prototype 1.4.0_pre4 + 1.5_pre4?
Hello, I''m maintaining the PEAR-installable PHP packages for both and Prototype on I saw the 1.5_pre4 release of yesterday, and would like to release the update on, but don''t want to release hacked versions of Prototype. I saw that Prototype was updated to 1.4.0_pre4 yesterday as well ... Is that a suitable package
2007 Jan 11
Strange behaviour with Scriptaculous v 1.7.0 beta 2
Hello, I''m testing beta of scriptaculous and I''ve got a stange behaviour. I''m using this RJS : page << "$(''content'').morph({width:''308px''}, {duration:0.5});" page.replace_html ''subcontent'', :partial => ''sub'' page.replace_html ''nav_path'', nav_path
2006 Feb 09
cancel fade effect
I was wondering whether it''s possible to pass some arguments to the effect.cancel() - e.g. when canceling fading, I think the opacity should be reset to the default value or 1. Thank you _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Sep 03
3 1.5_pre4
Today marks the release of 1.5_pre4 The single biggest addition are the new effects queue and the text effects. Head to run_functional_tests.html and give "effects_queue" and "texteffects_test.html" a try. As always, loads of fixes and improvements. Specials thanks to all of you who help with ideas, patches and bug
2005 Oct 11
Drag & Drop probs
Hi, I''m just trying out the possibilities of / prototype having two problems... I have a draggable element with revert:false-property and two dropzones. (The draggables are in a <td> and the dropzones are <div>s if that is important.) 1. I want the draggable element to snap back to its original position when it gets dropped anywhere out of a dropzone. 2.
2007 Sep 17
5 effect queues & Ajax.Updater()
Hey guys, I''m new here and just checked out Prototype with and have to say it''s a great experience once you get the concept. However, I''m not very experienced with JS so I''m a bit stuck on something I think is quite easy to solve: What already works: A searchfield is observed by a DelayedObserver, a list of contacts is updated vie Ajax updater.
2006 Jan 18
7 killing IE
Hi, i am new to ajax and new to I created a blog,, using some of the features and commands. My sites works great in firefox, which everyone should be using, but if you open it in IE it kills it. It only kills it after a motion has been called and finishs it''s execution. i really like the layout and the visual
2005 Jul 14
Dropping on empty sortable lists
I have a need to have two sortable lists with the ability to cross drop items between the list. I am using the<>library. All is well until I empty one of the lists completely out, at which time I cannot drop anything in to the empty list. I have used CSS to set the height of the <UL> so I have a large target to drop on. In my efforts to make it
2006 Jan 10
Hi, Can anybody tell what is like whether it is an java package, javascript package, javascript library or something else, Pls clear my doubt. With Regards Rupa ********************************************************** The information contained in, or attached to, this e-mail, contains confidential information and is intended solely for the use of the individual or
2005 Sep 25
14 1.5 release candidate 1
So, the first 1.5 release candidate is out! Important changes and fixes from 1.5_pre4 (for a detailed list, see the CHANGELOG file): * Droppables w/greedy and hoverclass are now reverted when dragged item is no longer over them, fixes #2184 * Let Effect.Highlight correctly parse IE colors, add String.prototype.parseColor() for this, fixes #2037 * Make scriptaculous.js work
2005 Sep 20
2 pause before effect.appear
I''ve created a simple script (below) which calls the effect.appear script in order to make a group of items appear at the page load. I would like to have the images randomly appear at different times; e.g. the 3rd image might start appearing 2 seconds after load, the 6th image immediately after load, the first image 1 second after load, etc... How can I achieve this affect? ---
2006 May 10
AJAX effects
I was at and I like what ajax does when you click on "login" how can I do this on my own website? Is this with the defualt JS libary? -- Posted via
2006 Nov 25
Effect.Appear and PNG on IE6
Hi to all, I''m using an Effect.Appear on a div that have a PNG 24 (with alpha transparency). Works prefectly on all excecpt... IE6 that do not render alpha channel on PNGs. So I wrote a conditional comment to apply the propietary IE filter to load alpha adding filter: in a style tag. Well, during Effect.Appear, appear a black png background on the alpha. Have workarounds or tips to fix