Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "Repeated measures with categorical data"
2011 Dec 06
Duda sobre summary
Hola!! A ver si alguien puede ayudarme!!
Para ajuste de modelos lineales normalmente uso Gretl. Ahora estoy
empezando a hacerlo en R. Me gustaría saber si existe alguna función
que haga un summary extendido como el de Gretl. Os pongo un ejemplo
del summary de Gretl.
Modelo 1: MCO, usando las observaciones 1968-1982 (T = 15)
Variable dependiente: Invest
Coeficiente Desv. Típica
2017 Jan 20
problema con grafico lattice ....
Estimada comunidad, estoy tratando de hacer un grafico y no resulta
(adjuntos datos). Se grafican la vble "con" en el eje X y "can" en el
eje Y. Se agrupa por la vble "sol". Se deben agregar como lineas
horizontales los valores de "can" asociados a "sol" "ControlAE" y
"ControlAB", para lo que uso panel.
Pero al agregar
2013 Nov 04
How to plot results of clmm()?
Dear list,
I'd like to create a visual plot of a clmm() I've fitted using the
'ordinal' package in R. It's possible to do this with a glm() by using
the 'effects' package. For example:
mod <- lm(political.knowledge ~ age + gender + vote, data=BEPS)
eff <- effect("age", mod, default.levels=100)
2017 Jan 21
problema con grafico lattice ....
Por si lo quieres con colores rellenando cada punto:
dat <- read.table("pba.csv", header=TRUE, dec=",", as.is=TRUE)
row.names(dat) <- NULL
dat <- as.data.table(dat)
dat$mycol <- ifelse(dat$sol =="ControlAE", "red", dat$sol)
dat$mycol <- ifelse(dat$mycol
2011 Jun 28
Testing the proportional odds assumption of an ordinal generalized estimating equations (GEE) regression model
Dear list members,
I am estimating an ordinal generalized estimating equations (GEE) regression model on repeated measurements data.
Is there any way (preferably in R) to test the proportional odds assumption of this model?
Thanks in advance.
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2013 Apr 15
Optimisation and NaN Errors using clm() and clmm()
Dear List,
I am using both the clm() and clmm() functions from the R package
I am fitting an ordinal dependent variable with 5 categories to 9
continuous predictors, all of which have been normalised (mean
subtracted then divided by standard deviation), using a probit link
function. From this global model I am generating a confidence set of 200
models using clm() and the
2012 Sep 11
Find correlation in Clmm?
Hi all,
I am trying to fit a random effect model to categorical response variable using package "ordinal" /"clmm".
How can I find the correlation between random effects (random intercept and random slope)
Thanks in advance
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2011 Mar 24
Longitudinal categorical response data
Dear List,
I have some longitudinal data, each patient was followed at times 0, 12, 16, 24 weeks and measure severity of a illness (0-worse, 1-same, 2-better). So, longitudinal response is categorical. I was wondering whether lmer in R can fit a model for this type of data. If so, how we code? Or any other function in R that can fit this type of longitudinal data? Any suggestion would be
2009 Feb 24
polr (MASS): score test for proportional odds model
For the following model,
arth.polr <- polr(Improved ~ Sex + Treatment + Age, data=Arthritis)
where Improved is an ordered, 3-level response I'm looking for a
*simple* way to test
the validity of the proportional odds assumption, typically done via a
score test
for equal slopes/effects over the predictors.
I do find a po.test= option in the repolr package
2013 Jan 21
Ordered Probit/Logit with random coefficients
I searched everywhere but I didn't find what I want, that is why I as the
question here. Threads discussing this issue on this mailing list are
already quite old. Does anybody know of a function in R which allows to
estimate ordered probit/logit model with random coefficients.
The only mixed effect model I found was clmm of the ordinal package but it
only provides random intercepts. I
2010 Jun 16
Is there a non-parametric repeated-measures Anova in R ?
Hello Prof. Harrell and dear R-help mailing list,
I wish to perform a non-parametric repeated measures anova.
If what I read online is true, this could be achieved using a mixed Ordinal
Regression model (a.k.a: Proportional Odds Model).
I found two packages that seems relevant, but couldn't find any vignette on
the subject:
2009 Nov 08
Models for Discrete Choice in R
I would like to fit Logit models for ordered data, such as those
suggested by Greene (2003), p. 736.
Does anyone suggests any package in R for that?
By the way, my dependent variable is ordinal and my independent
variables are ratio/intervalar.
Greene, W. H. Econometric Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003
2017 Jul 17
Duda sobre nivel de significancia
Hola buenas a todxs, comento mi duda:
Calculo la correlación entre dos variables (calculo por años que: mayor
tasa de desempleo implica menos venta de coches) y me sale positiva la
correlación por lo tanto tienen una relación directa. Mi duda:
¿para que esta prediccíón sea cierta, además de una correlación positiva
tengo que calcular el nivel de significancia entre las dos variables?
Saludos y
2010 Sep 29
generalized additive mixed models for ordinal data
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era
Nome: non disponibile
URL: <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20100929/bedab79b/attachment.pl>
2011 Aug 16
Repeated measures cummulative logit mixed model
Dear R help gurus,
I have the following problem and I would be delighted if you could help me.
>From a large (1500) cohort of patients we have been taking some measurements
(ECG measurements, but its not important). The measurements are ordinal in 4
grades (Grade I-IV, grade IV being the most severe form). Every patients has
been measured several times (usually once per year). The
2009 Mar 24
repolr output
Hello all,
I am unsure of how to interpret the output from a Generalized Estimating
Equation analysis of an ordinal response. I hope someone can enlighten
me. The analysis was done using package 'repolr'. The data consists of
a Score on a 3-point scale from 56 Subjects after repeatedly washing
their hands with soap. Two soap Products were tested, each panelist
washed 10 times = 10
2017 Aug 09
Random slope random intercept plot after clmm regression
0down votefavorite
I'm trying to generate a random slope random intercept plot after ordinal
regression using the clmmfunction from the ordinal package in R. I have
aggression levels which are categorical with six levels. Earlier, I made
random intercept
2010 Jun 09
non-parametric repeated measures anova using Proportional Odds Model - examples?!
Hello dear R-help mailing list,
I wish to perform a non-parametric repeated measures anova.
If what I read online is true, this could be achieved using a mixed Ordinal
Regression model (a.k.a: Proportional Odds Model).
I found two packages that seems relevant, but couldn't find any vignette on
the subject:
2012 May 07
Ranked predictor and response variable analysis
I have an experimental design where I would like to use separate ranking
events to predict an independent ranking event. I have been using function
clmm in the ordinal library but now realize that I am violating one of the
assumptions. I have included a subset of the data.
I am looking at how undergraduate students perceive the architecture and
biological correctness of box and arrow
2013 May 09
Barra de progreso en RODBC
Hace como un mes pregunte si se podía desarrollar una barra de progreso
que informara del progreso de una subida de datos a SQL Server desde R.
Miguel Ángel me dio una orientacion de como enfocar el problema y al final
lo he conseguido hacer usando el paquete snowfall.
Ahora bien hay una parte del código que, aunque funciona no entiendo muy
bien como, porque "adapte" un código