similar to: Parent/Child Tags

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Parent/Child Tags"

2006 Jun 20
Prototype Array bug??
function CreateTOC(){ var $aTOC = document.getElementsByClassName(''tocitem''); var $temp = ''''; if(isArray($aTOC)){ for($t in $aTOC){ $temp += ''t='' + $t + '', '' + $aTOC[$t].name + ''<BR>''; } $(''test1'').innerHTML = $temp; } } When I run this code
2006 Jun 24
Looking for Javascript IDE
Hi everyone! I am looking for a good Javascript IDE. Complete code-completion, should understand object oriented models and anonymous functions. Any suggestions? PS: Im on windows. _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jun 29
Speeding up Prototype''s $$ Selector
Just a quick heads up that Sylvain Zimmer has posted a performance upgrade for Prototype''s $$ selector, making the function up to 20 times faster. This could be just the thing I''ve been looking for recently as a site I''m currently developing makes heavy usage of that $$ selector and I have noticed that this can lead to a noticeable lag on page load. See
2006 Jun 27
I''m not sure if I''m understanding this correctly. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> Event.observe(''mes_appearance_s0'', ''onchange'', function(e){ alert(''changed me!'') }); Event.observe(''headinjury'', ''click'', function(e){
2005 Sep 27
Hi *, We don''t know if you guys are the right audience, but we got a problem with prototype.js we need to solve. Essentially, it is a compatibility bug with the IE. We wrote a component so it updates itself periodically using AJAX. we used the prototype.js to accomplish this (using the periodicalUpdater object). now the component works fine using firefox or opera, but NOT with IE. the
2006 Jun 21
How should I expect the performance of this function to be? I wrote this code: function CreateTOC(){ var $aTOC = document.getElementsByClassName(''tocitem''); if(isArray($aTOC)){ $temp = ''<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="cmdSave_Update" VALUE="Close" CLASS="menubuttons"> ''; $temp += ''<INPUT
2009 Jul 20
Upgrade server to run on Rails 2.3.2/F11
Note that one of the 8 patches (#6) will be sent separately in reply to this email, as some of the replaced lines are too long, so git won't let me send the email. However, there is nothing wrong with that patch, and it should be applied in the sequence listed below. Note also that I assume this will be tested on a clean f11 install, rather than an upgrade of an existing ovirt server
2006 Feb 07
Question about Classes.
I have the attached class that I''m writing. The problem that I''m running into is that I can not access the options from the createArray function which get called after the ajax request gets done. I want to move the values of the xml file to an array and story it in the options variable. Can someone explain what I''m doing wrong? var LeaderInfo = Class.create();
2008 May 19
obtaining table cell text data
I''m writing some code to subset a table based on the contents of particular columns. My event handler starts off like this: subsetChange: function(e) { var subset = $F(''subsetSelector''); var rows = $$(''.content-row''); rows.each(function(row) { var value = row.down(''.Platform_Category'').childNodes[0].data;
2006 Mar 17
good javascript xml parser
Anyone know of a javascript function that will take an xml document and turn it into an associative array? Basically it would take something like this: <body> <item> <id>1</id> <name>Bob</name> </item> <item> <id>2</id> <name>John</name> </item> </body> And turn it into something like this: {
2006 Jan 24
scriptaculous sortable
Hi, maybe I am using this the wrong way but I have a list as follows <ul id="secondlist"> <li>bla bla</li> <li> bla bla </li> </ul> and then I add dynamically further <li> elements and create a Sortable but the onUpdate only fires for <li> items that have not been created via Javascript. Any clues? <script
2006 Mar 17
Updated the xml code to be more object-oriented
I changed the code to be more prototype-esque, and created a class called XMLDoc. I may add more functionality to it later, hence the more generic name, but you do something like this to convert XML to a hash: XMLDoc = Class.create(); Object.extend(XMLDoc.prototype, { initialize: function (xmlDoc) { this.element = xmlDoc; }, asHash: function () { if (! this._xmlHash) {
2006 Mar 03
[PATCH] Effect.Accordion (not from the wiki)
Hello boys and girls In the ever-loving spirit of OSS, here''s another feature for s.a.u. In particular it''s called Effect.Accordion, and is a scriptaculified version of openrico''s Accordion. Work in progress, I''ll submit further modifications as the come in, but this is 90% of what needs to be done. I anticipate some bugs when I start using it more. Tested
2005 Nov 07
question about Effect.Highlight and IE 5.5
I''ve recently begun testing some of the scriptaculous functionality in IE 5.5, since my company wants me to support as many browsers as possible. When I do an Effect.Highlight on a <tr>, it doesn''t quite work right. I''ve figured out a few things, but I''m not sure whether you want to change them or not. Here''s what I know: In
2006 Nov 13
Problems with Prototype in 1.6.5
Hi, When I''m using the Prototype version attached to 1.6.5 (Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 revision [5462]) I get some "Object doesn''t support this property or method" in the Effect.BlindDown method (when the method tries to get the dimentions). If I''m using the version of prototype that was attached to 1.6.4 I do not get this error. Is this a known
2005 Aug 12
Ghostly bug in sortables
When a sortable has ''ghosting'' enabled, it seems to include the dragged element twice in the list which is submitted in the onUpdate AJAX request. By the looks of it, it''s appended onto the end of the list when Sortable.serialize is called. IE in the following list: - 1 - 2 - 3 If I drag 3 to be at the top, what we expect is: [3, 1, 2] What we get is: [3, 1, 2, 3]
2005 Oct 04
sorting error "Error: has no properties"
I''ve got some sorting working now, but when the page loads and when I drag, I keep getting this error: "Error: has no properties" My <ul> and <li> elements all have ids. Do child elements all need ids? Here''s the code from dragdrop.js where the error is being thrown ( a few lines from the bottom of the file, line 501--HEAD version) serialize:
2005 Oct 04
Near the end of the Sortable.serialize() method, there is a split command that splits on an underscore. What is the convention it''s following here and is it documented somewhere? Thanks, Jamie serialize: function(element) { element = $(element); var sortableOptions = this.options(element); var options = Object.extend({ tag: sortableOptions.tag, only:
2006 May 19
Multiple dynamic Sortables
I''m writing an appliation that contains several dynamically created lists. I had hoped that the following method for using the Sortable library from scriptaculous would work: 1) create the list 2) create a Sortable for it 3) create another list 4) create a Sortable for it and so on. Unfortunately this doesn''t work. I can''t find any info in the documentation for
2005 Nov 07
IE vs. Firefox - little programming help needed
Hello, I was wondering whether somebody can give me a little hand on this: I have the following code: "var img = this.el.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName(''IMG'')[0];" While IE correctly returns the image object, Firefox returns an error. What I discovered so far is that this.el.previousSibling returns the DIV tag an IE which is correct - however, Firefox