similar to: portupgrade(1) | portmaster(8) -- which is more effective for large upgrade?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "portupgrade(1) | portmaster(8) -- which is more effective for large upgrade?"

2012 Dec 20
repo.txz missong on packages-9-stable for pkg
Hello :-) I want to test new "pkg" tool, but it complains that there is no repo.txz file on the repository: # pkg install libreoffice Updating repository catalogue pkg: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access) I have set PACKAGESITE to packages-9-stable repository :-) Will this support stable
2013 Jul 03
curl and CVE-2013-2174
Dear members, It may sound a silly question. I have curl installed: # pkg_info |grep curl curl-7.24.0_3 Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) Today portsnap updated the ftp/curl port, and patch-CVE-2013-2174 appeared in files/, but the port version remained such that portaudit, and portupgrade still complain about curl's version. What is the recommended way to
2013 May 07
packages (binary) update best practice
Hi all, I have update recently to freebsd 9.1 via freebsd-update and I was quite happy with the process and the instructions on freebsd-handbook, I think well documented. But I would like to understand what is the best practice to update the ports too as I used the package tools (pkg_add -r) to add few package to the base install. Keeping in mind my server have disk space constrain (small disk
2012 Dec 10
How to update ports tree indexes when using svn
Hi list, after the security announcement ( I use svn to update my local ports tree. I've found out that the port index is not updated. What is the preferred/recommended way to update port indexes when using svn? Thanks, Serguey.
2013 Feb 12
Why does poudriere always rebuild nginx and GraphicsMagick13?
Hi, poudriere 2.2 here, running on 9.1-amd64 Of the 730-ish ports, whenever I run a build, it always rebuilds the above two ports. Even if nothing changed. Is there are specific reason for this? I don't really mind nginx, because it builds so quickly - but GraphicsMagick takes a bit too long.
2003 May 27
portupgrade issue 4.8-STABLE
Hi all, Having a bit of a problem with portupgrade on a -STABLE machine: [root@erwin]/root: portupgrade -aRn ---> Session started at: Tue, 27 May 2003 22:54:00 +1000 closed stream ---> Session ended at: Tue, 27 May 2003 22:54:01 +1000 (consumed 00:00:01) [root@erwin]/root: pkgdb -F does the same thing. Any clues? cheers, Rob [root@erwin]/root: uname -a FreeBSD erwin.number6
2003 Nov 04
portupgrade and PHP
Hello, When I run portupgrade -ra and PHP needs upgrading I am faced with having to select all the options I want PHP compiled with (again). I hate this. How can I continually compile PHP with the same options as the last time? Thanks! Rick
2003 Apr 25
ruby & portupgrade
I am trying to do an install of portupgrade. As root, I go to /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade and run make install distclean The system seems to obtain the pkgtools and some upgrades to it, but is unable to obtain the required bdb1-0.1.8.tar.gz. I have also looked at the collection at the freebsd site and tried the ftp site myself
2003 Jul 21
portupgrade -PP needs glasses ?
does anybody have the same problem as I have : (running CURRENT, but the problem occurs on STABLE too) latest portupgrade, ports cvsuped today. fully reproductible with any package... am i missing something ? i hope yes... portinstall -PP teTeX ---> Checking the availability of the latest package of 'print/teTeX' ---> Fetching the package(s) for 'teTeX-2.0.2_2'
2008 Feb 28
Upgrading to 7.0 - stupid requirements
In says Updating Existing Systems > An upgrade of any existing system to FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE constitutes > a major version upgrade, so no matter which method you use to update > an older system you should reinstall any ports you have installed on > the machine. This will avoid binaries becoming linked to inconsistent > sets
2013 Nov 07
FreeBSD10-Beta3: No xorg-server-1.12.4
Hi: The FreeBSD10-Beta3 kernel is recompiled successfully with the following in /etc/make.conf WITH_NEW_XORG=yes WITH_KMS=yes WITH_GALLIUM=yes But after installworld, there is no sight of new xorg-server-1.12.4 in pkg cache nor in /usr/ports: How to install new xorg and where is the source? # pkg search xorg linux-f10-xorg-libs-7.4_1 xorg-7.7 xorg-apps-7.7 xorg-cf-files-1.0.5_1
2013 Jul 14
(9.2) panic under disk load (gam_server / knlist_remove_kq)
9.2 PRERELEASE (today) / amd64 Hello, I'm seeing a panic while trying to build a poudriere repository. As far I can see it always happens when gam_server is started (ie xfce is running) and under disk load (poudriere bulk build) : (That is something new, the box was pretty stable) the complete crash dump (core.0.txt) is here: Fatal
2006 May 22
FreeBSD Security Survey
Dear FreeBSD users and system administrators, While the FreeBSD Security Team has traditionally been very good at investigating and responding to security issues in FreeBSD, this only solves half of the security problem: Unless users and administrators of FreeBSD systems apply the security patches provided, the advisories issued accomplish little beyond alerting potential attackers to the
2013 Nov 20
10.0 BETA3 - does not use pkg
Hi, all, I just wanted to report that. I do not yet have a patch to suggest. cust_pkg() still tries to call pkg_add and fails when adding packages to the NANO_WORLD_DIR. tbz vs. txz ? Kind regards Patrick -- GmbH * Kaiserallee 13a * 76133 Karlsruhe Tel. 0721 9109 0 * Fax 0721 9109 100 info at Gf: J?rgen Egeling AG Mannheim 108285
2007 Aug 12
freebsd ports provider
I''d like to clarify some points about the ports/package system in FreeBSD. I apoligize ahead of time if this is Both packages and ports use the pkgdb system. This isn''t some lame cludge; it''s by design, and the reason is really quite simple. Packages are built from the ports collection. The only real difference between them is the mode of delivery. When you run
2006 Oct 17
FreeBSD 4.x EoL
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 There has been a lot of discussion on these two mailing lists about the upcoming EoL of FreeBSD 4.x which I mentioned in my email entitled "HEADS UP: FreeBSD 5.3, 5.4, 6.0 EoLs coming soon". Now that everybody (hopefully) has had their say, I'd like to offer some background and explanation. The concept of "security branches"
2003 May 26
portupgrade issue
I am running 4.8-STABLE. I recently did a cvsup (repeatedly, most recently today). Ever since, portupgrade dies with the following messages: zircon# portupgrade -r pkgconfig /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/pkgdb.rb:310:in `deorigin': failed to convert nil into String (PkgDB::DBError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/pkgdb.rb:903:in `tsort_build' from
2013 Feb 03
Hello, I wanted to try the new c++ stuff, ie clang-3.2, libc++ and libcxxrt, so I used poudriere to build a jail setup for that ( WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=yes in src.conf, CXXFLAGS+=-stdlib=libc++ and in libmap.conf ), and started to build my normal set of packages ( see desktop.list ). Please note that I also have WITH_NEW_XORG=yes and WITH_KMS=yes, as well as using the
2005 Apr 12
Will 5.4 be an "Extended Life" release?
In the next month or two I've got to upgrade a number of servers that are currently on an EOL'd version of 4-STABLE. I foresee that I'll have very limited time to do full OS upgrades on these systems in the coming several years, so I want to make sure I bring them onto an extended-life branch. Right now 4.11 has the furthest projected EOL date (Jan 31 2007), and the projected EOL
2006 Mar 11
im compiling kde from the ports for about the hundreth time and something always goes wrong this time its more simple than most but i can't seem to find what im looking for. It attempted to fetch a library called tiff.4 in several places and found nothing. It asked me to find it and ive been looking all over google and got nothing. Does anybody know where i can find this library? Thanx, Max