similar to: rails server command

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "rails server command"

2011 Feb 12
GemFile error + General Help?
Hello, I''m a complete beginner in Ruby on Rails, so excuse me if this is a ridiculous question. Just to bare in mind, I''m using Mac OSX (Snow Leopard), Rails 3, and sqlite3 as a database. I''ve checked, and everything is up to date (Rails, Ruby, Gems). I am simply creating a test application, and I understand the way to run that is by running the ''rails
2012 Feb 27
Bit of a issue with creating a new app and running it
HI all, I have just setup the ROR environment on a vps, but once i created the app and run rails s or db:create after modifying the database.yml it keeps on appearing with the "Could not find gem sqlite3" etc message which i know this as it''s not install as i am using mysql. What else have i got to do other than modifying the database.yml as to me it''s still looking
2011 Mar 18
Could not find sqlite3
I am trying to get Ruby/Rails running on my mac but having some issues. I created a new rails project "blog_test" trying to get something working. When I follow this guide it says to do a "db:create". This is where I get this error... Could not find gem ''sqlite3 (>= 0)'' in any of the gem sources listed
2010 Oct 24
Re: [Rails-core] Re: (Unable to start rails application) ruby scipt/server error
Rails application which i create manually like rails new blog and the content of the file "blog/config/boot.rb" are require ''rubygems'' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. gemfile = File.expand_path(''../../Gemfile'', __FILE__) begin ENV[''BUNDLE_GEMFILE''] = gemfile require
2011 Oct 24
Hello I am rather new to Ruby and have been following along with the book "Ruby On Rails 3 Tutorial - Learn Ruby by Example - by Michael Hartl". I am currently in Chapter 3 which discusses static pages. In this chapter, I entered the following command into the prompt: "rails generate controller Pages home contact" and everything worked fine. Then the book directs me to
2011 Aug 09
Sqlite 3 install error on Heroku, Rails 3.1
Hello Rails people. I tried to push a Rails 3.1 app ( created using cedar stack) to Heroku and I encountered the following error Installing sqlite3 (1.3.4) with native extensions Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please report this error to the Bundler issue tracker at so that we can fix it. Thanks!
2013 Apr 13
Cannot reach http://localhost:3000 after starting Ruby on Rails server
I cannot reach http://localhost:3000 after starting Ruby on Rails server when running Windows 8. After running rails server in the directory that I want the server to start, the following prompt shows up: C:\Users\Brian\railsapp>rails server => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.2.13 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown
2011 Dec 01
Hi All, I am new in ruby on rail. i have successfully Ruby on Rails setup and create application but i have run application in browser everytime display "ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished " this error . I am using ruby 1.9.3 and below my db connection. # SQLite version 3.x # gem install sqlite3 # # Ensure the SQLite 3 gem is defined in your Gemfile # gem
2010 Jun 21
[BUG] Segmentation fault
First of all, I use RVM and I installed ruby-1.9.2-head, which I used to create a new rails3 gemset. Then I changed to that gemset with rvm use 1.9.2-head@rails3 and I ran bundle install over the following Gemfile: source '''' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.0.beta4'' gem ''sqlite3-ruby'', :require =>
2012 Dec 28
git push heroku master error
allo vous tous vois l''erreur Counting objects: 66, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done. Writing objects: 100% (66/66), 26.30 KiB, done. Total 66 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) -----> Ruby/Rails app detected -----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.3.0.pre.2 Running: bundle install --without development:test
2012 May 16
Rails 3.1.0 cannot connect to sqlite database on Mac Lion
I''m running Rails 3.2.3 on Mac Lion with sqlite 3.7.7 and ruby 1.9.3p125. I need to back down rails to 3.1.0 for a project but when I do that a simple index page give me a ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished error. Rails 3.2.3 works, 3.1.0 not. Any ideas? Just to show you it''s nothing fancy.... Gem file is only: source '''' gem
2010 Dec 11
Why doesn't Heroku show the Rails default page?
Following chapter (1) of the Ruby on Rails tutorial:, I was able to successfuly push the application to "Heroku" using: > git push heroku master But, when I open the website, I get a page with the following: App crashed This application is temporarily offline. If you''re the administrator of this app, please check your heroku logs for the backtrace.
2010 Oct 02
MySQL setup question
Hello, I''m new to ror and i really like it so far! for a new application i would like to setup a ror application connecting to mysql but i can''t figure it out how. rails works fine with sqllite out the box but i need it working with mysql. these are my versions: -OSX snow leopard -ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0] -Rails 3.0.0 $
2011 Mar 16
Uninitialized constant Files::Magick -still around
Hi there, I''m solving the problem about the plugin Magick. In my app in Gemfile I''ve follwoing: require ''rubygems'' require ''mongo'' require ''RMagick'' include Magick and in a model Files: class Files def ... img =''public/data/nature6.jpg'').first end end
2011 Jul 27
Migration to rails2 rails3
Good evening everyone, I went to change the Rails version of my project, and saw that many things have stopped working. As the "rake routes", which is giving the following error: rrmartins rodrigo @: ~ / Documents / vota_prato $ rake routes rake aborted! no such file to load - tasks / rails (See full trace by running task with - trace) What do you think you can be? thanks -- *
2012 Sep 18
NoMethodError with rake db:migrate
Hi! First of all, this is my first application on Rails, and i''m stuck at a migration. i created a demo app (the demo_app from michael hartl''s tutorial) as usual: rails new demo_app, rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string, and when i do rake db:migrate, this stack appears: rake db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment
2011 Feb 20
Problem with mysql2 gem and Debian
Hi Guys, I''m having an issue with deploying my application and the mysql2 gem. I am developing on Windows 7 with Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.3. On my local machine in development environment the application runs just fine. But when I want to deploy it on our production server I get an error message from passenger. "Please install the mysql2 adapter: `gem install activerecord-mysql2-
2011 May 10
Webrick script/server file does not exist
Hello all, I worked fairly enough with PHP and MySQL, but am very new to Ruby. I have Windows machine with Apache and MySQL installed previously. Both Apache and MySql were stopped while installing Ruby. I tried several ways to install Ruby 1.8.7 and one-step installer. I can use Ruby with netbeans 6.0.1 with its own Ruby or with the one I installed now. The problem starts when I try to create
2011 Dec 17
How does bundler know whether Gemfile has changed?
I am trying to understand how bundler works. Looking at the manual [1] it says "If a Gemfile.lock does exist, and you have not updated your Gemfile(5), bundler will fetch all remote sources, but use the dependencies specified in the Gemfile.lock instead of resolving dependencies." The question is how does it know whether Gemfile has been updated? I expected to find something in
2011 Sep 24
Heroku Slugsize shot up drastically
Hi, Locally my application is 7MB without tests and logs, etc. The .git folder is 29 MB. I also have no gems / plugins in vendor folder. 95% of images sit on S3. However on committing to Heroku it shows -----> Compiled slug size is 62.7MB What is wrong? It happened? To add more context my .gitignore file is .bundle, db/.sqlite3, config/ database.yml, log/.log, tmp/, .idea, .redcar,