Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "ICMP time exceeded in-transit sent from wrong interface"
2009 Jul 14
Ubuntu JGR
I cannot get JGR installed.
Here is what I have tried so far http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/R
1. sudo -s # root werden
R CMD javareconf
root at gunnar-laptop:~# R CMD javareconf
Java interpreter : /usr/bin/java
Java version : 1.5.0_18
Java home path : /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
Java compiler : /usr/bin/javac
Java headers gen.: /usr/bin/javah
Java archive
2019 Mar 29
CentOS Repository broken ?
I have a CentOS 7 server with dovecot Repository enabled.
But it is not possible to Update with Yum Update
I have this Error?
The dovecot package is missing?
--> Transaktionspr?fung wird ausgef?hrt
---> Paket dovecot-imaptest.x86_64 2:2.3.5-1 markiert, um aktualisiert zu
---> Paket dovecot-imaptest.x86_64 2: markiert, um eine
Aktualisierung zu werden
2019 Mar 29
CentOS Repository broken ?
or something has been cached, try: yum clean all and then yum update
> Am 29.03.2019 um 14:49 schrieb Gerald Galster via dovecot <dovecot at dovecot.org>:
> Hello,
> can you please check if the dovecot repository is enabled?
> Is it mentioned at the top of the output when you do "yum update":
> (1/10): base/7/x86_64/group_gz
> (2/10):
2009 Sep 14
Function "Varcov" in Design (Ver. 2.2-0) package
I'm running into an error message for the "anova"-function I never got
before with the Design (Version 2.2-0) package.
There seems to be a missing function "Varcov", please check my
function calls (it's in german but I think you get the error):
> library(Design) ## attaching Design package and dependent packages
Lade n?tiges Paket: Hmisc ## loading
2006 Jan 06
routing decision based on sorce port
Hello Routing Gurus ;-)
I''d like to know if it''s possible to make a routing decision for pakets
originating from a specific port of the local machine without using
ipfilter/iptables to mark the pakets.
I read about the tc filter stuff but that seems only to be able to sort
the pakets to a different queue on the same interface and not choose a
different interface for example.
2010 Feb 08
objects masked from packages
dear all,
I have a problem with a masked object in a package we created here.
we make a package for a workflow of internal analysis of microarray data.
to create the package we used:
> install.packages(pkgs="affyAnalysis", repos=NULL)
> R CMD INSTALL affyAnalysis
Erzeuge Verzeichnisse ...
Erzeuge NAMESPACE ...
Erzeuge Read-and-delete-me ...
2013 Jun 10
Rcmdr seit heute nicht mehr ladbar
Wenn man ihn mal braucht ist er tot. folgende Fehlermeldung ereilt mich seit heute beim starten des R Commander auf dem Mac:
> library(Rcmdr)
Lade n?tiges Paket: car
Lade n?tiges Paket: MASS
Lade n?tiges Paket: nnet
Error : .onAttach in attachNamespace() f?r 'Rcmdr' fehlgeschlagen, Details:
? Aufruf: structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj")
? Fehler: [tcl]
2010 Dec 06
package ca/rgl for ubuntu?
for some unknown reason i cannot install the package ca in R running in a ubuntu mint system. i keep getting the following error message:
configure: error: missing required header GL/gl.h
ERROR: configuration failed for package ?rgl?
* removing ?/home/kat/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.12/rgl?
ERROR: dependency ?rgl? is not available for package ?ca?
* removing
2007 Oct 01
Error loading DCluster
When I try to load the DCluster package I get the following error
message (R 2.5.1; PowerBook G4; Mac OS X 10.4.10)
(Load needed package)
Lade nötiges Paket: spdep
(error: package spdep could not been loaded)
Fehler: Paket 'spdep' konnte nicht geladen werden
(additional warning message)
Zusätzlich: Warning message:
(There is no package spdep in:.....)
es gibt kein Paket 'spdep'
2009 Jul 13
Ubuntu und R
Hallo Zusammen,
hatte gestern die Schnauze voll von Vista und habe mir daraufhin Ubuntu
installiert. Bin also mit Ubuntu ?berhaupt nicht vertraut.
Nun habe ich ohne Erfolg versucht, R zu installieren.
Soweit ich der Anleitung folgen konnte habe ich es so wie auf
http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/R gemacht.
Im Terminal kann ich R problemlos starten.
Allerdings bei der Installation von
2009 Apr 20
SEM package
I tried to install the sem package and it was succsessful but I keep
getting the following message
Paket 'sem' erfolgreich ausgepackt und MD5 Summen abgeglichen
Die heruntergeladenen Pakete sind in
aktualisiere HTML Paketbeschreibungen
Warning message:
In file.create(f.tg) :
kann Datei
2008 Jan 10
load tcltk
Hi All!
Can someone help me with the following problem?
Lade n?tiges Paket: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in dyn.load(file, ...) :
kann shared library '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.6/
Resources/library/tcltk/libs/ppc/tcltk.so' nicht laden:
library/tcltk/libs/ppc/tcltk.so, 10): Library not
2006 Mar 05
I downloaded RWeka successfully. (At least I do not see, where I could have made a mistake.) Then I tried to load it by the library-command. To my surprise this did not work. Result:
Fehler in .jinit(c(system.file("jar", "weka.jar", package = "RWeka"), system.file("jar", :
Cannot create Java Virtual Machine
Fehler: .onLoad in
2009 Jul 06
Starting R Commander doesn't work (PR#13806)
Full_Name: Noyb
Version: 2.9.1
OS: Ubuntu 9.04
Submission from: (NULL) (
I installed the GUI R Commander and tried to open it out of R by
> library("Rcmdr").
The following message occurred:
"Lade n?tiges Paket: tcltk
Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) :
Tcl/Tk auf diesem System nicht verf?gbar
Fehler: Paket 'tcltk' konnte nicht geladen
2007 Nov 12
(no subject)
Hello members of the mailinglist!
I am running R 2.6.0 GUI 1.21 (4815) (4815) on a PPC with Mac OS X 10.4.
I just tried to use the R commander.
I followed these instructions:
4) Start R (e.g. double-click the R icon in /Applications).
5) Start X11 (e.g. click the X11 button on the R Console or double-
click the X11 icon in /Applications/Utilities).
6) Close the X11 terminal (optional).
7) Type
2001 Nov 14
I Don't speak the language it is in, but is this spam?
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-admin@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-admin@lists.samba.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:40 PM
To: samba@samba.org
Importance: High
Size ?ncelikle firmam?z? tan?tarak
2009 Feb 10
Problem installing MASS-Package
Dear R-Help-Team,
I tried to use isoMDS-Function of the MASS-Package:
Fehler: konnte Funktion "isoMDS" nicht finden
(error: could not find function "isoMDS")
so I tried to install the package MASS:
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
versuche URL 'http://cran.rakanu.com/bin/windows/contrib/2.8/VR_7.2-45.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 1598763
2018 Aug 16
imapsieve: Change message flags on COPY
Hello, I'm trying to do a simple thing using imapsieve, I want messages to be marked as read when moved to certain folders (Trash, Archive, Spam).
All the set up to run the imapsieve script works perfectly, but I'm having trouble to make changes effective. As the RFC says, IMAP messages are immutable, but it's not clear to me reading the specs if this applies to IMAP flags too, as one
2016 Jun 20
Disabling passdb pam in local.conf
I'm trying to create a configuration that leaves every config file deployed by
an install process or paket management software untouched. The goal is to put
every configuration required into /etc/dovecot/local.conf.
I've come quite far, but I fail to disable pam as passdb service in
local.conf. What I get if I run doveconf -n is this section:
passdb {
driver = pam
It is
2012 Jul 25
gsl lib version detected wrong during install
Hello everyone,
I've tried to install the R gsl package but without success because R claims
there needs to be a gsl library version >= 1.12 installed on the system.
Actually gsl library version 1.12 is installed locally in my home directory
and I set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .bash_profile to point to
corresponding bin and lib directory. gsl-config is accessible from
everywhere in the