similar to: Puppet Don't Send Message If Any Changes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Puppet Don't Send Message If Any Changes"

2008 Jan 18
sound card input stream
Hi to all. ? am a newbie about icecast. ? just wanna know that, Can i stream my sound card input sound? I mean i want to stream the sound that comes into my sound cards input, from a microphone. is it possible? ?f it is possible how can i do that. Can u help me? Take it easy... Mesut GULNAZ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Nov 30
rake aborted! undefined method `each' for #<Mysql:
I''m struggling with several problems getting my first time ruby on rails environment running. I''m now stuck on this problem too. rake db:migrate generates the following error. This one is on a vista machine. Anyone seen this before. Any thoughts or advice? Reading about Ruby on Rails has really got me excited to give it a try. But in practice getting to the point that I can
2005 Jun 14
Re: Asterisk-Users Digest, Vol 11, Issue 93
I want to establish voice overip between two locations in Turkey. But I don't know where should I start actually. Can any one tell me what can I do first. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Jan 10
multiple domains howto
i dont know howto host multiple domains with dovecot are there any way to make it ?
2005 Jan 11
Howto host multiple domains
i dont know howto host multiple domains with dovecot are there any way to make it ?
2008 May 29
plotting zoo using datetime as xlim
is there a way to use the actual index value for plotting zoo objects this is the way that the index is set up and a sample range of what I would like to plot 01/01/06 00:00:00 - 01/01/06 23:45:00 { library(zoo) # chron library(chron) fmt.chron <- function(x) { chron(sub(" .*", "", x), gsub(".* (.*)", "\\1:00", x)) }} x <- structure(c(15.57, 15.5,
2012 Jun 30
SSL_connect?? Because of master is not running?
My master is running 12.04 Version: 2.7.11-1ubuntu2 Depends: ruby1.8, puppetmaster-common (= 2.7.11-1ubuntu2) My client is 10.04 Version: 2.6.3-0ubuntu1~lucid1 Depends: puppet-common (= 2.6.3-0ubuntu1~lucid1), ruby1.8 I followed this tutorial to install Puppet on the client: (I didn''t need that tar ball because the "best
2006 Sep 27
x crash when I am trying to play StarCraft
I am running Debian Etch with kernel 2.7.11, I install wine 0.9.21 through the Ubuntu source with apt since there isn't one for Debian all I did to get wine was apt-get install wine installation went well with no error, but when I do this as $ wine /path/to/starcraft.exe &> /tmp/wine-starcraft.log X crashes, and what is below is what's in wine-starcraft.log
2012 Mar 01
puppet 2.7.11 + ruby 1.9.3 + passenger
So does anyone have a working setup with puppet 2.7.11 + ruby 1.9.3 + passenger? I am currently using rack-1.0.1 (rack-1.4.1 had same behavior) and passenger 3.0.11, and I get some authentication problems (shown below). If I use an auth.conf that is wide open (auth any, allow *), the agent can successfully retrieve his catalog and plugins and apply them. Using webrick works fine as well. The
2012 Mar 02
zombie child process
Hi, This is the third or fourth time this happens. But puppetd gets a zombie shell childprocess and then never finishes the run. /opt/tc-puppet/bin/ruby /opt/tc-puppet/sbin/puppetd \_ [sh] <defunct> How do I begin looking on what can be wrong? This error has appeared on both 2.7.6 and 2.7.11. Regards, Elias -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2002 Feb 23
ext3 mount problem after upgrading kernel
Hi, I use RH 7.2 (the download version) with kernel 2.4.9-13 (upgraded by using the Up2date program). Today i used Up2date (version 2.7.11) to upgrade to 2.4.9-21 (kernel, headers and source). I get the following error while the new kernel is booting: EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock mount: error 22 mounting ext3 pivotroot: pivot_root (/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd) failed: 2 Of course this
2016 Jan 15
Samba Installation
While doing samba installation I got stuck in the configuring step. The output of ./configure gives me the following error:- ..... Checking for custom code : Could not find the python development headers /usr/src/samba-4.3.4/wscript:98: error: the configuration failed (see '/usr/src/samba-4.3.4/bin/config.log') My wscript file on line 98 shows:
2012 Dec 09
[LLVMdev] pb05 benchmarks for llvm/dragonegg 3.2
Duncan, With the commit from, the Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks complete again on x86_64-apple-darwin12. The result are similar to what were seen with FSF gcc 4.6.2svn and llvm/dragonegg 3.0 (which was the last release that passed pb05) Jack
2016 Jul 02
Need help Compiling Samba
Hi, I was recently using Samba 3.6.0 on AIX 6100-09-06-1543, but that has a security vulnerability. Therefore, I tried to compile Samba v4.4.4 on AIX 6100-09-06-1543. I am using Python 2.7.11. After running ./configure I get the following error. /usr/local/samba-4.4.4/wscript:106: error: the configuration failed (see '/usr/local/samba-4.4.4/bin/config.log') I can send you more
2002 Feb 26
Include exclude not working
Hi! playing with --include, --exclude, and --exclude-from=file I found these not working: xcnlm00s:/etc/adsm/script # rsync -navx --include="*/" --exclude="*" -e ssh newsfeed:/ receiving file list ... done wrote 29 bytes read 28605 bytes 3014.11 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 xcnlm00s:/etc/adsm/script # rsync -navx --exclude="*"
2012 Feb 29
Private key troubles after a new install and a reboot
Ok, I''m new to puppet, but I''ve got everything working for my setup. Almost. I''m trying to set up a new server, using cobbler, and then puppet. CentOS 6.2 Puppet 2.7.11 Cobbler 2.0.11 I have things set up so I can use kickstart to install the server on boot. It installs puppet and facter from the puppetlabs repos and the snippet
2012 Dec 10
[LLVMdev] pb05 benchmarks for llvm/dragonegg 3.2
Hi Jack, thanks for these numbers. > With the commit from, > the Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks complete again on x86_64-apple-darwin12. The result are similar to what > were seen with FSF gcc 4.6.2svn and llvm/dragonegg 3.0 (which was the last release that passed pb05) >
2012 Dec 26
puppetlabs/apt and apt::ppa
Greetings, I''m trying to add ppa:nginx/stable repo for Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. Server: puppetmaster-common 3.0.1-1puppetlabs1 Agent: puppet 2.7.11 And when I try to apply manifest - getting: puppet agent -t info: Caching catalog for err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d] for
2019 Jun 02
rgl install for R 3.7
I?ve installed R 3.7.0 on a new laptop running macos 10.14.5 and have managed to get most of my usual packages to compile from source with a ~/.R/Makevars file that looks like this: CC=/usr/local/clang8/bin/clang CXX=/usr/local/clang8/bin/clang++ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/clang8/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/clang8/include -I/opt/X11/include/freetype2 FC=/usr/local/gfortran/bin/gfortran
2012 Jun 21
Question about best practices for custom facts in puppet
We''re running puppet 2.7.11 and facter 1.6.1. We''re at a point where we need to start having some custom facts for our environment but we''re not sure the best way to go around it, so I''m looking for feedback from the community. I''ve setup custom facts with facter now and have successfully polled these and also proven that the puppet clients have