similar to: Could someone take a look at #9477 (new fieldset_tag helper)?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Could someone take a look at #9477 (new fieldset_tag helper)?"

2007 Sep 25
form_for and partials
I love form_for, but I really hate <% form_for :person, @person, :url => {...} do |f| %> ... <%= render :partial => ''form'', :locals => {''f'' => f} ... <% end %> I''ve been thinking of instead allowing <% form_for :person, @person, :url => {...} do |f| %> ... <%= f.partial ''form''
2005 Jun 24
flashing divs in IE with use of BlindUp and BlindDown
I''m having an issue with flashing divs in IE (firefox is fine and the only other browser I''ve used) My scenario is as follows. I have 2 divs (initially hidden) and using the BlindDown and BlindUp functions (possibly others) the divs flash when starting to roll down in BlindDown (due to the call) and also at the end of the BlindUp call (due to the Element.hide call)
2008 Mar 24
Yet again: Gem plugins
The patch I''m working on is just a) A more declarative way of specifying the gems your app uses, and having Rails automatically require them for you, and b) A mechanism for enabling those gems hook up to your target app, just like init.rb does for file-system plugins. Please take a look at the Trac ticket as it''s more self-explanatory:
2008 Mar 06
Hi, Why is cache_sweeper not a documented method? I was pretty sure it used to be, but I could be wrong. I can''t seem to find any information on it anymore in the online docs. As a side note, looking at the code for cache_sweeper it appears to only work with the :only option, not :except (ignores it)... what''s the reason for this? Thanks, Andrew
2006 Jun 21
sortable tree problem
Hello, I''m having a problem when I set the tree option to true on Sortable. If I set the option to false my remote call works fine, but once I set it to true, I get some weird log errors from Webrick... undefined method `update'' for "11":String /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.1/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods.rb:214:in `build_deep_hash''
2007 Mar 03
url_for and arrays parameters (diffs between rails 1.1.6 and 1.2.2)
Hello, I posted this to the main rails list (, but haven''t received any replies yet, so maybe this question is better suited here. Sorry if this has been brought up before, I couldn''t find any previous discussion on this. To summarize the post... When using the latest Rails (1.2.2) I''m passing an array to url_for like so...
2006 Jun 21
vertical menus
Hello all, Not a directly related question to scriptaculous or prototype, but I am looking for a good, dynamic vertical javascript menu. I''ve done some searching and there are a lot of menu implementations out there. I''m looking for something more or less free, but will pay/donate a small fee towards something worth while. I figured I''d ask here to help filter down
2005 Sep 14
table sorting/manipulation library?
I have a library I''ve developed that I believe is the most flexible and useful table sorting/striping/row-selecting library around. Big features: Single and multiple-level sort Arbitrary sort criteria (IP address, date, etc.) Works with table headers that are > 1 row or column large Stripe tables and/or enable row selecting Row selecting supports drag-select and SHIFT-click No extra
2006 Apr 28
Effects fully display before effect
Why do effects that display an element (like Appear or Slide Down) start by displaying the element for a split second and then make the element disappear? _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Sep 19
Rails compatible JS datepicker -- beta
hi all, I''ve built a simple javascript datepicker for use with Rails. I''m sure others exist, but think this one is quite decent without being overengineered. At present there''s no Rails HTML generator method for it; later I will package it in a script/generator, but for now it is quite easy to use with Rails and
2005 Oct 20
cross-fade effect on elements updated by ajax.updater?
Hello. I was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction of creating a cross-fade effect for Ajax.Updater. If you have an element that gets replaced by a new one with Ajax.Updater, how can we blend one into the other? Many thanks. Tench
2006 May 19
Content Rotate, unwanted flashing on IE.
I just wrote a stupid little JS object to rotate DOM Elements (mainly images) using Prototype and as support. Everything seems to work well on IE and Firefox Linux but on FireFox Windows I am getting a slight flash prior to transition. I was wondering if a effects guru could take a quick look and see if anything jumps out. I can live with the flash for my current project but
2007 Jul 19
InPlace[Collection]Editor rewrite: it's in trunk!
Hi all, For those of you who don''t follow Thomas Fuch''s blog, know that a complete rewrite of InPlaceEditor / InPlaceCollectionEditor just made it into the trunk. You''ll find all the juicy details on Thomas'' post: Do note that this is my rewrite, so if you find bugs etc., don''t
2010 Aug 03
rails 2.3.8 and html_safe
Hi, Can somebody update me on the state of html_safe strings in rails 2.3.8? I know rails 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 broke a lot of code because strings were being escaped when they shouldn''t have been and I thought this was all fixed in 2.3.8. I''m upgrading an app from 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 and there are many spots where previous code was output correctly and now it expects html_safe method
2006 Jan 04
Scriptaculous + Prototype shrunk to < 50Kb
Maybe I''m anal but I like fat-free JS, so I pulled the Proptotype and core Scriptaculous files into one single JS file at 49Kb. It''s "packed" so if you care about that kind of thing, it''s also "obfuscated". Download from my personal site at - Alister PS. Of course this is the current version as posted on the
2006 Mar 03
Ajax.InPlaceEditor - disabling the yellow highlight?
Is there a way to disable Ajax.InPlaceEditor''s yellow rollover highlight?
2006 Mar 31
Property not supported error with newest prototype.
I''m getting an error from IE on the following line in the newest prototype... element._extended = true; IE is saying that ''Object doesn''t support this property or method''. I''m using IE6. Has anybody else had similiar issues?
2005 Jun 24
Blind Toggle "effect"
I wrote a simple toggle function similar to Element.toggle that will toggle a section between being up and down using the Blind effect. I''m relatively new to the code, so I''m not sure if it''s implemented 100% correctly or if it can be done better. I am using it though and it seems to be working fine. Anyway, here''s the code and if you think it''s
2005 Jun 27
stage left and right effects
Here are two effects (with a common base) that perform a stage left/right effect. The effect is named after the Hanna Barbara character Snagglepuss. :) It shakes the contents briefly and then jets off (stage) to the left or right. I used the Shake effect as a guide to this one. The StageBase accepts the element and an "amount" to initially shake the element by. So in
2010 Sep 23
[patch] Properly memoize protected methods
This patch fixes an issue with protected methods becoming public if they are memoized. Looking for +1''s and/or a commit by core... Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To post to this group, send email to