similar to: string to hash

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "string to hash"

2008 May 24
TypeError : transport.responseText has no properties
Hello all, I''m using prototype in conjunction with Extjs to build out an Ajax- driven app. I''m noticing that occasionally there will be Ajax Requests that will occasionally not complete. After some investigation, I found that when I made a call to String#evalJSON, it would throw a TypeError with the following message : transport.responseText has no properties. When this
2008 Feb 09
problem using evalJSON with Ajax
Hi, all I am trying to use evalJSON with Ajax, but somehow it doesn''t work. for instance, I have a php file has the following output: "name": "Violet", "occupation": "character" and I have a html file with the following javascript: new Ajax.Request(''/some_url'', { method:''get'', onSuccess:
2008 Jun 19
getDimensions() fails for elements with ancestors with display: none
Prototype v1.6.0.2 If any of an element''s ancestors are hidden, Element.getDimensions() returns misleading values. In order to address this in my own project, I made the following modification: getDimensions: function(element) { element = $(element); var display = element.getStyle(''display''); + var hiddenAncestor = element.ancestors().any(function(e) {
2008 May 30
Styling an Anchor Tag With Prototype
I have a question: How do you style the various components of the anchor tag? I am doing it this way: $$(''a:link,a:visited'').each(function(link){ //links link.setStyle({ color: ''#''+$F(''cp4_Hex'') }); }); $$(''a:hover'').each(function(link){ //links link.setStyle({ color: ''#''+$F(''cp5_Hex'')
2007 Dec 08
Assigning submit handler to form
Hi folks, A quick question for somebody. I''m adding a simple validation JS to my form by attaching it like so: $(''my_form'').observe(''submit'', function(e) { return view_ns.validate_form(Event.element(e)); }); The validate_form() function returns true or false. But regardless of it''s return value, the form is always submitted. ''sup wi
2008 Apr 24
Scriptaculous Help (page exit effects)
I was wondering if it was possible in Prototype/Scriptaculous to run an effect when a link is clicked, then go to that page, or if it was possible to have an effect run when the page unloads. I have tried <body onunload="new Effect.Fade("whatever");> and some prototype page exit events, could get a alert("") function to work, but not the effects. Any ideas?
2008 Feb 18
inheriting static/class methods with new prototype.js class creation
Hey all. I want something like this to work: var Foo = Class.create(); Foo.myStaticMethod = function(){alert("I''m a static method!")}; Foo.myStaticMethod(); // works var f = new Foo(); f.myStaticMethod(); // doesn''t work, but that''s good--I don''t want it to var Bar = Class.create(Foo); Bar.myStaticMethod(); // doesn''t work, undefined :(
2008 May 01
Adding script line give errors Help!
I am trying to add this script <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://"></script> To my idex page and it give me errors, when I delete this line <script src="js/lightbox/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2007 Aug 07
"badly formed JSON" exception
I tried to implement the "Rendering JSON in actions" example from : @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" data = { :foo => ''bar'', :etc => ''rez'' } render :text => data.to_json When I try to decode this in javascript with
2007 Dec 20
evalJSON() problem
Hey! When i try to parse the following Variable with evalJSON() i geht an error "Badly formed JSON String" var string = ''{nodes[{id:"s1",type:"seminar",title:"Seminar 1",nodes: [{id:"c1",type:"course",title:"Kurs 1"}]},{id:"c2",type: "course",title: "Kurs 2"}]};''; why? regards
2008 Apr 14
transport.response is truncated
hi - i have a randon but recreatable problem whereby my transport.responseText seems to get truncated. I have tried swithcing btwn onSuccess and onComplete buit it happens on both. As i said it''s totally random. any ideas ? what other info di i need to provide ? many thanks --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to
2007 Dec 09
capturing arrow keypress on IE7 with Prototype 1.6 doesn't work?
Hi! does anyone know a fix for this? in FF and Opera everything is fine, but in IE7 arrow keys are ignored. thank you --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To
2008 Apr 18
show sum of textboxes
Hi all, I have multiple textboxes containing numbers. I want to add up all the numbers and show the sum. Can I select the textboxes by class and sum the content? This also has to happen realtime: when a number is changed ina textbox the sum should also change. can this be done? regards, Stijn --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2008 Mar 22
Ajax.Updater not fully work in IE7
My code snapshot: correct work in FF , Opera and Safari, but in IE7 - isn''t return result <form action="test.php" method="POST"> <div id="country" style="border: 1px solid #ccc; width: auto"></div> <br/> <a href="javascript:getTest()">test</a> </form> <script
2008 Jun 16
Selecting radio group from element
I have a single radio button element (which is passed in via an Observer) and I want to detect if ANY of the radio buttons in it''s group are checked. How can I query all the radio buttons on the page in it''s group with just the element? Thanks. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Sep 28
evalJSON problem
Hey there, I have a FCKeditor(a WYSIWYG online html editor) and i want to bring it to a page by Ajax and JSON by a php request-catcher. I have sth like this in my ajax request: new Ajax.Request(''myactions.php'', { method:''get'', parameters: {action:''bringeditor'', id:<?php echo $uid; ?>}, onSuccess: function(transport){
2008 Apr 28
How to pass variable to $$()?
Hi all, I want the $$() method to take the selector as an variable. See below, I am trying to pass the class name as javascript variable so I can write a generic function in my application but $$() returns nothing for the following line var currentHightLightGroup ="amountsFields";//This one comes as a function parameter
2008 Feb 10
Ajax.Request evalJSON document.write hangs
I''m not the best when it comes to javascript so this is probably a simple mistake. I''m using the following code to read an external json file and print out its values. The problem is when I try to write the value to the browser it causes the browser to load like it hasn''t finished the javascript code. Its writing the value to the screen so I think its hanging after that
2008 May 19
obtaining table cell text data
I''m writing some code to subset a table based on the contents of particular columns. My event handler starts off like this: subsetChange: function(e) { var subset = $F(''subsetSelector''); var rows = $$(''.content-row''); rows.each(function(row) { var value = row.down(''.Platform_Category'').childNodes[0].data;
2008 Jun 19
Capturing draggable revert
I''ve seen a few posts about this, but no answers. I would like to be able to call a function when a draggable revert occurs. What I''m trying to do is replace a photo with an icon on drag (which I''ve accomplished), but I need to swap it back if the revert fires. I really, really wish there were an onRevert() option, but there isn''t, so I guess I''ll