similar to: Migration of Effect from 1.4.0 to 1.5.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Migration of Effect from 1.4.0 to 1.5.1"

2007 Oct 15
Cross-Browser History management
Hi ! Is it plan to release a Browser History Management in Scriptaculous ? Or does anybody know a "prototype" library to manage browser history compatible with IE6, IE7 and FF ? We tried to use Really Simple History: But it seems to be incompatible with some Prototype event management. Regards, Jp -- Jean-Philippe Encausse - Veille /
2007 Feb 02
Quick Element.getElementsBySelector() question
Hi, Does this code should works ? elm.getElementsBySelector(''UL.class1 > LI.class2''); I have an error caused by "UL.class1 > LI.class2" - Does CSS Selector ">" works ? - What is the exact ? may be "UL.class1>LI.class2" Regards, -- Jean-Philippe Encausse - R&D Jalios SA Jp [at] - -
2006 Nov 24
Merge, Compact Ofuscate or Compress Javascript Lib ?
Hi !, A little question about JS Lib manipulation... - I found that DOJO toolkit gives a DOJO Compressor jar file to compress JavaScript - On the other hand there''s no docs in Prototype or Scriptaculous and prototype files are merged. Why ??? 1. Compacting file will reduce bandwidth but is it useful with a server that gzip .js ? 2.
2006 Jun 02
Prototype/Scriptaculous beginer question
Hi ! Sorry if my 2 questions are stupid: - Is there a way with prototype or scriptaculous libraries to get the selected text in an html page ? Or in a textarea ? - Do you know a good SDA or RSA javascript library other that this one: ? Best Regards -- Jean-Philippe Encausse Jp [at] - -
2006 Jun 14
Sortable Tree - Stoping Event dispatch ?
Hi, I''m trying to play with sortable tree and have two issues: I have an AJAX Tree looking like: <ul class=''TreeCat'' id=''work''> <li class=''open''> <img src=''s.gif'' class=''node'' onclick="Ajax.Tree.toggle(event,this);"/> <a
2006 Nov 05
Why Struts2 use dojo instead of Scriptaculous?
Hi, I''m using prototype/Scriptaculous in my open source project JSControlsTags I''m Struts user and in the new version Struts2, the framework integrate AJAX with dojo and not with Prototype/Scriptaculous. I asked in the Struts forum, why Struts2 integrate by default dojo and not scriptaculous. Here Struts answer : ------------------------
2007 Mar 04
Sound support for
Hi all, I''ve added a new library called sound.js to, which allows for playing (mp3-based) sound effects. It works without using Flash, by using IE''s internal sound playback mechanism (BGSOUND) and falling back on using whatever plugin is used for audio/mpeg on other browsers (in real world terms, this means QuickTime or a QuickTime- compatible plugin).
2006 Jan 13
Effect together with ...firstChild - can''t get it to work
Hi, I am relatively new to Rails and I can''t get the following to work: what I am trying to do is to make the first item of a list to flash: var item = $(''items'').firstChild; new Effect.Highlight(item); I get the this Javascript error message: this._base has no child (effects.js, line 445) But I am able to do this without any problems: var item =
2007 May 11
Simulating onmouseleave and onmouseenter with Prototype
Hello. I spent an hour or three chasing down a desired effect that mootools implements, namely the simulation of onmouseleave and onmouseenter events. Why? Lets say you have a Menu. A ul element that contains many li elements. If you want to have a function (maybe an effect) fire when the mouse moves outside of the ul, you are out of luck. Observe the mouseout function like so:
2005 Dec 28
Problem with IE
Hi there, let me introduce myself, i am a web developer from venezuela, my english is not the best, sorry by that... i am developing a form builder, is simple, just dragging form elements to a droppable container, all works well but im showing to my friends and... surprise!!! doesn''t work in Internet Exploiter, i am a linux user with firefox, im looking in internet how fix it but i dont
2006 Feb 07
Question about Classes.
I have the attached class that I''m writing. The problem that I''m running into is that I can not access the options from the createArray function which get called after the ajax request gets done. I want to move the values of the xml file to an array and story it in the options variable. Can someone explain what I''m doing wrong? var LeaderInfo = Class.create();
2006 Apr 24
prototype-based color picker
has anyone in this list ever tried to make a javascript color picker something like or i just thought i''d ask before i force myself to doing this. thanks mark renn _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jun 16
Javascript error?
Hi, I''m trying to get this progress bar plugin working, but I''m having some trouble. I''m running Apache 2.0.52 with mod_fcgid on Mac OS X. Everything seems to be working fine, but the progress bar simply doesn''t work. In my log I get: Multipart upload with progress (id: 1, size: 176731770) Finished processing multipart upload in 18.96244s but no requests in
2005 Jul 28
autocomplete: how to access a child element of <li>
hi. i promise this will be my last question for the day. still playing with autocompleter, everything is working ok, but i''m having difficulties accessing just the href attribute of <a> element, which is a child of <li> in the autocomplete response, i.e: <div class ="autocomplete"> <ul> <li><a href
2006 Jan 23
Performance Issues with Autocompleter
Hi All, I am currently using and Autocompleter for a project which I am dealing now. I faced a situation for which I couldnt find any solution and I could not see any reference regarding this issue in the enhancement/bug lists of either. Autocompleter component is working perfectly, if the information returned from the server does not exceed ~1000 LIs.
2006 Apr 13
Help ! Effect vs Ajax in
Hi everybody, For me the most interesting of Effects is to do a visual effect will doing an ajax request because the user didn''t think that he is waiting for something. So, In a timeout function, I create an Effect and an AJAX call: ... Effect.MoveBy( ... ); ... Then do an AJAX Call ... setTimeout(function(){ getJsonRPC().callMyFunction(); },30);
2006 Apr 14
Issue with Core Effect and AJAX Postback
Hi, I''m displaying an Effect during an AJAX request, unfortunately, during the postback, the Effect doesn''t display. Is there a solution ? Best Regards, -- Jean-Philippe Encausse - R&D Jalios SA - ICQ: 109796741 - AOL: NextOne6666 - MSN: Mob: +336 82 12 56
2005 Sep 27
Hi *, We don''t know if you guys are the right audience, but we got a problem with prototype.js we need to solve. Essentially, it is a compatibility bug with the IE. We wrote a component so it updates itself periodically using AJAX. we used the prototype.js to accomplish this (using the periodicalUpdater object). now the component works fine using firefox or opera, but NOT with IE. the
2006 Jun 23
Creating a scrolling effect with slider
I''m currently working on a method to implement a scroller for a div using a slider. I need to do this as an alternative to making a stylish flash scroller with content. The main advantage of this method is to allow the ability to style the sliding elements cross browser (and maybe as a future add on... the ability to have a for a scrolling div). This is my first attempt at
2006 Feb 23
prototype ajax + xml response
Hi, I am looking for a solution to use ajax.request object. Return response text will be in xml format and I like to know how to parse that xml information, so that I can put those info into the "span" or "div" tags of my html page. Is there any easy way to parse that xml info using prototype library? Thanks, kevin. -- Posted via