similar to: Is prototype JS 100% open source?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Is prototype JS 100% open source?"

2008 Jan 04
Ajax.Request: onFailure vs. onException
Hello All, I''m trying to capture the exception message that my server application is providing in response to my Ajax.Request. However, I''m confused as to when onFailure is fired vs. onException. The onException handler has access to the javascript exception object and I''d understood that it was only called when the dispatch fails. Not sure what exactly that means
2008 Jan 04
1.6 cheatsheet
Hey has anyone seen a 1.6 cheatsheet around? Johnathan Snook did a nice 1.5 one but I''ve been working with 1.6 for a while and while I can use, cheatsheets are handy for jogging memories.. I checked his blog, nothing there for 1.6. Gareth --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2008 Feb 21
prototype.js hangs page load when included in an HTML page
I have a simple HTML page - stripped everything possible from it. No javascript is invoked (e.g. body onLoad) when the page is loaded I''ve included the new prototype.1.6.0 (and tried in my html page. When I load the page - the browser will render the html content - but the page continues to load - without ever finishing. This is a problem because the code I want to execute in
2007 Dec 18
Ortho - a library for JavaScript Graphics and Text
I''ve written a JavaScript library called Ortho ( ortho) on top of Prototype for creating ''diagram-style'' graphics in JavaScript. You can create histograms, graphs, timeline plots, ''maps'' of genomic data, annotated images, tree diagrams, etc. Unlike Canvas, it seamlessly integrates text with graphics and the output looks the same
2007 Dec 18
Have anybody used method appeared in v1.6. There are no samples, references or even api for this method. I want to use it for my needs and don''t know how. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Nov 04
Extending DOM elements addressed by "this"
I have a function that needs to be attached to a bunch of text fields when the page loads. I would like to use the Prototype methods that are added to DOM elements by using the $() function, but I in the function it refers to things with "this". For example, Is there a way to extend elements from the kind of scope I am looking at? For example, is there a way to
2007 Sep 28
Why PeriodicalUpdater doesn't work on Internet Explorer?
I have the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> Event.observe(window, ''load'', function() { var updater = new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(''chatbox'', ''chat.php'', {method: ''get'', asynchronous: true, frequency: 0.55, decay: 2, onSuccess: function(){$(''chatbox'').scrollTop=$
2007 Mar 08
Hi All, Has anyone here used What do you think of it in comparison to scriptaculous? -- Leonard Burton, N9URK "The prolonged evacuation would have dramatically affected the survivability of the occupants."
2007 Mar 26
Handling Multiple Select Lists
Hi All, After much searching and head scratching I post you this! I can''t seem to find a generic way to handle multiple select data. The function I use to receive form values will only pass the first selected value from a multiple select. I have pasted part of the form and the function below. Thanks for any pointers, Vince // Example selectbox <select
2007 Sep 14
Hey Guys, I just joined this list a couple days ago...what''s up with all the spam? I maintain about 8 or so googlegroups lists and have never received any <cross fingers>. Is this something to (unfortunately) look forward to? -- ______________________________________________________________ Clayton Dukes ______________________________________________________________
2007 Aug 29
Element.addMethods vs extending prototype.
Hi. I''m using prototype.js V1.6.0_rc0. I''ve successfully used Element.addMethods() to add some additional functionality to my forms ... Element.addMethods(''FORM'', { ... }); So far so good. I now want to add a new property to all forms. Is there an equivalent Element.addProperty(''FORM'', { ... }); technique I could use? As readAttribute /
2006 Jan 26
Question about the Builder module
Hello, I want to use the builder modules for an admin tool I''m currently working on but I just all the note that I cannot create td and tr tags with it. It works fine in FF but not it IE. Can someone please explain why this is? Thanks.. <> Jon Whitcraft Indianapolis Motor Speedway
2006 Apr 27
effect.SlideDown question
Hello, I want to have my box that I''m sliding down hidden when I start and then slidedown to 100px. What is the best way to do this? I don''t see anything on the wiki about it. Thanks, <> Jon Whitcraft Indianapolis Motor Speedway jwhitcraft-1LwPDYEpVrH2eFz/ Phone: (317) 492-8623 ::
2006 Mar 21
Autocomplete and WIKI
Two Questions: 1. Is the WIKI down? I can''t access it. 2. With the auto complete is there a way to have it display something but have a value of something else, the way a select box works. Thanks, <> Jon Whitcraft Indianapolis Motor Speedway jwhitcraft-1LwPDYEpVrH2eFz/ Phone: (317) 492-8623 ::
2006 Feb 07
Question about Classes.
I have the attached class that I''m writing. The problem that I''m running into is that I can not access the options from the createArray function which get called after the ajax request gets done. I want to move the values of the xml file to an array and story it in the options variable. Can someone explain what I''m doing wrong? var LeaderInfo = Class.create();
2006 Jan 31
Finding Final Position with a Draggable Object
Hello, I have a draggable window. I would like to have it so that when they come back to the page with the draggable window that it remembers where they left it when they last visited. How would I get the final position after the dragging has been stopped? I have been looking threw the wiki and couldn''t find anything.
2005 Nov 07
Element.setOpacity Question
Why does the setOpacity function do this when the value = 1? els.opacity = ''0.999999''; That just seems weird to me. Can someone please explain? Thanks, <> Jon Whitcraft Indianapolis Motor Speedway jwhitcraft-1LwPDYEpVrH2eFz/ Phone: (317) 492-8623 :: Fax: (317) 492-6419
2006 Apr 06
problem with IE
hello there, im having a little problem with Internet Exploiter, im doing this: //// CODE //// var m = $(''XYZ'').cloneNode(false) m.setAttribute(''id'', ''XYZ_2''); m.value = ''''; var onblur = "alert(''hola'');"; m.setAttribute(''onblur'', onblur);
2008 Jan 10
Webmail Recommendation
Hi, I want to install webmail. I am using Dovecot with Exim4. Recommendations requested please. Thanks Peter Sparkes
2007 Jan 19
Prototype.js: Is there an "in_array"-like function?
Hi i was wondering if there is a quick way to search for a item within an array. Here is my approach for this functionality. It''s an prototype for an Array method called "has": Array.prototype.has = function(needle) { for (var i=0;i<this.length;i++) { if(this[i] == needle){ return true; } } return false; } var someArray = [''jim'',