similar to: Set a windows environment variable from manifest

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Set a windows environment variable from manifest"

2011 Oct 18
Hi, I created a centOS6 EC2 instance last night and ran the foreman puppet module but it came back with a few years. Was hoping somebody could help me understand these errors. [root@ip-10-170-77-129 config]# echo include foreman | puppet --modulepath /root/puppet-foreman/ err: /Stage[main]/Foreman::Config::Enc/File[/var/lib/puppet/yaml/foreman]/ensure: change from absent to directory failed:
2011 Dec 15
time issue with puppet
Hi, I have the following manifest that basically syncs the time for nodes really out of sync and ntpd can''t drift the time back fast enough. The problem is that when puppet executes the catalog, and puppet changes the time, puppet never finishes because it can''t calculate the "run time" since puppet changed the time during the puppet run. Is this a bug? Should I do
2011 Apr 21
ssh_authorized_key fails when home directory doesn't exist
Here is my situation: 1. We use Active directory (LDAP) to store all user info which is retrieved from linux 2. A home directory is not created until the first time the user logs into the linux system I am using the ssh_authorized_key type to push out my ssh keys to every system. However, because I haven''t logged into every system at least once. Puppet errors out due to a missing
2011 Aug 08
Help with retrieving a user's environment variable
Hi, I need to get the environment variable ORACLE_SID from the OS. I know this can be done with the following: $blah = env("PATH") However, the ORACLE_SID variable is only set under the oracle user account. So I would need a way to login as the oracle account first to retrieve the ORACLE_SID variable. Is there anyway to get the environment variable from a user''s account
2011 May 13
puppet resource for group
Hi, Why doesn''t puppet resource group tell me who belongs to the group? Given the group such as: mg_team:x:501:smruph, cosman, msmith, mhankey With the command: puppet resource group mg_team only returns: group { ''mg_team'': gid => ''501'', ensure => ''present'' } I was expecting: group { ''mg_team'':
2013 May 07
hiera not using non-root user custom fact
Hi, Before I begin, my environment consists of a standard master/client config with the exception that all my clients run under a non-root user. I have to use non-root so I can''t simply restart under root to fix the problem. Master -> 3.1.1 Client -> 2.7.17 using mostly the hiera() function in my classes. problem: I have run into an issue today where my custom fact is not
2011 May 05
variables inside a template for my hp ilo device
I am writing a hp ilo module to automatically assign a static ip that is derived from the IP of the system which is fed in via facter. I basically just need to change the network the ilo is connected to. The ruby code works great inside the irb console. However, puppet doesn''t seem to be able to use the variable I have derived from the ipaddress. This is my first template so I am not
2011 Apr 07
ssh_authorized_key type not working
I can''t seem to get the authorized_key type to work at all on my systems. Below is my configuration that I used. I could have something missing but the examples I see make it difficult to compare. Additionally if I try and do the reverse using puppet resource nothing comes up: puppet resource ssh_authorized_key (this returns nothing) puppet resource ssh_authorized_key username
2019 Nov 23
Installing Maven with OpenJDK 11, without pulling OpenJDK 1.8
Hello, I am trying to create a container image which will build Java software with Maven and Java 11 (rather focussing on CentOS 8 here). When installing 'maven' with yum, 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel' is installed as a dependency. If one then installs 'java-11-openjdk-devel', and use the update-alternatives command for java and javac, everything works fine and Maven uses
2012 Sep 11
Issue with large directory content
Hi all, I got this directory configuration: file { "${codebase_ng::repository_mount}/${sonatype_work_dir}": ensure => directory, owner => $nexus_user, group => $nexus_group, mode => 0755, recurse => false, backup => false, } Today I added some 100GB of artifacts
2012 Jan 10
Puppet proxies
I''ve seen a couple of examples of using puppet to control services where you can''t run a puppet agent on the resource. As far as I can tell they work by having puppet proxy through some external-service control mechanism, such as fog. The question is: where does the proxy run? I assume a puppet agent needs to run somewhere. Where do you put that agent, how do you configure it,
2012 Feb 17
Installing Puppet/Facter without sudo/root access
I want to use Puppet and Facter on a machine where I don''t have sudo or root access privileges. I won''t be using Puppet for anything that requires that level of access, so I should be OK if I can get it on the box. Any advice on how to proceed? Currently the Facter installer complains that it doesn''t have privileges for /usr/bin/facter. I assume Puppet will have the same
2007 Sep 21
Automating Web-based Tool Configuration
I''m new to the group, so apologies in advance if I repeat a question that''s already been asked and answered. First of all, I''m very happy to see an open-source alternative to commercial configuration automation tools. My question is this: I manage a collection of tools with web-based administration. They have no external config files, and store their config data in the
2012 Oct 29
help with creating self.instances for puppetlabs-lvm providers
Hi, I have been adding support for the puppetlabs-lvm module so that I can use puppet resource <lvm_type>. I have most of the coding done but can''t seem to get certain parameters in the output. example: def self.instances { | fs | new(:name =>
1998 Sep 16
R-beta: (0+0i)^2
The following behaviour (in R 0.62.3) is disturbing: > (0+0i)^2 [1] NaN+NaNi Is it deliberate?? Laimonis Kavalieris -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:
1998 Sep 16
R-beta: (0+0i)^2
The following behaviour (in R 0.62.3) is disturbing: > (0+0i)^2 [1] NaN+NaNi Is it deliberate?? Laimonis Kavalieris -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:
2013 Apr 04
[Bug 2085] New: fd_mask and howmany are not defined in Android Bug ID: 2085 Summary: fd_mask and howmany are not defined in Android Classification: Unclassified Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 6.2p1 Hardware: All OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: minor Priority: P5 Component: Build system
2001 Jan 10
To win*/NT users: I just recieved a mail from r-help with a virus attachment. I am on an unix system but our mail server deleted the message anyways. here it is: Received: by (8.9.1/8.9.1) id RAA27614 for r-help-gang-use; Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:01:56 +0100 (MET) Received: (from daemon at localhost) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) id RAA27412 for
2018 Jul 03
LVM problems
On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 7:53 PM, Ulf Volmer <u.volmer at> wrote: > On 02.07.2018 18:23, Thomas Schweikle wrote: > >> System boots into emergency mode because it does not find any of the >> logical volumes defined, because it does not enable the LVM volume >> group. >> >> Giving "lvm", then "vgchange -a y", followed by CTRL-D
1998 Jan 07
R-beta: Design of experiments in R?
Hello R-helpers, I was wondering if anyone is porting S lib packages for design of experiments:, glim, graff(all from statlib)? I was able to change the format of S packages into R (including docs). In, by W. Venables, sort.list function is missing from R. I just put sort.list <- sort, but I got more error messages. Before doing more work, would like to know if this