>>>>> "Osman" == Buyukisik, Osman (GEAE)
<Osman.Buyukisik at ae.ge.com> writes:
Osman> Hello R-helpers, I was wondering if anyone is porting S lib
Osman> packages for design of experiments: conf.design, glim, graff(all
Osman> from statlib)? I was able to change the format of S packages
Osman> into R (including docs).
I don't know anything ported yet from 'DOE'
(What I would like most is a port of the S / S-plus BUILTIN
DOE functions such as
design(), fac.design(), fractionate(), the oa.* functions,
I don't know if 'glim' is valuable since we have glm(.).
Osman> In conf.design, by W. Venables,
Osman> sort.list function is missing from R. I just put sort.list <-
Osman> sort, but I got more error messages. Before doing more work,
Osman> would like to know if this already done?
You should use
sort.list <- order
rather than sort
Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> <><
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