similar to: fail to exec apt-get upgrade (change from notrun to 0 failed...)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "fail to exec apt-get upgrade (change from notrun to 0 failed...)"

2012 Jun 14
Request a way for passing simple info to a package installation
I need to install postfix on a a debian system with puppet. Unfortunately there are a lot of prompts. One way to deal with this is, is: Another way (apparently) is to give an answerfile in the package resource declaration. (I have no idea how to do this) e.g.: echo postfix postfix/main_mailer_type        select  No
2014 Nov 09
Recent updates fail
I noticed some this morning but when I go to install them I get this: --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: claws-mail-plugins-fancy-3.9.0-2.el6.x86_64 (@epel) Requires: Removing: webkitgtk-1.2.6-5.el6.x86_64 (@base) Updated By: webkitgtk-1.4.3-8.el6.x86_64 (base)
2012 Jan 09
node parameters
I''ve been using foreman as an ENC and assigning node parameters for some time and it was clearly working but it apparently broke somewhere along the way and I can''t tell why. Here''s part of the modules/sudoers/manifests/sudoers_hostgroup.pp class sudoers::hostgroup { case hostgroup { default: { file{"/etc/sudoers.d/admins_web": ensure
2011 Jan 12
change from notrun to 0 failed: returned 1 instead of 0
# cat iddmi.pp class iddmi { # define pkg variable $pkg = $hardwareisa ? { "sparc" => "Iddmi_SunOS_sparc.pkg", "i386" => "Iddmi_SunOS_i386.pkg", default => undef, } $ftpsystems = "" # define path deafult for exec Exec { path =>
2006 Jun 21
Calling same queue member all the time
Hello, I'm trying to setup a queue where call goes from agent to agent in strictly set order. I have queue (roundrobin): Agent1 penalty 1 Agent2 penalty 2 Agent3 penalty 3 When I call to this queue Agent1 rings. If this agent does not take the call, after set timeout same Agent1 is dialed again. The call never goes to Agent2 (only when Agent1
2017 May 11
Using queue priorities to add agents
Hi, I have a scenario that I am failing to implement using the Queue app, but which I had thought would be commonplace... 1) (this bit works fine) I want a queue caller to have access to the basic set of agents initially, with an overflow to additional agents if they are busy - This is done using penalty: queues.conf: member => SIP/dev1,0,Agent1 member => SIP/dev2,0,Agent2 member =>
2011 Sep 11
How To Expand an .erb Template Without Doing a Full Puppet Run?
We use puppet to distribute named zone files, like many of you do. We use git to maintain these files, which are then pulled by the puppet master machine. These zone files are actually puppet template .erb files. The other day, I made a mistake which resulted in some zone files with syntax errors in them. Puppet faithfully distributed the erroneous zone files to the name servers, which killed
2004 Dec 30
Queues strategy
Seeing as the "leastrecent" strategy does not work for us (it will *always* call the leastrecent agent, even if that agent is busy, and will not move to the next agent) I thought I'd try the roundrobin strategy. This seemed to work - however, I had my supervisor telling me today that a certain agent seemed to be getting most of the calls - and when I checked, out of 50 inbound
2005 Jan 06
3 site asterisk installation question
Good Day list, I have a friend who is interested in implementing an asterisk implementation at his offices. The configuration would consist of the following Site A ---- Asterisk Box With 12 incoming lines and 15 phones Extensions 101-115 Site B ---- Asterisk Box With 4 incoming lines and 7 phones Extensions 201-207 Site C ---- Asterisk Box With 4 incoming lines and 6 phones
2013 Jan 07
IAX2 support of video
Does IAX2 support a video call ? Jerry
2012 May 25
Is it possible to set up multi-level puppet nodes?
Hi, I am new in puppet, and I just wonder whether it is possible to create multiple levels of puppet masters. Can puppet work this way? First-level(master): root-master Second-level(masters): master1, master2 Third-level nodes(as agents): agent1, agent2, agent3, agent4 All master nodes in the second-level are agents of root-master, and each of third-level
2006 Apr 12
SIP call hangup from asterisk CLI
Hi, We are using Vicidial and sometime even when agent disconnects, outgoing call originated by dialer is still active. Since call was initiated by dialer and then bought into meetme conference of agent and we can't corelate this call to any agent channel. When agents are dialing, channels doesn't show calls vicidial2*CLI> show channels Channel Location
2010 Mar 04
exec failure
Hello, I''m using puppet 0.25.1 - and I''m trying to create a custom resource to use launchctl to stop a launchd job. command => "launchctl stop `launchctl list | grep $job_real | cut -f 3`", yeilds: err: //sav/Stop_launchd_job[com.Symantec.SymSecondaryLaunch]/Exec[com.Symantec.SymSecondaryLaunch]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: launchctl stop `launchctl
2009 Oct 08
Installing libhildonfm2-dev for scratchbox
What seems to be an easy thing to do as to install a library into scratchbox is being something difficult to debug. The command "/scratchbox/moz_scratchbox -p apt-get --yes --force-yes install libhildonfm2-dev" can be run in a linux vm with the account "cltbld" without any problems but when I try to test it from this same slave (I remove first the package) or any other slave
2012 May 22
Puppet First Run after Install failing in module pe_mcollective
I am installing puppet enterprise manager (master) on a RHEL box. Though the install itself succeeds without any issues, the first run of puppet when it tries to deploy the pe_mcollective module fails with the following error. Message: change from notrun to 0 failed: sh -c ''umask 077; keytool - importkeystore -deststorepass puppet -destkeypass puppet -destkeystore broker.ks -srckeystore
2012 Jan 13
Problem with not installing package, exec do an error
Hello I have a list of successive package, and it occured that some package are not installed. exec { ''sudo gem update --system'': path => [''/usr/bin/''], alias => updateGem, } package { '' libmemcached-dev'': ensure => present, alias => memDev, require => Exec[updateGem], } package { '' libmemcached-dbg'':
2020 Apr 23
[Bug 3153] New: Prefer user specified keys to avoid the agent overloading MaxAuthTries before even trying the key that was specified Bug ID: 3153 Summary: Prefer user specified keys to avoid the agent overloading MaxAuthTries before even trying the key that was specified Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 8.2p1 Hardware: Other OS: Linux Status: NEW
2010 Aug 04
Build fails due to missing ovirt-node-recipe.ks
> - ace -d install ovirt has one error : package ovirt-node-image-pxe > not > found I get an error when FreeIPA is set up. Then a whole heap of notices and warning about a missing dependancy (presumably FreeIPA) debug: //freeipa::bundled/Single_exec[ipa_server_install]: Executing '/usr/sbin/ipa-server-install -r ovirt.priv -p 'supersecretpw' -P 'supersecretpw' -a
2013 Jun 26
use of exec in puppet
Hi, I''ve tried to to exec function in puppet for enabling module for apache. Here is the code that I am using: class apache::mod { exec { "a2enmod" : command => "a2enmod proxy_http", path => "/usr/sbin/", notify => Class["apache::service"], require => Class["apache::install"], } } But in agent I''m getting the
2013 Apr 04
Unable to set MySQL root password
Hi, Using this module as described on documentation: class { ''mysql::server'': config_hash => { ''root_password'' => ''foo'' } } But, couldn''t set password after logging getting error: Access denied for user ''root''@''localhost'' (using password: