similar to: Puppet 0.25.4 and Facter 1.5.7 debs available in debian unstable.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Puppet 0.25.4 and Facter 1.5.7 debs available in debian unstable."

2006 Oct 12
Problems with package foreign (r-cran-foreign)
On 12 October 2006 at 13:02, Gregor Gorjanc wrote: | Hello! | | I encounter the following problem when I try to load package foreign | | library(foreign) | Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : | unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/': | /usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/ undefined symbol: | Rf_allocString | Error:
2005 Dec 15
Sharing a partition between dom0 and domU
Hi! I''m currently preparing to xen installation. In the system that I''m going to set up, there will be a need to copy large amounts of data (therefore I want to avoid using network) from domUs to the dom0 (one way only). Mounting a filesystem RO, when a domU has it mounted RW is probably asking for trouble. Therefore I was thinking about using some remounting protocol similar
2009 Aug 11
Failed to retrieve current state of resource: No child processes
Hi, I don''t know whether this is a ruby, puppet, or facter bug. The whole issue is one of the "really weird" ones. I first noticed the problem when working with puppet on a train, without any internet connection. In such situation, two problems appear: 1) Mildly annoying, frequent 2-second pauses followed by: Timed out seeking value for ipaddress I think this is
2010 Feb 15
My first type/provider - does nothing...
Hi list, i tried to write my first type and provider that should create logical volumes. Seems like i''m missing something as i get nothing when i use it: No errors and no logical volume :-( type/logicalvolume.rb: ================= Puppet::Type.newtype(:logicalvolume) do @doc = "Manage logical volumes" ensurable newparam(:lvname) do desc "The logcal
2007 Jun 06
"not authorized" when testing mongrel support
Hi, We''re trying to follow the instructions at (Just using a single puppetmaster/mongrel instance and plain mod_proxy for now, instead of balancer one) We got past the "Server is not a class" error by modifying mongrel.rb We also kind-of got past the: /opt/bin/puppetmasterd:293: undefined method `daemonize'' for
2007 Aug 13
Strangeness with a definition
I''m having problems with a definition not being found. I get the following error when running puppetd -vt: err: Could not find type "manual_apt_get_update" in file /etc/puppet/manifests/definitions/apt_misc.pp at line 22 The definition is present for sure. Can anyone spot a problem with the code below? define manual_apt_get_update { exec { "/usr/bin/apt-get
2007 Sep 13
listing the clients
All, Once the puppet clients are installed, is there a option to list the client in the server. mind you I never meant the cert - signing list.. which would be puppetca --list. Thanks for your help -Rajeshwaran -- He also serves Who only stands and waits.... _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Sep 07
puppetmasterd memory usage
Hi, We have dedicated puppet master boxes, which basically only run a mongrel/puppetmasterd (6 instances), an apache proxy for mongrel and puppetd. Recently puppetmasterds seemed to have leaked almost all of the RAM, and the thrashing made the box painfully slow. We restarted the puppetmasterd processes, and started collecting some statistics. Attached is a graph of memory usage on one of the
2006 Sep 11
Xen does not load kernel at system boot
Dear All, I''m trying to install Xen on Debian Sarge + testing (halfway updated system). Hardware P-IV, 256M Packages: -------- linux-image-2.6.17-2-xen-686 linux-modules-2.6.17-2-xen-686 xen-docs-3.0 xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386 xen-ioemu-3.0 xen-linux-system-2.6.17-2-xen-686 xen-tools xen-utils-3.0 /boot/grub/menu.lst: -------------------- title Debian Xen 3.0 root
2007 Jul 25
Signing certificates with mongrel+apache puppetmaster
Hi, Is there a way to have puppetmaster sign new clients'' certificates when using apache+mongrel for serving, without having a separate puppetmaster instance running webrick on a different port/IP? I guess this does not work out of the box because apache is told to do the verification very early in the connection process, at which point it does not yet know that the client is going to
2007 Sep 12
Puppet with Mongrel
Hi, I have just successfully configured Puppet to run with Mongrel, and would like to update the documentation with what I''ve learned. However, since I''m not an expert with these things, I thought I''d share with the list before updating the wiki. So here''s what I''d change: + Remove this picture:
2007 Oct 12
puppetd dies?
Greetings all, My deployment of puppet includes a monitrc to make sure that puppetd stays up and running. It seems like (across all of my hosts) that pupeptd will end up dying and restarted by monit. I''m running puppetd under a screen session now on one particular host with --debug --verbose to see if any thing comes out on console but until it happens again, any anybody else
2007 Jun 28
Re: [puppet] #446: Require should stack not override
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 10:24:42AM -0000, puppet wrote: > #446: Require should stack not override [...] > Comment: > > Here is a patch against 0.23.0 which I think fixes this. It essentially > makes all relationship metaparameters stack up, rather than get overriden. > > --- puppet-0.23.0.orig/lib/puppet/parser/resource.rb 2007-06-17 [...] > > I strongly feel
2007 Oct 29
Boolean expressions
I''m trying to write a wrapper definition for the file type to make it a bit smarter. I have a basic version working fairly well: define xfile($owner = root, $group = root, $mode = 644, $source, $backup = main, $recurse = false, $ensure = file) { file { $name: mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, backup => $backup, recurse
2007 May 31
Switching to mongrel
I made an attempt to switch to mongrel today and I''m running into a strange error message I can''t seem to track down: debug: puppetmaster: Setting servertype to ''mongrel'' Server is not a class Tracing through with the debugger shows: [snip] /foo/lib/gems/puppet-0.22.4/bin/puppetmasterd:248: case Puppet[:servertype] (rdb:1) n
2004 Jan 27
rsync still hangs on cygwin 1.5.6-1 and 1.5.7
Hi, Rsync is still hanging under cygwin for me. I'm using rsync 2.6.0 and i've tried cygwin-1.5.6-1 as well as a snapshot of 1.5.7. I've noticed that some people are having success. I shouldn't have to do anything interesting in order to make this work, right? *********************************************************************** This message is intended only for the use of
2007 Jun 07
Puppet/webrick benchmark
We haven''t been able to use mongrel for testing yet, but in order not to waste time, we did some performance testing with 1, 2 and 4 puppetmasterd/webrick processes. Attached is an HTML page (ripped from our wiki - not pretty, but reasonably readable) which describes the method and results. If someone feels like making some nice graphs, that would be great. If not, I''ll try to
2009 Dec 09
facter 1.5.7 all lsb* items missing
I have 2 RHEL 5.4 systems where all facter lsb* items are missing. Any ideas? Sanitized facter output: architecture => i386 domain => facterversion => 1.5.7 fqdn => hardwareisa => i686 hardwaremodel => i686 hostname => broken id => root interfaces => eth0,sit0 ipaddress => ipaddress_eth0 => is_virtual => true
2009 Jan 16
Puppet playing badly with Debian etch rubygems
To install the ruby-augeas gem, I installed rubygems on Debian etch, which lead to: Setting up libgems-ruby1.8 (0.9.0-5) ... Setting up ruby1.8-dev (1.8.5-4etch4) ... Setting up rubygems (0.9.0-5) ... Before this (I mean *immediately* before this) puppet worked fine exceept for not being able to find a provider for Augeas. After this, though: ec2-www1:/usr/src# puppetd -t Failed to load
2010 Feb 19
Strange messages on 0.25.4.
Hi all. I am testing 0.25.4 to upgrade from 0.23.2. In testing, I found two strange messages on 0.25.4 which I have never found on 0.24.3. So could you tell me what these messages mean and how to fix them. [Environment] Puppetmasterd -version : 0.25.4 -OS : Solaris10 10/09 Puppetd -version : same as Puppetmasterd -OS : same as Puppetmasterd [Strange messages] 1.When Puppetd