similar to: Using R commander within R Studio (Mac)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Using R commander within R Studio (Mac)"

2008 Dec 02
Problem with tcl/tk and Rcmdr - urgent help required
Hello everyone, i have been searching the whole day, trying ANY solution offered by the internet and before headbanging against the wall would like to try asking for your help. As many others, i am haveing problems loading the Rcmdr package with Macbook running Tiger 10.4.11. X11 version updated to the last one after having manually installed. I have also installed (obviously) the Rcmdr package
2009 Nov 30
error when installing Rcmdr / tcltk on a Apple laptop
Hello, I have installed R on my Apple Laptop. Next I wanted to install the package Rcmdr which requires the package tcltk. But then I get errors like: The downloaded packages are in /var/folders/0p/0pD8fDrwHouNDsQ+k8dGmU+++TI/-Tmp-//RtmpSp4q7p/ downloaded_packages Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to
2015 Jun 17
Problemas al cargar Rcomander en consola de Rstudio
El 16/06/15 a las 21:33, eric escribió: > MaLuz, hasta donde entiendo RStudio y R-commander son entornos de > trabajo graficos para R, R-commander no es una libreria > (, de modo que me parece raro invocarlo > desde dentro de R. Segun yo deberias llamar a R-commander tal como > llamas a RStudio, como un programa desde la consola linux o con un >
2010 Jun 30
Help installing R commander in Fedora 13...
I did a standard install of R on Fedora 13 using yum as root, which I assumed installed both the base packages and the devel packages needed to install R Commander (there weren't any optional packages listed on the yum info page). My version of R is updated to the latest 2.11 version. But, running install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE) as root, within R produces the following
2015 Jun 17
Problemas al cargar Rcomander en consola de Rstudio
Efectivamente desde Linux no existe la posibilidad de importar de Excel. Si estás en Windows el sistema te aporta acceso a las funciones de Excel a través de RODBC, pero supongo que las bibliotecas de Excel de las que tira este paquete no están disponibles en Linux. Si escribes RCommander Excel en Google encontrarás varios tutoriales (alguno en YouTube) que te explican como pasar las hojas de
2010 Jul 01
Help installing R Commander on Fedora 13...
I did a standard install of R on Fedora 13 using yum as root, which I assumed installed both the base packages and the devel packages needed to install R Commander (there weren't any optional packages listed on the yum info page). My version of R is updated to the latest 2.11 version. But, running install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE) as root, within R produces the following
2015 Jun 16
Problemas al cargar Rcomander en consola de Rstudio
Hola, tengo instalado R y Rstudio sobre linux en máquina virtual. en la consola de Rstudio he instalado el interfaz Rcommander con la instrucción: install.packages("Rcmdr",dependences=TRUE), pero al cargar el paquete library(Rcmdr) obtengo el siguiente error: Loading required package: splinesLoading required package: RcmdrMiscLoading required package: carLoading required package:
2004 May 03
A crash (PR#6849)
Dear Sir There is a acces violation erron (Null pointer) when I have done this. This is repetable but not inmutable. 0. I have put the command "library("Rcmdr")" in the .Rprofile 1. Start R, load module Rcmdr, Input a dataset in RCommander, then save the workspace. I can do any analysis now, no crashes, everything works file but when: 2. I start abain R. It comes up with
2008 Aug 25
Problems starting Rcmdr
I understand that Rcmdr needs the tcltk package in order to run. However, when I attempt to using the library (Rcmdr) command, I get the message below. I have attempted to start X in R as well as using starting it from the Utilities folder on my Mac to no avail. I can't figure out if there is an issue with X11 or with R itself (I just updated to 1Is there a terminal command I can use
2004 Sep 15
loading error of the Rcmdr library on Debian Sid
Hello, I just tried to get Rcmdr package working, resulting in: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: tcltk Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: foreign Loading required package: abind Loading required package: lmtest Loading required package: multcomp Loading required package: relimp Loading
2005 Sep 15
Rcommander and simple chisquare
In this years biostat teaching I will include Rcommander (it indeed simplifies syntax problems that makes students frequently miss the core statistical problems). But I could not find how to make a simple chisquare comparison between observed frequencies and expected frequencies (eg in genetics where you expect phenotypic frequencies corresponding to 3:1 in standard dominant/recessif
2012 Jan 12
R portable (consulta concreta)
Hola, próximamente comienzo a dar clases en la universidad y como no puede ser de otra manera utilizaré R para las mismas. Recuerdo un mensaje de Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños en el que enlazaba a una versión de R portable para Windows, con las explicaciones detalladísimas. Tengo ese mensaje, pero no me puedo descargar el zip desde megaupload, quizás por el tiempo que ha pasado desde entonces. No
2008 Aug 20
Writing Rcmdr Plugins
Dear all, I am trying to write a plugin for the RCommander and having troubles understanding how to actually do that. I have read Mr. Fox's tutorial about writing Rcmdr plugins and though.... it seems to me that some steps are missing. I would like to know, whether there are some Commands which generate a plugin package out of a given library. Or do we just have to attach the .First.lib
2007 Nov 06
library(tcltk) fails
Dear list, I cannot load the tcltk library: > library(tcltk) Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in fun(...) : Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories: /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.4/tk8.4 ./lib/tk8.4 /usr/local/lib/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/local/share/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/lib/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.4 ./library ./tk8.4.16/library This probably means that tk wasn't
2011 Jul 28
cycling from x11 window in RCommander to graphics device window: Mac Os 10.6.8
Dear Colleagues, I have recently installed R Commander on my Mac OS 10.6.8. I'd like to use it for an undergraduate class this year. Everything appears to be working fine, except for one thing. I cannot use Command-tab to cycle from the X11 window in which RCommander is running to any other window open in my workspace. This is particularly important because I cannot cycle to the graphics
2020 Jul 12
pedido de ayuda
Hace días escribí......creo que se perdió mi mensaje, voy de nuevo con mi pedido de ayuda... Buenas, soy novata en R, estoy comenzando con RCmdr y quisiera saber si pudieran ayudarme dándome algunas pistas para bajar los paquetes que se necesitan para activar muchas de las funciones que aparecen en la pestaña de Análisis y empezar a aplicar algunos análisis. Yo sé que tal vez se dediquen sólo a
2015 Dec 09
Problemas de instalación
Buenos días, He cambiado la versión de R como siempre a través de: install.packages("installr") library(installr) updateR() En esta ocasión trabajando bajo windows 10. La versión 3.2.2 me ofrece menos mirror, pero mi principal problema es que no soy capaz de trabajar con Rcommander (ahora lo hago con RStudio) me da la siguiente salida: > utils:::menuInstallPkgs() --- Please select a
2013 Mar 11
"undefined symbol" when `R CMD check'.
Hi! All. I want to make R package with "" library. But I encountered error. Executable file with -lchardet works well but shared library didn't work with dyn.load() with Rcpp. Can any one give some tips? * installing *source* package ‘Ruchardet’ .. ** libs g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include
2011 Mar 02
Dear Sirs, i just downloaded the R programm on my Macbook, but I can´t open Rcmdr, although I installed the needed Rcmdr-packages. I would be very happy, if you could help me. Telephone: +49 151 10868600 (Germany) or e-mail Yous sincerely, Selda Korkmaz [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 May 24
Interfaz gráfica para docencia
Yo he tratado de instalar DEDUCER tanto en Windows como en una Mac, y no he podido. Aún siguiendo las instrucciones en el blog del autor, que involucra instalando una versión mas vieja de R. Parece haber problemas con Java y con el paquete Rjava. Saludos, Gerardo 2017-05-24 9:00 GMT-05:00 Manuel Spínola <mspinola10 en>: > Hola, > > Otra alternativa es el paquete