Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Plotting Discriminants from qda"
2013 Feb 23
Merging labels on Pie chart
Dear R Help Members,
I need to draw a pie chart for someone and there are 3 small slices in it identifying different species, all 0.7%, who’s labels overlap so you cannot read them. Is there a way to have only 1 label the three slices, so as to merge the three labels into one without merging the 3 slices? Alternatively, is there a way to extend the pointing lines, so that they could be different
2013 Mar 14
Fw: showing ratio in ggplot bar plot with facets
Dear R help members,
I have constructed a bar plot using ggplot, where I am showing the number of particles in 10m depth bins (from 0-150m) by release area (3 different ones) and Model (also 3 different ones). My problem is that for each release area a different number of particles was released (say 35, 45 and 56). I now need to be able to show the number of particles in each depth bin
2011 Jan 26
Creating a new variable from existing ones
I am relatively new to R and have a question regarding code. I have a data set which has data organised by location (site names, which are factors). I now want to add a new variable Region (this will be non numerical, as it will be names). Each region will contain locations. So for example:
Region: WestCoast
Locations in Region WestCoast: Tralee, Carradale and so on...
So each Region will
2002 Mar 26
does function predplot still exist?
Venables and Ripley's MASS 3ed mentions a function predplot, used for
plotting results of lda and qda. But even with the library MASS loaded,
R (1.4.1) tells me predplot doesn't exist, and when I search the 1.4.1
documentation for predplot, it finds nothing. Does predplot still
exist somewhere, or has it been replaced by a new and improved version
with a different name? Thanks.
2004 Jul 03
graphic representation of a qda object
I'm a R newbie and I have a supervised 2-class classification problem.
To find out the best representation of my data (dim = 45). I want to perform LDA und QDA on the diffrent data representations to find out, which is best to discriminate the 2 sets. For LDA there exists a method plot.lda shows (in the 2 class case) a histogramm of the data, projected onto the linear discriminants (pleas
2003 Jun 09
parameters calculated by lda and qda
I am not sure if I remember correctly a mail last week to this messageboard
where Prof Ripley said Fisher's discriminants are not used in lda within R
and that Rao's are used instead, is this true? I looked in MASS (1996) but
I couldn't find the reference to this in chapter 12 (multivariate analysis),
the (help)lda doesn't tell me either. Could anyone tell me where can I
2003 Feb 27
qda plots
I have been using some of the functions in r for classification purposes,
chiefly lda, qda, knn and nnet.
My problem is that the only one I can figure out how to represenent
graphically is lda (using plot.lda). I have tried 'fooling' this function
into accepting qda input for plotting but to no avail. I wonder if you have
any suggestions?
Thanks alot,
Anne Marie Power
Marine lab.
2009 Mar 27
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (qda)
Hi listers,
Does anybody knows if the function qda for quadratic discriminant analysis
provides the coefficients of quadratic discriminants...
Well, I find out that for the linear discriminant analysis lda, the fonction
provides the coefficients...
Thanks in advance,
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Quadratic-Discriminant-Analysis-%28qda%29-tp22747647p22747647.html
1999 Nov 19
I am trying to run, in R -Windows95, the example in MASS2,
section 17.2. When I run predplot() on cush.lda I get
> predplot(cush.lda, "LDA")
Error: couldn't find function "max.col"
I get the plot OK, but within predict(), it balks on max.col
A more general question about using VR. Is there an easy way
to use library on VR in general or do I have to move each into
2008 Apr 17
[Weft QDA users] running weft qda on mac with virtual PC
can you run weft qda on mac with virtual PC? (this is how nvivo and some others work for the mac). us poor mac users...but i commend the open source effort!
Lisa Schwartz
Language Reading and Culture
University of Arizona
Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.
2006 Apr 26
[Weft QDA users] Weft QDA 1.0.1 released
Weft QDA 1.0.1''s available now. It''s a bug-fix and maintenance release,
and a recommended upgrade for existing users.
What''s new:
- fix for crash when moving categories using the Category Tree
- fixed a bug on Win 98 and Win ME that made Weft a ''non-starter''
- avoid crashes with over-large and malformed text documents
- fix a text scrolling bug on
2009 May 10
[Weft QDA users] Documents in Weft QDA are not opening
I''ve encountered a small problem--some of the documents in my
Documents and Categories window are not opening, while others
are. Have others experienced this issue? If so, do you know
how I might fix it?
The coded segments of text are still there when I open up the
categories with which documents have been tagged, but I can''t
seem to pull up the whole text of some of these
2003 Nov 15
Loading file to use with qda()
z <- qda(train, cl)
save(z, file = "qda.dat")
predict(qda.dat, test)$class
I'm trying to save z where z <-qda(train, cl) and load z for later use in predict(z, test)$class.
I think I successfully saved z by save(z, file = "qda.dat") but when I tried to load by load("qda.dat") and
call predict(qda.dat, test)$class, it gives me error
2003 May 22
Getting the Bootstrap Error Rate of QDA
What does this mean when I have something like:
> qda.boot <- boot(train, qda.bootstrap, R = 500)
Error in qda.default(structure(data.matrix(x), class = "matrix"), ...) :
Rank deficiency in group M
with my qda.bootstrap() looks something like:
> qda.bootstrap <- function(data, index) {
+ boot.qda <- qda(x = data[index, 2:9], group = data[index, 1])
+ qda.pred
2007 Jul 25
qda(MASS) function error
Dear R user,
I'm using qda (quadratic discriminant analysis) function (package
MASS) to classify 58 explanatory variables (numeric type with different
ranges) using a grouping variable (factor 2 levels "0" "1"). I'm using
the qda method for class 'data.frame' (in this way I don't need to
specify a formula).
Using the function:
2008 Mar 12
[Weft QDA users] Hello all
Hi, my name is Leandro and im Argentinian. I plan to build a web CMS
on ruby on rails, to provide CAQDAS functionality, and since im
building the site in Ruby on Rails and open source, i want to know if
Weft QDA engine is open source. If so, id would come in handy to be
able to reuse/improve an existing ruby based CAQDAS.
I''d like to emphasize the fact that i dont mean to profit from it,
2004 Jan 19
qda problem
the following strange error appears when I use qda:
> qda1 <- qda(as.data.frame(mfilters[cvtrain,]),as.factor(traingroups))
Error: function is not a closure
That's also strange:
> qda1 <- qda(mfilters[cvtrain,],as.factor(traingroups))
Error in qda.default(mfilters[cvtrain, ], as.factor(traingroups)) :
length of dimnames must match that of dims
Some backgroud:
2017 Aug 23
Scaling Matrix in qda() function in MASS package
You need to learn how to access code for nonexported methods. See ? "::"
> methods(qda)
[1] qda.data.frame* qda.default* qda.formula* qda.matrix*
see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
Shows you that the methods are not exported from the namespace. Hence
you need to use the triple colon operator to see their code:
> MASS:::qda
Once you have the code, I
2008 Sep 05
[Weft QDA users] Working on Project on Share Drive
Hi Alex,
Another posting said Weft cannot merge multiple projects, but can
multiple people work on the same project at once on a share drive?
Would they need to be coding different text files?
Thank you,
Brian Holzman
Research Assistant
American Institutes for Research
1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 403-5077
-------------- next part
2002 May 22
a more specific question about qda
Perhaps, I should complement my previous e-mail question:
I am trying to select variables through a quadratic discriminant analysis.
It seems to me that a robust criterion is the value of the discriminatory
(i.e. the ratio of the separation of the class means to within-class
How can I obtain this ratio from V & R's qda() output ?
(I hope this question is relevant)