Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "Ordered Probit/Logit with random coefficients"
2013 Apr 15
Optimisation and NaN Errors using clm() and clmm()
Dear List,
I am using both the clm() and clmm() functions from the R package
I am fitting an ordinal dependent variable with 5 categories to 9
continuous predictors, all of which have been normalised (mean
subtracted then divided by standard deviation), using a probit link
function. From this global model I am generating a confidence set of 200
models using clm() and the
2013 Nov 04
How to plot results of clmm()?
Dear list,
I'd like to create a visual plot of a clmm() I've fitted using the
'ordinal' package in R. It's possible to do this with a glm() by using
the 'effects' package. For example:
mod <- lm(political.knowledge ~ age + gender + vote, data=BEPS)
eff <- effect("age", mod, default.levels=100)
2004 Jun 12
ordered probit or logit / recursive regression
> I make a study in health econometrics and have a categorical
> dependent variable (take value 1-5). I would like to fit an ordered
> probit or ordered logit but i didn't find a command or package who
> make that. Does anyone know if it's exists ?
R is very fancy. You won't get mundane things like ordered probit off
the shelf. (I will be very happy if someone will show
2005 Oct 12
linear mixed effect model with ordered logit/probit link?
I'm working on the multiple categorical data (5-points scale) using linear
mixed effect model and wondering if anyone knows about or works on the
linear mixed effect model with ordered logit or probit link.
I found that the "lmer" function in R is very flexible and supports
various models, but not ordered logit/probit models. I may conduct my
analysis by turning my DVs
2004 Mar 24
Ordered logit/probit
Hello everyone
I am trying to fit an ordered probit/logit model for bank rating
Besides polr() in MASS package which is not written especially for this as
far as I know, do you know how else I can do this?
I already found the modified polr () version on the
Enrst and Young
Tel. 402 4000
The information
2012 Sep 11
Find correlation in Clmm?
Hi all,
I am trying to fit a random effect model to categorical response variable using package "ordinal" /"clmm".
How can I find the correlation between random effects (random intercept and random slope)
Thanks in advance
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2000 Oct 24
multinominal probit & logit
Dear everybody!
Are there algorithms for multinominal logit/probit available for R? Is it my
fault that I cannot find these in CRAN? Has somebody programmed these?
with best wishes
Ott Toomet
Ott.Toomet at mail.ee
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info",
2003 Feb 19
Multiple Logit/Probit
Does anybody know how to do multiple logit/probit analysis with R?
Thanks in advance!
2012 Oct 05
glm (probit/logit) optimizer
Dear all,
I am using glm function in order to estimate a logit model i.e. glm(Y ~
data[,2] + data[,3], family = binomial(link = "logit")).
I also created a function that estimates logit model and I would like it to
compare it with the glm function.
So, does anyone know what optimizer or optimization method glm uses in order
to derive the result?
Thank you
View this
2007 Jul 20
Simultaneous logit/probit models
Dear R Users,
I'm currently working on simultaneous multinomial models and wonder whether R has any package that can estimate such models.
I've got a survey dataset that contains 2,000 individuals and one of the survey questions asked the respondents to chose two main reasons to work out of eight options (e.g., pay, pepople, to use abilities, etc.) . Now I'd like to model the
2008 Oct 28
help on package or code for simutaneous equation probit(logit) model
Dear List
I am trying to fit a simutaneous equation logit model. i.e., the
response variables of the structured equations are binomial, I am not
sure if systemfit can do this job. A google search doesn't yield too
much helpful information. Your knowledge on any other packages or
codes are appreciated.
2003 Sep 20
Logit and Probit for Panel data
Dear R users/experts,
I've heard it's possible to estimate the above kinds of models in R. However, after (an admittedly brief) survey of the packages, I haven't found an obvious candidate. Can you offer any help? (Yes I'm a newby.)
Yours sincerely
Christoph Hanck
Studentische Hilkskraft
Lehrstuhl f?r Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, Prof. Dr. Wilfling
2008 Aug 19
spatial probit/logit for prediction
Hello all,
I am wondering if there is a way to do a spatial error probit/logit model in R? I can't seem to find it in any of the packages. I can do it in MATLAB with Gibbs sampling, but would like to confirm the results. Ideally I would like to use this model to predict probability of parcel conversion in a future time period. This seems especially difficult in a binary outcome model
2015 Nov 02
R-packages for Ubuntu 15.10 wily
Dear Dirk,
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 15.10. It seems that the r-packages are not
upgrading although deb files exist on the cran repository.
For instance, r-cran-rjags is back to 3-15-1
On the repository, I saw that the 'Sources' and 'Packages' files in wily
folder show vivid version of packages although dated to yesterday :
2012 Apr 04
multivariate ordered probit regression---use standard bivariate normal distribution?
I have yet to receive a response to my previous post, so I may have
done a poor job asking the question. So, here is the general question:
how can I run a run a multivariate (more than one non-independent,
response variables) ordered probit regression model? I've had success
doing this in the univariate case using the vglm() function in the
VGAM package. For example:
2011 Aug 27
Ordered probit model -marginal effects and relative importance of each predictor-
Hi, I have a problem with the ordered probit model -polr function
(library MASS). My independent variables are countinuos.
I am not able to understand two main points:
a) how to calculate marginal effects
b) how to calculate the relative importance of each independent variables
If required i will attach my model output.
2004 Sep 22
ordered probit and cauchit
What is the current state of the R-art for ordered probit models, and
esoterically is there any available R strategy for ordered cauchit
i.e. ordered multinomial alternatives with a cauchy link function. MCMC
is an option, obviously, but for a univariate latent variable model
this seems
to be overkill... standard mle methods should be preferable. (??)
Googling reveals that spss
2012 Nov 06
Ordered probit using clm2
I am new in R. I would like to do a ordered probit regression using clm2 (in the ordinal package).
My dependent variable y is the way of payment in M&A: y=0 if the deal is financed by stock only, y=1 if the deal is financed by a mix of cash and stock and y=2 if it is by cash only.
My independent variables are CollateralB, Cashavailable and Leverage.
This is the code I wrote:
2009 May 07
GAM ordered probit
Dear All,
Anyone know if there is a package that fits Generalized Linear Models(GAM)
to data with ordered dependent variable(response) ?
Simon Wood's mgcv has probit, logit,... other links, however, I could not
find a way to do GAM *ordered *probit. Yee's VGAM claims to fit ordinal
proportional odds model(cumulative logit model) (see:
http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/VGAM/) but I
2010 Jun 28
linear predicted values of the index function in an ordered probit model
currently I am estimating an ordered probit model with the function polr
(MASS package).
Is there a simple way to obtain values for the prediction of the index
function ($X*\hat{\beta}$)?
(E..g. in the GLM function there is the linear.prediction value for this
If not, is there another function / package where this feature is
Thank you very much for