Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Ogg Vorbis on iPhone?"
2010 Oct 25
Theora & Vorbis Finally On iPhone, iPod Touch
Not as good as built-in support but at least people with a newer device have a
way to put VLC on their iPhones, etc. without jailbreaking. (Sorry original
iPhone owners.)
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2007 May 08
Buffer size/rate woes
Hi All, I am trying to get speex working on the Mac and am running
into issues. I got the examples working, but am now trying to make
speex, which expects 8000 Hz and 160 samples per buffer (320 bytes
per buffer), work with the Mac's built-in audio recording, which uses
either 11025, 22050, or 44100 Hz and 1024 samples per buffer (2048
bytes per buffer).
I just need to know if
2007 Apr 24
Re: just noise
On Apr 21, 2007, at 3:53 PM, zmorris@mac.com wrote:
> On Apr 21, 2007, at 12:36 PM, zmorris@mac.com wrote:
>> Hi, I tried both the stable and beta versions of the speex source
>> code download on Mac OS 10.4.9. I just do:
>> ...
>> However, when I play the output file, I get the header and a
>> second of audio, but the rest is just
2008 Oct 03
Flash Vorbis player
I wanted to let you know that I have just made available the sources
to the ogg + vorbis implementation in haXe, which I've been working on
for last couple of weeks. The code compiles to an swf file playable in
Flash Player 10.
A demo of a simple player implementation (latest Flash 10 required):
and the sources, in a bzr branch, currently
2008 Oct 03
Flash Vorbis player
I wanted to let you know that I have just made available the sources
to the ogg + vorbis implementation in haXe, which I've been working on
for last couple of weeks. The code compiles to an swf file playable in
Flash Player 10.
A demo of a simple player implementation (latest Flash 10 required):
and the sources, in a bzr branch, currently
2007 Apr 24
just noise
Hi, I tried both the stable and beta versions of the speex source
code download on Mac OS 10.4.9. I just do:
sudo make install
Then I added libspeex.a from /usr/local/lib and the headers to my
xcode project. My app compiles and I'm able to call all of the speex
functions. I copied the example code from the website and tweaked it
to include the first 10000 bytes of
2007 Nov 19
SIGTRAP in Xcode
I downloaded and built the Ogg and Vorbis projects and added the
frameworks to my project. It just SIGTRAPs before reaching main, in
dylib loading code. I then built libvorbis.a, libvorbisenc.a,
libvorbisfile.a and added them to my project. Still SIGTRAPs. I
built a libogg.a target from scratch in the Ogg project, and added
libogg.a, still SIGTRAPs.
So I have tried everything I know
2007 Jul 02
Backup Echo Suppression
On Jul 2, 2007, at 7:34 PM, Jean-Marc Valin wrote:
> Selon "Coffey, Michael" <mcoffey@avistar.com>:
>> Believe me; I've "played with" priorities and buffering.
> Then either you haven't played well enough or you're using a
> braindead OS.
This is sort of what I was talking about with nibbling. Imagine you
have a microphone sampling
2008 Feb 28
Asterisk Voicemail for iPhone
Heres a little teaser for those of you with iPhones
Asterisk Voicemail for iPhone allows you to check your voicemail
messages on your house or business line from your iPhone. You can
think of it as "Visual Voicemail", but for your Asterisk PBX numbers
instead of your AT&T cell number. The technology behind it is Asterisk
(The Open-Source PBX), with iUI, Joe Hewitt's UI interface
2010 Aug 15
Beginner Hurdles
Hey everyone, I just got Theora running on my Mac, and ran across
several hurdles, that I was wondering if someone could help me with.
I do a lot of tech support at work, and get the same questions over
and over, so I tried skimming the archives but couldn't find the
answers. Maybe these could go in a FAQ of some sort? These are
fairly unavoidable issues that should probably be
2008 Jun 11
[LLVMdev] Compiling llvm libraries to run on iPhone
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Robert Grapes
> <robert_grapes at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > llvm[3]: Compiling SelectionDAGISel.cpp for Release build
> >
> > /var/folders/Xq/XqzGACxLHWq4Af0cQbEMdE+++TI/-Tmp-//cc6xGQcn.s:unknown:immediate
> > value (-288) too large
> >
> > Any help would be really appreciated,
> That looks like an internal
2008 Sep 16
Theora (and ogg) on iPhone
I haven't been able to find anything about a port of the ogg/theora decoder
to the iPhone. I'm somewhat amazed it hasn't been done, really, given the
campaign against the iPhone in part for "not supporting open source codecs".
So, is there an unspoken ban on this, am I searching in the wrong places or
am I just the only one who'd really really like to be able to stream
2011 Aug 19
ot: iPhone crashed, re-downloading all messages
I have a 'problem', after iPhone lockup/reset, iPhone now wanting to
re-download hundreds of messages of Dovecot 1.x server, is there any fix
to reset iPhone counter or ??
2008 Nov 10
SPEEX on iPhone ?
Hello Ashhar,
thanks for your reply, but i'm a bit surprised.
1- Does it mean that it is possible to make a Real Time Encoding/Decoding
with SPEEX on iPhone ?
2- What parameters have been used (QUALITY, SAMPLING_RATE, BITRATE) ? and
what kind of CPU load do they measure for that ?
Thanks by advance,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashhar Farhan" <farhan at
2009 Mar 17
iPhone patches question
When the Tuner2 iPhone Player hits the Apple iTunes Apps Store, this
should solve everyone's player problem:
There is a lot of information on this page. It tells an interesting
story about audio quality.
This player is not an Orban project.
At 18:16 2009-03-16, oddsock wrote:
>As of right now, you are out of luck in terms of instream
2008 Oct 07
Theora on iPhone
I posted a while back "complaining" about lack of a theora player on the
iPhone. Porting the code for libtheora (and libogg/libvorbis) was
(relatively) painless, and appears to be working. I'm up against a tougher
challenge now... rendering the video!
I tried using the brand-new SOC-funded SDL port to iphone to get the
"player_example.c" code up and running, but ran into
2009 Apr 01
[LLVMdev] llvm-gcc broken in iPhone SDK?
There's an error trying to build a "hello world" project out of the box when
selecting LLVM from the list of compilers in iPhone SDK:
This is on XCode 3.1.2, iPhone SDK 2.2.1 .
The blogger suggests what looks like a hack -- is there a proper solution to
this? Is llvm-gcc just missing a header
2007 Aug 29
Re: using Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater in iPhone
it''s probably the iPhone.
I mean, would you *really* want your phone to be connected to the internet
all the time?
On 8/28/07, richieright-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org <richieright-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I met a strange problems with PeriodicalUpdater in iPhone. This timer
> event will last only four or five
2011 Dec 24
Pass iPhone/iTouch through kvm to Win7 VM?
I'm all Linux at home and trying to get a Win7 running in a VM on CentOS
5.6 and kvm to connect to my iTouch and iPhone.
When I plug the iPhone in and run lsusb I get an address of 05AC:12A0
I put that into a hostdev block in the xml file that defines the VM.
<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='no'>
2007 Apr 21
Apple IPhone mobile is released in India?
Hi Friends,
Is Apple IPhone mobile is released in India?
Is Apple IPhone mobile is released in USA?
If IPhone is released in India, Can you tell me any Apple authorized showroom in Hyderabad (Andhrapradesh, India)?
Look forward to your response. Thank you.
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