similar to: Ogg Vorbis in press / in real live

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Ogg Vorbis in press / in real live"

2001 Jun 30
Ogg Vorbis on MTV online
Dear Ogg Vorbis Lovers, I'm Dirk of and I'm not a developer. I'm only a publisher, but I think it's interesting for you, to read some news. is the official Presenter of the first Ogg Vorbis Cover Contest in Germany. In Cooperation with the Donots, one of the leading Fun-Punk-Emo-Rock-Bands in Germany, gives unsigned Bands the chance to win a
2001 Aug 03
burning oggs to audiocd
Dirk Scheuer himself ( wrote : > > does any ogg-plugin exist for nero's new plugin system ? > > Don't know, but... Why on earth does every software author "invent" his own plugin system ? The Direct/Active-Show/X/Movie subsystem in windows can deal with all existing file formats both for reading and writing. Only one ogg/vorbis plugin would have
2002 Sep 02
c't listening test: Ogg problem at 128kbps
Hi there, I'm new to this list, and in fact rather new to the Ogg/Vorbis codec altogether. I recently downloaded the test files from the test conducted by the German computer magazine c't (this was mentioned by someone here recently). The idea was that you were given seven WAV files each for 64kbps and 128kbps, and had to rate them. The files were randomly chosen for each participant.
2001 May 22
ID Tags
Hi Folks! Ist there a possibility to create or edit ID Tags? Thx for Reply, Dirk -- home <> mail <> OU42 GmbH i.G. Dirk Scheuer Langenstrasse 35 28195 Bremen fon +49 421 277778-0 fax +49 421 277778-9 home <> --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2006 Feb 09
Xp Home hack + Domain join
Hello fellows, Does anyone of you has found the hack to permit win xp home edition to join a domain controller. I found somewhere on the net a software that does this. But it cost 145 $ US, so like the upgrade... ( the only difference in that i will not give the money to Bill Gates) My problem is with the password modification. Every times someone does change his password, he has to go onto the
2009 Mar 23
Memdisk + Freedos problem
I and some other people have problems with running the freedos image included in Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD), when using memdisk for floppy emulation. Memdisk starts booting the image and freedos shows the following menu: 0 Boot Clean 1 Boot UMBPCI (silent) 2 Boot UMBPCI (optimal) 3 Boot UMBPCI (semi-defensive) 4 Boot EMM386 (optimal) 5 Boot EMM386 (semi-defensive) 6 Boot no UMB (defensive) 7 Boot
2019 Sep 26
virt-sparsify --inline with Parallels/Virtuozzo Ploop Images
2004 Aug 06
yet another test stream / Icecast2 segfault
Hi, My stream is up and running until today evening somewhen (CET). or directly: It's tested already, so it should work, but I don't know much about the reliability yet. Icecast1 unreproduceable segfaulted on me sometimes and that's what I want to know with Icecast2, too. It DID segfault today, but only
2007 Oct 31
segfault - asterisk crash and restart
Hi all, Recently, I have upgraded the asterisk as following. asterisk-1.4.13 asterisk-addon-1.4.4 libpri-1.4.1 zaptel- Usage of the server: inbound and outbound call, queue, mixmonitor, meetme, moh After upgrade, the server get segfault randomly and asterisk crash and restart itself. I got 2 core dumps of the segfault. Based on the core dump, we can't figure out the root cause to
2002 Sep 17
Serious, inacceptable artefacts with Ogg Vorbis
Hello developers, I recently participated in a public listening test that was held by German magazine c't. They had two categories, 64 kbps and 128 kbps. I only participated in the 64 kbps test where there were 7 .wav files, with 1 of them the original one and the other 6 being encoded with different encoders. Without knowing which file was encoded with which encoder you had to give each
2003 May 05
codec review
An article was posted at on May 4th about another review of video codecs. The review can be found at: Theora was not one of the seven codecs included in the review. I wonder how much of a window of opportunity exists before the industry stabilizes on a dominant, widely used video codec. The situation still seems to be fairly
2004 Aug 06
OT: whats your opinion of ODDSOCK streamTranscoder?
At 01:02 AM 3/13/2003 -0500, you wrote: >Oddsock, how come you don't include the most compatable lame_enc.dll with >the windows streamTranscoder binary? because legally I cannot. Distribution of a mp3 encoder requires license fees to appropriate patent of the truly great things about ogg license fees :) oddsock <p>--- >8 ---- List archives:
2007 May 22
Patches for Xen 3.1 packaging
Hi, attached (hopefully ;-)) you'll find patches against the current SVN for xen-3.0 and xen-common to support Xen 3.1. Packages I've build with them run fine under Debian Etch for a couple of days now (with the official 2.6.18-4-xen kernel). But I am sure there will be some issues. I did not do any modifications regarding versioning - something that changes with Xen 3.1.
2002 Aug 23
codec online test from &quot;that&quot; German IT-Magazin C't
Salve, till the 28. August midnight the magazin c't has a codec test between AAC, MP3, WMA and Vorbis Ogg online. <p>Short guide for non German speakers: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- stepp 1 browse to: Down on that page is a link with the name
2002 Sep 07
And the winner is... (C't audio-codec test)
Salve, the German IT-Magazin (#1) has made an audio-codec test online. The reader were asked to download 2 x 7 audiofiles, listen to them and rank them (As I wrote before) The 7 files have been Wave, MP3, MP3Pro, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, WMA, RealAudio in 64kBit/s and 128kBit/s for a stereo sample of 3 genres: pop, jazz, classic. The
2002 Oct 01
An Analysis of the c't Codec Test
On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 10:48:27AM -0100, fungus wrote: > One the one hand this is a great achievement but on the > other hand normal people aren't going to figure out how > good it is because they'll never push the limits. > Who's going to set "quality 0.5" when they've got a > range from zero up to ten. This is very true. I can easily hear MP3
2001 Jun 06
AW: VorbisExt prerelease
Hi Warren, is this shell extension able to modify multiple ogg files, either each one after another, or within one transaction (e.g. adding a comment to all files; stripping all comments from all files)? Or would I have to use the context menue for each separately? So long Friedrich > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Warren Spits [] > Gesendet:
2005 Aug 24
Re: triggering autocomplete with a button press
I''ve got a search field on my site that uses an autocomplete to match against search terms already input by the same user. That''s working perfectly. However, I''d like to provide a little button next to the search field that triggers the autocomplete, so that the users can "browse" the list of past search terms. This behavior would be in addition to the
2004 Apr 08
R/Splus code for PRESS?
Dear R-help, Does anybody know where can I find R/Splus code for computing PREdiction Sum of Squares (PRESS) in a linear regression model? I have a large regression model (~100 predictors, ~30,000 cases) and good prediction is the main goal. I remember there is a faster way to compute it (no need to repeatedly fit models), but if there is existing code...... Thanks. Mai Z
2011 Apr 27
AGI WAIT FOR DIGIT - key press BEFORE command
Hi, Consider the following situation : <SIP/asterisk-0000001d>AGI Rx << WAIT FOR DIGIT 3000 <SIP/asterisk-0000001d>AGI Tx >> 200 result=48 <SIP/asterisk-0000001d>AGI Rx << WAIT FOR DIGIT 3000 <SIP/asterisk-0000001d>AGI Tx >> 200 result=48 <SIP/asterisk-0000001d>AGI Rx << WAIT FOR DIGIT 3000 <SIP/asterisk-0000001d>AGI Tx >>