similar to: Mail archive search is now up

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Mail archive search is now up"

2001 Oct 23
Apple iPod
If you haven't seen, Apple has just announced a portable mp3 player (iPod) ( Can't find anything with a cursory search at Apple's Development Center (, but I wonder if it can be upgraded to support Vorbis...and what it would take. Prelimenary thoughts? I know this is a topic that comes up over and over again on this list, but with Apple suddenly
2001 May 18
Request for support: add Vorbis to RioVolt CD player
I just recently got myself the SonicBlue RioVolt Mp3/WMA CD player, which has upgradeable firmware. I've sent a request to: asking them to add support for Ogg Vorbis in the next release of their firmware, so that it will be able to read Ogg CDs and display its tags properly. It would be great if others could e-mail the same address and ask for the same
2001 Nov 05
libao on OS X
OK, wanted to check out the macosx driver for libao on me new iBook. Everything compiles beautifully (given some utils from the fink project, like automake), but... but the dynamic plugin system is broken. 1) on OS X, dll's en in .dylib, not .so, as is hardwired in. this should be an easy fix. 2) dlopen chokes on opening the .dylib the plugin is never loaded. i know not enought
2001 Nov 05
libao on OS X
OK, wanted to check out the macosx driver for libao on me new iBook. Everything compiles beautifully (given some utils from the fink project, like automake), but... but the dynamic plugin system is broken. 1) on OS X, dll's en in .dylib, not .so, as is hardwired in. this should be an easy fix. 2) dlopen chokes on opening the .dylib the plugin is never loaded. i know not enought
2001 Nov 05
libao and OS X
I tried sending this once, but it appears my school is having mail server issues. I've been playing with libao on OS X; I wanted to check out the macosx plugin for it, see if I could bend it to my will. Given some utilities from the fink project (automake comes to mind) I was able to compile it just fine. But, there was a problem. It cannot load dynamic plugins! The first reason I found
2001 Nov 05
libao and OS X
I tried sending this once, but it appears my school is having mail server issues. I've been playing with libao on OS X; I wanted to check out the macosx plugin for it, see if I could bend it to my will. Given some utilities from the fink project (automake comes to mind) I was able to compile it just fine. But, there was a problem. It cannot load dynamic plugins! The first reason I found
2001 Mar 20
Neuro Net Recordings now provides Ogg Vorbis products
For Immediate Press Release Neuro Net Recordings public relations contact: Kenji Rikitake, e-mail only, at Neuro Net Recordings Website Address: NEURO NET RECORDINGS NOW PROVIDES OGG VORBIS PRODUCTS FREE ONLINE TOYONAKA CITY, OSAKA, JAPAN, March 21, 2001 - Neuro Net Recordings (NNR), an independent electronic music label, has announced that the NNR online products are
2001 May 21
RE: Presales Question - Customer Service (fwd)
here's the reply from Diamond/SONICblue re: ogg vorbis and rio products. have fun dongoodman| |bleu| |`I invented the term 'object oriented', pobox 2516| |----| |and I can tell you mississippi state ms| | () | /. |I did not have C++ in mind.'
2001 Jan 22
several (different and seperate) compiling problems
I thought I had seen something about this earlier, but a search through the archives revealed nothing... first problem: Under Windows ME, using VC++6 (sp4), VC does not recognize the project files in the beta3 source tarball as being valid project files. it complains that they were not generated by VC++6, and would I like to create a wrapper for these makefiles? It doesn't work. I checked
2001 Apr 12
Windows XP and MP3
if ya' haven't seen it already, check out: ad, sad, sad. on many fronts. I don't begin to understand how this might work; I suppose the MP3 degradation only applies to MS encoding software... *shrug* this may, however, provide a good leveraging point for Vorbis. have fun dongoodman
2001 Dec 03
Broken mail list web archive
Hi! The page links to , whic gives a 404 error ( not found ). Just like last time ( begin of november ), when I reported it just like now. And I was ignored, just like now (?). -- David Balazic -------------- "Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq., & "Ted"
2009 Dec 01
ggplot legend for multiple time series
Hello All, I am trying to create a legend for a black-white graph. The package I use is ggplot2. It can add colors to the legend key but not line types. Can you please help? # example from Wickman (2009, ggplot2 - elegant graphics for data analysis, page 109) library(ggplot2) huron <- data.frame(year=1875:1972, level=LakeHuron) ggplot(huron, aes(year)) +
2002 Oct 18
Help with DLLs
I'm using R version 1.5.1, and Microsoft Developer Studio 97 (yes, I know it's old, but it's expensive to upgrade) on Windows 98. I created the DLL file with the compiler. The name of the file containing the subroutine is leaf.f and the subroutine is named leaf.f. In my R program (which defines a function called leaf), I have x <- .Fortran("leaf",...) where the ...
2001 Oct 29
vorbis players (or lack of) for mac
Perhaps the devel list would be better, but a) i'm not subscribed to it just now and b) I'm lazy (dons flame-retardant clothing)... frankly, i'm rather tired of the lack of free ogg vorbis players for Mac OS; it doesn't look like iTunes is going to support the format anytime soon (and i have some real issues with its interface, too), since I've decided to learn Mac OS
2001 Jul 13
as if you haven't seen this yet
i'm sure most of us are avid slashdot readers, but... have fun dongoodman| |bleu| |`I invented the term 'object oriented', pobox 2516| |----| |and I can tell you mississippi state ms| | () | /. |I did
2001 Nov 05
[vorbis] libao on OS X
OK, wanted to check out the macosx driver for libao on me new iBook. Everything compiles beautifully (given some utils from the fink project, like automake), but... but the dynamic plugin system is broken. 1) on OS X, dll's en in .dylib, not .so, as is hardwired in. this should be an easy fix. 2) dlopen chokes on opening the .dylib the plugin is never loaded. i know not enought
2001 Nov 05
libao and other things
Oh boy. My. Re: the gratuitous spamming of the two vorbis groups all I can say is "oops", "damn", and "I'll be far more careful in the future when the mailserver is acting flaky". Sorry. But, back to the business at hand, if you aren't tired of it already =) One David Gatwood mentioned that there is a libcompat parallel for dealing with dylibs...does
2006 Mar 23
Is the unsupported kernel considered stable-ish?
I have a need to use the unsupported kernel for one feature only (AFP/Appletalk support). Never having had to use it before, I''m unsure of what''s all in it other than reading it''s config file. From those that do use it -- is it considered stable enough to use in lightweight production? I''m debating the use of it versus wasting my time rebuilding the normal
2006 Nov 18
deriv when one term is indexed
Hi, I'm fitting a standard nonlinear model to the luminances measured from the red, green and blue guns of a TV display, using nls. The call is: dd.nls <- nls(Lum ~ Blev + beta[Gun] * GL^gamm, data = dd, start = st) where st was initally estimated using optim() st $Blev [1] -0.06551802 $beta [1] 1.509686e-05 4.555250e-05 7.322720e-06 $gamm [1] 2.511870 This works fine but I
2011 Jan 04
Xen on ALIX 2D3
Has anybody tried running Xen on an ALIX 2D3 board? If not, has anybody ran Xen on a seriously underpowered PC? The reason why I love these boards so much is that they run at 5W! Of course, I would only run Xen on these for testing purposes. It would just be nice to have a very low powered system that I can just "blow away" VMs when I