similar to: NAMESPACE problem: import(zoo) but 'zoo' could not be loaded

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "NAMESPACE problem: import(zoo) but 'zoo' could not be loaded"

2013 Sep 19
Vignette problem and CRAN policies
Hello, All: The vignette with the sos package used "upquote.sty", required for R Journal when it was published in 2009. Current CRAN policy disallows "upquote.sty", and I've so far not found a way to pass "R CMD check" with sos without upquote.sty. I changed sos.Rnw per an email exchange with Prof. Ripley without solving the problem; see below. The
2008 Dec 16
"could not find function" error in "R CMD check"
Hi, All: What might cause "R CMD check" to report, "could not find function" for a function that has long been in the 'fda' package? Both Jim Ramsay in Ottawa, Canada, and I in San Jose, CA, get this same error. I replicated it with a fresh, anonymous checkout from R-Forge (svn checkout svn:// With this, I did
2013 Feb 04
Wide character in print?
Hello: I get "Wide character in print" from trying read.xls("22_data.xls") in the gdata package, with "22_data.xls" downloaded from "Varieties_Country_A-E.xls" at "": > library(gdata) > read.xls("22_data.xls") Wide character in print at
2009 Jun 30
install.packages with R 2.9.1 under Vista?
What do I need to do to get "install.packages" to work properly for me in R 2.9.1 under Vista? Currently, install.packages in Rgui 2.9.1 by default goes to "C:\\Users\\sgraves\\Documents/R/win-library/2.9". This is a problem for me, because R running under Emacs does not currently look there. I made the mistake last night of first installing R 2.9.1 in the
2010 Nov 26
R Tools & Vista_x64: Problem compiling RMySQL?
Hello: What do I need to do to compile R packages (especially RMySQL) for the 64-bit version of R 2.12.0 under Vista_x64? I upgraded to "Rtools212.exe" yesterday but immediately got errors from "R CMD check RMySQL_0.7-5.tar.gz". After the first error, I installed it a second time, then got "undefined reference to" roughly 50 different names beginning
2011 Apr 05
Rtools questions
Hello: 1. How can I tell when the development version of Rtools has changed? For the past few years, I've installed the development version of R tools with each new release of R. I encountered problems with this a few days ago, so I rolled back to Rtools212.exe. Unfortunately, I seem to have more problems with that version. My latest install was under Windows 7 Home Edition.
2012 May 10
fda problems - version correct?
Dear friends - I am trying to understand fda and working with the 2009 book from Springer. I run the scripts directly from a new installed fda library and include sessionInfo() below. This is from the script fdarm-ch09.R - I seem to have got not fda_2.2.8 but 2.2.7 - is that the problem? Where do I get .8 as I just reinstalled? Best wishes Troels Ring, Nephrology Aalborg, Denmark >
2013 Oct 21
lapply(ts(1:2), length) inconsistent answers
Hello, All: I'm getting different answers from "lapply(ts(1:2), length)", depending on what is attached, with nothing obviously masked. 1. Am I correct that the answer to "lapply(ts(1:2), length)" should be a list of length 2 consisting of "int 1" twice? This is what I get from R 3.0.2 with nothing else attached. If I've attached
2014 Aug 05
DNS problem when adding new record using samba-tool
Hi all, I am setting up a new AD server with Samba 4.1.11 from the FreeBSD ports. I struggle with the internal DNS. I add a new CNAME record but it does not show up properly. I gave the AD domain a new DNS domain (domain.fda) and the server the name samba4.domain.fda. I am using the internal DNS, and a forwarder to a bind server in the same network. After the AD provision I have this here
2008 Nov 01
cat: ./R/Copy: No such file or directory
Hello: What do you recommend I do to get past cryptic error messages from "R CMD check", complaining "No such file or directory"? The package is under SVN control, and I reverted to a version that passed "R CMD check", without eliminating the error. The "00install.out" file is short and bitter: cat: ./R/Copy: No such file or directory cat:
2009 Jan 11
R, clinical trials and the FDA
I hope that Marc doesn't mind, but I felt that part of his recent post was important enough to deserve it's own subject line rather then being lost in a 60-msg-long thread... On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz at> wrote: ... I strongly believe that the comments regarding R and the FDA are overly negative and pessimistic. The hurdles to
2007 Oct 08
R and FDA trials
Yesterday I just noticed the new document on R and regulatory aspects for biomedical research posted at Coming from an institution that performs a large number of clinical trials for FDA and being an advocate of R myself, I have found that the following issues usually come up when discussing the use of R for FDA trials: 1. Most FDA submissions come down to
2008 Aug 22
R CMD check problem
I have a query after finding an error running Rtools on a Windows machine. I am trying to build an update to the R fda library using Rtools27 under Windows XP Pro. This is the current fda library on RForge: Following R CMD build, R CMD check produces the following error in 00Install.out: installing R.css in F:/work/RForge/fda.Rcheck make: ***
2017 Mar 09
Error in formatDL(nm, txt, indent = max(nchar(nm, "w")) + 3)
This error can arise when getOption("width") is too small. 80 seems to be the limit for me with R-3.3.2 on Windows. Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at> wrote: > Hello: > > > I tried "debug(help)" with the problem mentioned below. It stopped > with a call to
2017 Mar 08
Error in formatDL(nm, txt, indent = max(nchar(nm, "w")) + 3)
Hello: A call to help(..., help_type='text') fails with "package='fda": > install.packages('fda') > help(package='fda', help_type='text') Error in formatDL(nm, txt, indent = max(nchar(nm, "w")) + 3) : incorrect values of 'indent' and 'width' I have this wrapped inside "try" in
2012 Nov 16
discrete discriminant analysis
Hello, I am using the mda package and in particular the fda routine to classify in term of gear a set of 20 trips. I preformed a flexible discriminant analysis (FDA) using a set of 151 trips. FDAT1 <- fda(as.factor(gear) ~ . , data =matrizR) A total of 22 predictors were considered. 20 of the predictors are "numeric" and 2 are "factors/discrete". The resulting FDA
2012 Aug 24
CRAN check error with no example?
Hello, All: The CRAN checks for the "fda" package includes one error: The error most likely occurred in ... file.copy2 ... Error: unprotect_ptr: pointer not found Execution halted ( The help page for "file.copy2" includes "\examples" with everything wrapped in
2011 May 30
Table Figures and Listings
Dear All, I am fairly new to R. I work mainly in SAS. Now, I know that SAS is approved by the FDA for submissions. My question is, does the FDA approve {R} for clinical trial submissions. Also has anyone ever tried to produce TFL's using R. I would like to know how difficult it to produce the TFL's in R as compared to SAS. I know that in SAS it is not difficult once you know
2008 Nov 07
Problems with packages fda and splines (PR#13263)
Full_Name: David D Degras Version: 2.8.0 OS: Mac OS X Submission from: (NULL) ( I have recently installed the version 2.8.0 of R along with package fda (v 2.0.2) and its dependencies (including package splines v. 2.8.0). Here are my problems: 1) The package splines should feature functions such a, predict.bSpline and such and it does not! I can make calls to bs, ns,
2007 Mar 01
Using R for devices trial
I would like to use R for submissions to FDA/CDRH (the medical device company I work for currently uses only SAS). Previous postings to the list regarding R and 21 CFR 11 compliance have been very helpful. However, reluctance to using open source software for statistical analyses and reporting remains high here at my company. Has anyone used R for an official submission to FDA/CDRH? It would