similar to: R-alpha: x11()-window resizing -- another problem pty='s' only works 2nd time

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1998 Mar 25
R alpha/beta naming
Read this morning >>> R : Copyright 1998, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka >>> Version 0.61.2 Alpha (March 15, 1998) ----- So, there still is no "R beta" around.... - If I didn't know R, would I use a statistics software, if it was still in alpha testing state? - Is this really what we want to tell people about R? More to the point: I think, we could
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: compiling R under HP-UX
Hi, I've trouble compiling R-0.49 (with both patches applied) on a HP-UX sim B.10.20 A 9000/819 machine: ranlib ../lib/libappl.a cd regex; make c89 -Ae -g -I../include -DPOSIX_MISTAKE -c regcomp.c cc: warning 422: Unknown option "-Ae" ignored. cc: "../include/regex.h", line 50: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "regoff_t". cc:
1999 Mar 23
R-0.63.3 package on IRIX 6.5 machine (PR#145)
Hi, I installed R-0.63.3 version on SGI machine running IRIX 6.5. Machine details: 319 <> uname -a IRIX64 mind 6.5 07271714 IP27 I used gcc (egcs1.1.1) and g77 combination. I use the GNU make rather than the sgi make. I went through your help mailing list and found that I have to edit the Mathlib.h file in src/include directory to undefine certain definitions
1998 May 27
A problem of etiquette
Perhaps, the question is silly. But, I prefer asking it before making a mistake. I have just packed a binary distribution of R for Windows3.1/Win32s. It is equivalent to the previous one for Win95/NT (R-0.61.3 + many of the available packages) and it is compiled with egcs-mingw32 (GPL not a commercial compiler). Now, in preparing the README, I put the following sentence:
1997 Nov 27
R-alpha: RData in batch
Just a word to mention that I have lost 2 hours yesterday to find out why R refused to use a function from a package calling C-code. R invariably answered that the C code was not in the load table (something like this). I have tried everything (or nearly) to solve my problem knowing that this same package used to work on my computer at the university. Finally, I found out that running the same
1997 Jun 27
R-alpha: NA in data frame not detected
NA's in a data frame are not handled properly, if the data frame was read in using read.table (but I'm not sure if that is the reason of the problems): (I'm using Debian Linux 1.3) If I read the file *************** 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 ? 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 *************** into R using read.table I run into troubles: R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.49 Beta
1998 Apr 17
development mda package
NEW: CRAN/src/contrib/devel/mda_0.1-1.tar.gz I have made a first shot at porting the Hastie & Tibshirani mda package t= o R ... this is almost not tested at all ... but it works for the iris data and what else could a statistician be possibly interested in anyway = :-) All BRUTO stuff is missing because there are some unresolved symbols: R.binary: can't resolve symbol
1997 Apr 16
R-alpha: data in contributed packages
I know, we've discussed this several times in the good old days days of the R-testers list :-), but the problem is still unsolved. I want to include Tibshirani's data in my port of the bootstrap package, but we still have no way of including data in a clean way. IMHO we should have a subdirectory of $RHOME/data for each library, e.g. $RHOME/data/base $RHOME/data/bootstrap Actually
1997 Apr 25
R-alpha: unresolved symbols
I tried to convert hastie & tibshiranis mda package to R but ended with a bunch of unresolved symbols: R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'dbksl_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'dblepr_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'dqrdca_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'intpr_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'pack_' R.binary: can't resolve
1997 Dec 05
R-alpha: is.vector of one-dimensional array
maybe we've already diskussed this before, but Kurt and I can't remember ... is.vector() of an one-dimensional array returns FALSE. this is also the behavior of Splus, but totally counter-intuitive for me ... IMO an array of dimension 1 is exactly the definition of a vector ... it also breaks our current plot.factor, which is simply a barplot(table(x)) table() returns an
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: CRAN source/contrib
I've put all ``current'' add-on packages into CRAN's source/contrib tree and created an INDEX file (attached below). As you can see, currently we have acepack bootstrap ctest date e1071 fracdiff gee jpn snns splines survival4 (Yes, e1071 and jpn are new ... more on the latter in a later mail.) In the near future, I am hoping for the following: oz (Bill
1997 Dec 22
I have created the above directory for contributed R packages that are considered as ``in development''. It is intended as a central marketplace for code that is for various reasons ``unstable'' or ``incomplete'' but might be useful for others. If you want to contribute some code, please include a README file in the tar ball describing the problems etc. I have started
1997 Dec 11
R-beta: New R.60.1 build on hpux10.2
I justgot the 0.60.1 version from CRAN. Build stopped at src/unix/system.c compile for failing to find the include file for readline. I just added the needed additional include, and it worked OK. Trying to build the help system, I it stops right away with : Can't locate File/ in @INC at ../../etc/build-help line 10. Now I have perl4.019 and perl5.002, perl5. None works. Do I need a
1997 Jun 17
R-beta: Problem with Ctrl-C
I have a minor problem with R-0.49 on RedHat Linux 2.0. When I interrupt R with Ctrl-C, it only works the first time. If I happen to do this at a further occasion, nothing happens: calculation goes on as if I had pressed nothing. What is your experience? Thanks, Philippe =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= r-help mailing list -- Read
1998 Jan 23
R-beta: image has white horiz lines
I have attached an image file created by R. The image has white horizontal lines between the cells. The image looks OK in the R Graphics window, but has the horiz lines when viewed in Ghostview (after using save.plot) or when printed out using print.plot. There appears to be a problem with the image code (maybe this will go away in the new version). I am running under Linux and am using 61.1.
2004 Jan 07
Sweave and X11 on OSX 10.3
Hi - I'm running R 1.8.1 (compiled from source) on Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther). I find that, if Apple's X11 application is not running, Sweave gives an error when it wants to create a pdf or eps figure. E.g., in the package's own example-1.Snw file a boxplot is created at chunk 2: <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) @ Normally this will create
1998 May 28
performance of apply
I noticed that apply is VERY SLOW when applied to a "large" dimension as for example when computing the row sums of a matrix with thousands of rows. To demonstrate it, I did some benchmarking for different methods of computing the row sums of an nx10 matrix with n =3D 2000, ..., 10000. The first method (M1) I used is the normal apply command: y <- apply(x,1,sum) The second method
1998 Jan 30
R-beta: Submissions to CRAN
As mentioned earlier I want to decentralize the package descriptions of all contributed packages: Please make sure to include a file called DESCRIPTION in every package which looks like: ********************************************************** Package: e1071 Version: 0.7-3 Author: Compiled by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at>. Description: Miscellaneous functions used
1998 Jan 30
R-beta: Submissions to CRAN
As mentioned earlier I want to decentralize the package descriptions of all contributed packages: Please make sure to include a file called DESCRIPTION in every package which looks like: ********************************************************** Package: e1071 Version: 0.7-3 Author: Compiled by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at>. Description: Miscellaneous functions used
1998 Jan 30
R-beta: Submissions to CRAN
As mentioned earlier I want to decentralize the package descriptions of all contributed packages: Please make sure to include a file called DESCRIPTION in every package which looks like: ********************************************************** Package: e1071 Version: 0.7-3 Author: Compiled by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at>. Description: Miscellaneous functions used