Friedrich Leisch wrote:>
> Hi,
> I've trouble compiling R-0.49 (with both patches applied) on a
> HP-UX sim B.10.20 A 9000/819 machine:
> ranlib ../lib/libappl.a
> cd regex; make
> c89 -Ae -g -I../include -DPOSIX_MISTAKE -c regcomp.c
> cc: warning 422: Unknown option "-Ae" ignored.
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 50: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
"regoff> _t".
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 60: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
"regoff> _t".
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 61: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 62: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 105: error 1000: Unexpected
symbol: "regma> tch_t".
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 61: warning 557: Missing
declaration speci> fiers, "int" assumed.
> cc: "../include/regex.h", line 62: error 1573: Type of
"regmatch_t" is un> defined due to an illegal declaration.
> *** Error exit code 1
> Stop.
> *** Error exit code 1
> Stop.
> *** Error exit code 1
> Stop.
> The PLATFORMS file names hpux with c89 as supported ... has anybopdy
> successfully compiled R on a HP 9000?
> Best,
> Fritz
> --=20
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Friedrich Leisch =20
> Institut f=FCr Statistik Tel: (+43 1) 58801 4541
> Technische Universit=E4t Wien Fax: (+43 1) 504 14 98
> Wiedner Hauptstra=DFe 8-10/1071 Friedrich.Leisch at
> A-1040 Wien, Austria
> PGP public key
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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I've compiled the original 0.49 without patches successfully under
9.05. We're in the process of moving to 10.20 and have one machine
sort of working but I'm not sure how clean it is as a 10.2
installation at this point, so a test run there may not be of use. The
man page for cc on our 10.20 seems to suggest that -Ae works with both
cc and c89 but empirically it seems to work only with cc. You could try
to change CC from c89 to cc, or change -Ae to -D_HPUX_SOURCE -- either
makes the version of that file I have compile without errors. I'm not
sure if there is a reason to prefer one over the other or if there is
a better option still.
Luke Tierney
University of Minnesota Phone: 612-625-7843
School of Statistics Fax: 612-624-8868
206 Church Street email: luke at
Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA WWW:
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