Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "undefined S4 class in parallel computing at snowfall"
2011 Sep 24
Can't reliably use RefClass methods in Snowfall
I am trying to use Reference Class methods in Snowfall, using R 2.12.1
on Ubuntu Natty. Using then directly seems to work (stanza 2 below),
but using them indirectly does not (stanza 3 below). I get an "attempt
to apply non-function" error.
In addition to exporting the instance of the object I created to the
Snowfall slaves, I also made several attempts to export the
2008 Dec 06
snowfall sfInit error
Dear all,
I am trying to execute the simple example in snowfall
http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/snowfall/vignettes/snowfall.pdf ...
sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=2 )
sfLapply( 1:10, exp )
I have installed the snow and snowfall packages in R on a machine with
windows xp, however, after running the "sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=2 )"
line I
2011 Jan 12
Just wondering why I am unable to run this in parallel.
A dput of my dataset is attached at the end. Please use to create my data
I want to run this function in parallel (not sure if this is an efficient
#Function to calculate the time to maturity for the option
require(fCalendar,quietly=TRUE) #Trying to calculate the trading days
2016 Apr 28
Snowfall - Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) with sfClusterApplyLB()
I'm trying to run a code that uses the snowfall package. Here is the structure of my code.
sfInit(parallel=T, cpus = 5, slaveOutfile="ErrorMessage.txt")
system.time( sfClusterApplyLB(1:10, function(k) {
sfCat(paste("Iteration ", k),
2011 Jun 06
RPostgreSQL && snowfall
Dear expeRts,
I'm currently trying to get data from a PostgreSQL database _in parallel_.
I tried two methods:
* passing the DBI Connection object to the cluster nodes
* connecting the the DB on each node
The execution of the first method looks like this:
> result = sfClusterApplyLB(input, fun, dbiCon)
and produces an "expired PostgreSQLConnection" error.
(Of course the
2008 Jul 16
Problems with snowfall
Is anyone using snowfall? It seems that the last version is broken. sfinit
contains test code:
data("config", package = "snowfall")
configM <- as.matrix(t(config))
config <- as.list(configM)
names(config) <- dimnames(configM)[[2]]
.sfOption$SERVER <<- as.character(config[["SERVER"]])
.sfOption$PORT <<-
2009 Sep 22
(correction) snowfall+Rmpi: sfExport error
Sorry for wasting your time with an incorrect diagnosis in my previous mail!
I'm running my script using mpirun -mp 4 and using snowfall+Rmpi on
Linux 64bits. I receive the following error, that terminates the run.
Any idea?
I'm able to reproduce the problem with a minimal script (below).
If n < 16371 it completes 9 iterations without problems. Already at
16371 it dies at iteration 7
2012 May 02
Quickest way to make a large "empty" file on disk?
What would be the absolute fastest way to make a large "empty" file (e.g.
filled with all zeroes) on disk, given a byte size and a given number
number of empty values. I know I can use writeBin, but the "object" in
this case may be far too large to store in main memory. I'm asking because
I'm going to use this file in conjunction with mmap to do parallel
2009 Sep 22
snowfall: sfExport apparently harmless error
I'm running my script using mpirun -mp 4 and using snowfall+Rmpi on
Linux 64bits. I receive the following error, but apparently without
consequences on the results.
Any idea?
I'm able to reproduce it with a minimal script (below). Seems the
critical issue is the for loop. Without it no error.
Thanks for your help!
TERM: Undefined variable.
TERM: Undefined variable.
TERM: Undefined
2012 Feb 11
R Parallel question
Hi All,
I have a question about R parallel computing by using snowfall.
How can I set the seeds on parallel workers to get the same result as
sequential mode?
For example:
> sfSapply(c(1,1),rnorm)
[1] 1.823082 -2.222052
> rnorm(2)
[1] -0.5179967 -1.0807196
How to get the identical result?
Libo Sun
Graduate Student,
Department of Statistics,
Colorado State University
2011 Dec 20
Convert ragged list to structured matrix efficiently
Hi All,
I'm wanting to convert a ragged list of values into a structured matrix for
further analysis later on, i have a solution to this problem (below) but
i'm dealing with datasets upto 1GB in size, (i have 24GB of memory so can
load it) but it takes a LONG time to run the code on a large dataset. I
was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks that may make this run
Below is
2010 Dec 10
Could concurrent R sessions mix up variables?
Hi, I'm working in R 2.11.1 x64 on Windows x86_64-pc-mingw32.
I'm experiencing a strange problem in R that I'm not even sure how to
begin to fix.
I've got a huge (forty-pages printed) simulation written in R that I'd
like to run multiple times. When I open up R and run it on its own,
it works fine. At the beginning of the program, there's a variable X
that I set to 1,
2009 Mar 24
no snowfall on debian after lenny upgrade
I feel like I've tried the works on something that should be obvious
but I'm stuck. Package snowfall used to run just great under debian
etch (amd-64, 2x quad-core). After upgrading to lenny (debian 5,
reinstalled from scratch), I haven't been able to get snowfall running
again. Password-less ssh works fine to localhost, its IP, or zero-
config name. But when calling sfInit I
2011 Apr 08
Snow/Snowfall hangs on windows 7
Dear users,
I want to set up R to use one R-script directory and one R-library (directory for packages) for many end-users. I try to do this by using one network-share. This works fine as long as we don't use the snowfall package with parallel=TRUE (sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=4, type="SOCK")).
When running R with default settings (local library and local script directory)
2008 Sep 27
Problem with R on dual core under Linux - can not execute mpi.spawn.Rslaves()
I am trying to utilize my dual core processor (and later a
High-performance clusters (HPC) ) by using the Rmpi, snow, snowfall,
... packages, but I am struggling at the beginning, i.e. to initialise
the "cluster" on my dual core computer. Whenever I try to initialize
it (via sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2) or mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=2)
), I get an error message:
2009 Sep 22
snowfall: missing MPI node
I don't know if the question pertains to Rmpi, snow or snowfall.
I run my job by:
mpirun -np N -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE RMPISNOW -f my-script.r --slave
In the snowfall sfInit call I have to specify one less CPU respect to
the mpirun call
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=N-1, type="MPI")
otherwise I receive an error similar to: "cluster size N-1 already
2010 Jun 24
Snowfall: "cannont open connection " problem
Dear R-listers,
I have been using Snowfall (version 1.84) for parallel computing on a quad-PC running Windows 7 for a month or so without much problem. I started having problems runnnig R with Snowfall over our network when a new Novell client was installed for Windows 7. I experinenced network mapping problem with this new client. Our network colleague provided a fix which worked but a little
2009 Dec 15
[Fwd: snowfall on Win7]
Dear Ola,
I cannot say anything about Windows 7, as we do not have any Win7
machines here in our institute and I even do not know someone who have
Win7 on a private machine. I will try to find a machine with this OS and
test it.
Anybody having experiences with Win7 yet?
Greetings Jo
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [R] snowfall on Win7
> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 11:25:37
2014 Jan 28
Help for how to use "snowfall" package
Hi there,
I have some question about how to use this package:
My code structure is as follows:
#part 1:
generate the initial value for simulation
#part 2:
some functions will be used in the simulation
#simulation part, start from "while loop"
sink('SnowFallExample.Rout', split=TRUE)
2009 Dec 15
snowfall on Win7
Dear list,
Does the snowfall package work under Windows 7?
Recently I upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7, and at the same time upgraded R from 2.8.1 to 2.10. On my machine (Intel i7 based) snowfall worked perfectly on my previous installation, but after the upgrade the same scripts do not work.
When I issue e.g.
sfInit(parallel=T, cpus=2) # (or 'cpus=7', which I often used