similar to: Finding dynamic shared libraries loaded with a package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Finding dynamic shared libraries loaded with a package"

2010 Jan 26
hi, i'm having some trouble getting a package to load a shared library object in .onLoad(...) i have a shared object file, say "". if i start an R session, and via the CLI specify the actual library via: > dyn.load("") everything works quite well (i.e. i can then follow with some .Call (...) methods) now, i'd like to include this shared library in
2004 Oct 23
Re: (PR#7304) library.dynam() & .dynLibs() do not work as
Filing on R-bugs (DTL's reply started a new PR). -- Brian D. Ripley, Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595 ---------- Forwarded message
2004 Oct 22
Re: library.dynam() & .dynLibs() do not work as documented
Duncan, I don't know what we want, but it is not a simple matter of documenting what .dynLibs currently does. What I see as bugs are 1) the inconsistent names and types of the components returned by .dynLibs(). 2) the inconsistent inclusion or not of R_X11 in the list returned by .dynLibs(). 3) the inclusion of static info (base) by library.dynam(). 4) including loadable modules
2004 Oct 22
library.dynam() & .dynLibs() do not work as documented (PR#7304)
nor in any sensible way we could document. In R 2.0.0 (and current R-patched and R-devel): > X11() > library.dynam() Filename Dynamic.Lookup base base FALSE stats /usr/local/lib/R/library/stats/libs/ TRUE methods /usr/local/lib/R/library/methods/libs/
2004 Jun 22
function not in load table
Hi, I apologize for this often/old question. I found some hints but couldn't solve the problem so far. I have C functions (incl. the header files) as well as the R wrapper functions which I want to use for faster calculations. These functions are included in a R package. The installation process seems to be ok (no errors). I also can load the package without errors. But when I call the
2004 Oct 22
Re: library.dynam() & .dynLibs() do not work as documented (PR#7305)
--d6Gm4EdcadzBjdND Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Prof Brian Ripley wrote: > nor in any sensible way we could document. >=20 > In R 2.0.0 (and current R-patched and R-devel): >=20 > > X11() > > library.dynam() > Filename Dynamic.Lookup >
2014 Jul 21
create R package include Fortran source code.
Hello, all I am building a R package using Fortran source code. The Fortran code is a subroutine. I can use "R CMD SHLIB bar.f -o bar.o" to create the shared library. For the R package, I put the fortran file in the src/ and I use R code as follows: ".First.lib"<-function(libname,pkgname){library.dynam("barpkg",pkgname,libname)} barfun<-function(n,x){
2010 Mar 17
Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Currently library() and attach() fail to locate an existing '.conflicts.OK' in a package wit name space, unless it is exported. Since there should be little interest in exporting '.conflicts.OK' otherwise, one may argue that those methods should look for '.conflicts.OK' even if it is not exported. If so, a patch for library() is: >svn diff library.R Index: library.R
2007 Aug 16
use AnnBuilderSourceUrls with local path insted of ftp adress
Hallo everybody. I want to build my own GO package using the function GOPkgBuilder of AnnBuilder. It uses AnnBuilderSourceUrls to collect data from different ftp sites. These data are not complete for my organism, so I would like to change the ftp adresses to a local one. The changing itself is working but when I run the script I get the following Error: Error in
2004 Jun 22
[Q] GET_DIM() crash on Windows only
I have the following contrived code in package format. On Solaris and Mac OS X, code runs just fine. On Windows, it crashes the R environment with the "Send Bug Report" dialog. I tried R 1.8.1 (Win2K) and R 1.9 (WinXP) binaries with the same result. PCs otherwise appear properly configured for creating R packages. Anything blatantly wrong? Suggestions? TIA Relevant files from package
2012 Mar 09
.conflicts.OK no longer working regardless of export(.conflicts.OK) due to "stoplist"
Hi, in (at least) R v2.14.2 and R v2.15.0 alpha, '.conflicts.OK' is not exported and hence to seen by library(). DETAILS: In R-devel thread '[Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces' on Mar 17-22, 2010 [] it was discussed that one had to export '.conflicts.OK' in the namespace,
2010 Feb 15
R-Commander plug-in difficulties
Hi All, I have recently created an Rcmdr plugin package and it passed all the checks and was uploaded to CRAN. I then downloaded it from CRAN and tried running it from my local R program and received this error: ... Error in f(libname, pkgname) : could not find function "getRcmdr" Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) : .First.lib failed for 'RcmdrPlugin.MAc' In my
2020 Feb 14
R-3.6.2 make check fails
I am trying to build the latest version of R (3.6.2) on a CentOS system running 7.7.1908. I have been able to build previous versions of R up to and including 3.5.3 successfully. Starting with 3.6.0 the "make check" step fails with errors relating to "pdflatex" being missing. So, I installed texlive-latex (and the 100 other rpm dependencies) then tried rebuilding R.
2011 Jan 23
setMethod call in package code using Rcpp
Dear all, I experience a problem in implementing a S4 class in a package and would appreciate your help in this matter. The class is implemented using Rcpp, which works well. I then extend the class with R functions, adding them as methods with a call to setMethod(...). When I do this outside the package (after loading the package with "library(...)"), everything works smoothly.
2013 Sep 23
Unable to execute Java MapReduce (Hadoop) code from R using rJava
Hi All, I have written a Java MapReduce code that runs on Hadoop. My intention is to create an R package which will call the Java code and execute the job. Hence, I have written a similar R function. But when I call this function from R terminal, the Hadoop job is not running. Its just printing few lines of warning messages and does nothing further. Here is the execution scenario: *>
2011 Jan 26
Problem with "setMethod" in R package
Dear all, My apologies for re-posting this question, but I have not found any solution to my problem so far. I also think that my post may have been overseen due to the posting time and high traffic on this list. I experience a problem in implementing a S4 class in a package and would appreciate your help in this matter. The class is implemented using Rcpp, which works well. I then extend
2005 Dec 08
Loading namespaces
I'm creating a package for my own use that uses some S4 classes but no methods. I have a file called NAMESPACE it contains the line: exportClasses("foo") and at the top of the R file I have setClass("foo", representation(x="numeric") and the line: .onLoad<-function(libname,pkgname) When I run R CMD check I get Syntax error in the only R file. If I
2012 Oct 18
R CMD check --force-biarch
I'm having problems getting R CMD check to work correctly on Windows 7 (64 bit) in a package that uses C code. What I want to do is to be able to pass the equivalent of the "--force-biarch" option to check, but this is only supported for INSTALL. Background: I'm writing a package (RNetica) which forms a link between R and a third-party library (Netica.dll). The vendor supplies
2012 Nov 28
R CMD check --force-biarch
I'm having problems getting R CMD check to work correctly on Windows 7 (64 bit) in a package that uses C code. What I want to do is to be able to pass the equivalent of the "--force-biarch" option to check, but this is only supported for INSTALL. Background: I'm writing a package (RNetica) which forms a link between R and a third-party library (Netica.dll). The vendor supplies
2006 Apr 13
Wishlist: 'quietly' argument for .onAttach() / b()
From: Prof Brian Ripley > > On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Peter Ruckdeschel wrote: > > > Hi R-devels, > > > > in "Writing R extensions" as well as in the help > > to .onAttach(), you mention that one could > > use this function to issue a start-up message/banner > > for the package. > > > > My little wish for Easter: > > > > a