Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "sample() from (un-)sorted vectors"
2011 Mar 04
S. function calculating x +- y
Hello, I am looking for an elegant one-liner for the following
x <- rnorm(10)
y <- runif(10)
c(mean(x)-mean(y), mean(x)+mean(y))
I thought about
apply(data.frame(x, y), 2, mean)
but I don't know how to apply the +- operation on the result of
apply. Thanks, *S*
Sascha Vieweg, saschaview at gmail.com
2011 Jan 28
R-/Text-editor for Windows?
Tinn-R (http://www.sciviews.org/Tinn-R/) is one of the topmost
suggestions when googling an R-(text-)editor for Windows. However,
to me it appears dissappointing that Tinn-R does not handle utf-8
(mac-roman, or any other) encoded R-scripts or, in general, text
files. Besides Emacs and the R built-in editor, could you
recommend a good editor for Windows, even some commmercial for a
2011 Apr 08
multinom() residual deviance
Running a binary logit model on the data
df <- data.frame(y=sample(letters[1:3], 100, repl=T),
reveals some residual deviance:
summary(glm(y ~ ., data=df, family=binomial("logit")))
However, running a multinomial model on that data (multinom, nnet)
reveals a residual deviance:
summary(multinom(y ~ ., data=df))
On page 203, the MASS book says that "here the
2011 Mar 08
plotCI() with ggplot2
Currently, I plot some coefficients with some intervals using
function "plotCI()" (package "gplots") using the following code:
(m1 <- matrix(0:5, nrow=2, byrow=T, dimnames=list(c("v1", "v2"),
c("lo", "m", "hi"))))
m2 <- m1 + 1
x=1:length(m1[, 1]),
2011 Nov 18
Apply functions along "layers" of a data matrix
How can I apply functions along "layers" of a data matrix?
daf <- data.frame(
'id' = rep(1:5, 3),
matrix(1:60, nrow=15, dimnames=list( NULL, paste('v', 1:4, sep='') )),
rep = rep(1:3, each=5)
The data frame "daf" contains 3 repetitions/layers (rep) of 4 variables
of 5 persons (id). For some reason, I want to calculate
2011 Jan 20
predict() for bootstrapped model coefficients
I run a multinomial regression on a data set with an outcome that
has three values. First, I build an initial model, b.mod. Then I
run a loop to bootstrap the coefficients. For the initial model,
using "predict()", I can print the wrong/false predictions table.
But how do I get this table (that is, the predictions) for the
bootstrapped model? Thanks for hints, *S*
df <-
2011 Nov 29
md.pattern ('mice') failure with more than 31 variables
How come that the function md.pattern() from package 'mice' delivers a
warning when run over data sets with more than 31 variables?
library( 'mice' )
x <- as.data.frame(
sample( c(1:3, 1:3, 1:3, NA), 7000, repl=TRUE ),
paste('V', 11:45, sep="")
md.pattern(x) # Warning message:
2011 Dec 01
transform data.frame holding answers --> data.frame holding logicals
I have a data frame, x, holding 5 persons answering the question which
cars they have used:
# the data frame
x <- as.data.frame(
c('BMW', '', '',
'Mercedes', 'VW', '',
'Skoda', 'VW', 'BMW',
'', '', '',
'VW', 'Skoda',
2012 Feb 19
Non-parametric test for repeated measures and post-hoc single comparisons in R?
Some attribute x from 17 individuals was recorded repeatedly on 6 time
points using a Likert scale with 7 distractors. Which statistical
test(s) can I apply to check whether the changes along the 6 time points
were significant?
set.seed( 123 )
x <- matrix( sample( 1:7, 17*6, repl=T ),
nrow = 17, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(1:17, paste( 'T', 1:6, sep='' ))
I found
2011 Feb 06
boot() versus loop, and statistics option
Hello R users
I am quite new to bootstrapping. Now, having some data x,
R: set.seed(1234)
R: x <- runif(300)
I want to bootstrap simple statistics, mean and quantiles (.025,
.975). Currently, I run a loop
R: res <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL,
... c("M", "Lo", "Hi"))))
R: for (i in 1:100) {
... y <-
2011 Feb 13
From numeric vector to string vector
Hi there, I have a numeric vector let say:
Vect <- c(12.234, 234.5675, 1.5)
Now I want a string vector like:
changedVec <- c("012.234", "234.568", "001.500")
Would be grateful if somebody help me how can I do that.
Thanks and regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 20
Include C++ DLL, error in ...: C symbol name not in load table
Hello R experts
I am googling and reading around, however, I can't get it working
(perhaps because I do not understand much C, however, I'll give it
a try). I am trying to include C++ code into an R routine, where
the C++ code looks:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void foo (double* x, double* y, double* out)
out[0] = x[0] + y[0];
Back in R, the command
2011 Jan 31
Sweave: change tab size
When Sweave outputs function code that spreads across many lines,
the default indent of inner lines is 4 spaces (plus the prompt).
How can I change that default to 2 spaces? I tried to adjust my
Sweave.sty with the option tabsize but that doesn't show an
effect. Also the Sweave documentation did not provide a cue.
Thanks for hints, *S*
Sascha Vieweg, saschaview at gmail.com
2011 Mar 14
code for "permutative" operation
Hello, I need some form of a "permutative" operation on a numeric
vector x
x = (v1, v2, v3, ..., vN)
that produces
x.r = (v1, v1+2, v1+v2+v3, ... v1+v2+...+vN)
If the operation is sum() I can run
x <- 5:8
m <- matrix(rep(x, length(x)), ncol=length(x))
(x.r <- rowsum(m * upper.tri(m, diag=TRUE), rep(1, length(x))))
But there's two things I don't know and kindly
2011 Apr 20
S: expert mailing list for general statistical questions
Hello R users and experts
Once in a while I have got questions that are not so much
R-related but related to (social scientific) statistics in
general. R-help would be the wrong list for such posts, and I am
looking for a similar mailing list or newsgroup (nntp). (It is
just a personal taste that I don't like web forums.) I have
googled and found a variety here:
2011 Jan 27
Help needed
Hello I am trying to solve these problems and I am not allowed to use loops or ifs.
1st Question
My first question is that I have generated 100 random numbers from the uniform distribution then
A)add only the negative integers.
B)add elements until the first appearance of a negative element.
I know how to choose the negative elements for A but how to find integers?
And I dont know what to do
2011 Jan 27
Writing program for these
Hello I am trying to solve these problems and I am not allowed to use loops or ifs.
1st Question
My first question is that I have generated 100 random numbers from the uniform distribution then
A)add only the negative integers.
B)add elements until the first appearance of a negative element.
I know how to choose the negative elements for A but how to find integers?
And I dont know what to do
2011 Apr 09
glm with multiple vars
I am looping through various models with different combinations of
independent variables which are stored as columns in x
glm(y ~ ??, data=x)
How can I pass the colnames of the selected columns of x into ?? seperating
them with a +
ie I want to generate
glm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=x)
glm(y ~ x2 + x3, data=x)
glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x4, data=x)
I have tried the sedit function
2011 Mar 01
unicode&pdf font problem RESOLVED
Just to add to this (I've been looking through the archive) problem with display unicode fonts in pdf document in R
If you can use the Cairo package to create pdf on Mac, it seems quite happy with pushing unicode characters through (probably still font family dependant whether it will display)
probstring <- c(' \u2264 0.2',' \u2268 0.4',' \u00FC 0.6',' \u2264
2011 Jun 22
First package submission to CRAN
I'm preparing to submit my first package to CRAN, thanks to the help of too
many people to mention.
I've built and checked the package on Windows ( making a zip) and my path
points to the 64 bit version of R.
Everything builds and checks and the final warnings have been fixed. My
package is pure R with no source from
other languages. My questions are as follows. I've read the